Eileen Briesch
on 12/26/09 1:22 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Janet and my OFF family:

It's snowing again here in West Michigan ... it was icy driving home last night and I spent Christmas at work, and before that had a lonely day at home. No one called ... I called my brothers and sister-in-law and talked to my mom at my brother Ed's house (he picked her up and took her to Mass out there ... he doesn't want her driving out there, nor do any of us). I was feeling a little blue yesterday as people talked about their Christmas dinners and family get-togethers at work. I mentioned my lonely Stouffer's dinner at home and no one seemed to get it. Anyway, I'm feeling rather depressed today. Day 2 of no antidepressants because I ran out and I'm waiting for them to come in the mail.

Have to work again tonight, but then I have two days off. No big plans; just sit at home, watch football and do laundry. I don't have to go to work til 5 p.m. today because I work for Muskegon tonight and the guy in charge said to stay home until then. So I will.

My tummy is bothering me today. We all brought goodies in to work last night and I think I ate too much of something that bothered me.

As for something good in 2009, well, I'm having a hard time thinking of anything. This has been a really bad year for me. Pay cuts, buyouts, the move to sports that I didn't want to take (and still hate because they don't give me enough to do), the upheaval in the newspaper industry, the death of my friend Margie that was so unexpected (and I never got to say goodbye), struggling through on less than half a paycheck, living with daily pain of my knee replacement that doesn't seem to get better despite another surgery, my brother losing his job because of AIG's problems, now my mother's mental health declining, my job future in question ... I don't know if I have anything good. Oh, well, maybe I have my health. It's pretty good. I don't have cancer, I'm not dying. I will be out of bankruptcy sometime at the end of this year, I think (don't know the exact date ... I keep waiting for the letter). It's been nearly four years of hell.

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough. Hope everyone has a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Mary M.
on 12/26/09 5:56 am - Minneapolis, MN
So sorry it's been such a difficult year, Eileen.  Hopefully 2010 will bring something good to you!

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
on 12/26/09 2:25 am
Happy Saturday, OFF family!

Tis the day after Christmas and I have about 10 minutes before before we leave for the Hussey Family Christmas party so I thought I would update with some pictures from our day yesterday.

I got up around 7--not the first to awaken but the only one up then.  I took a couple of pictures of the tree.

If you look at the bottom right, you'll see that Amber was admiring the tree too.

Kosmo didn't seem especially impressed with it

It was a very laid-back day.  Normally, everyone's up and opening gifts by 9 but this year, nearly everyone slept in.  By the time we started breakfast (around 10 a.m.!) we hadn't even opened any gifts yet.

Little T and his dad came over as we were having a very late breakfast.  He said he didn't want any thing at first but as soon as all the food was gone, he wanted eggs, LOL, so I made a scrambled egg just for him!

Bill helped Tomas search for the pickle ornament while I made the little guy his egg.  Tomas found it but decided Bill could play Santa in his place.

We'd gotten T a handheld V-Smile game player and here, TB and I enjoy playing right along

Think regifting doesn't work?  Check out the look on Kristin's face!

"See" you all again soon!

Mary M.
on 12/26/09 5:59 am - Minneapolis, MN
Wonderful idea to post the good stuff!  I have so much, I often say I have EVERYTHING I need.  A roof over my head, food on the table, a car to drive.  I see people without those things and it makes me so sad and so grateful.

This year I got the gift of RNY surgery.  Nearly 3 months ago and I'm already doing better!!!  That was the biggest positive thing this year.


"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
(deactivated member)
on 12/26/09 9:50 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Well it's very late in the day but I thought I'd post anyway.....
This has been a pretty good year. Some challenges but things worked out ok.  I've spend at least 1/2 the year, if not more, recovering from various plastic surgeries.  For the most part I am thrilled with the results.  I have one more big procedure planned and the final revision to my arms and then I should be done.  FINALLY!!!!!!!

Highlights of the year other than surgery...... buying the new house and getting all new furniture and seeing my landscaping come together.
Reaching my final weight loss goal.....about 162 or 165 lbs lost in roughly 18 months.
Fitting into size 6 pants and dresses!  wahooooooo!!!!
Finding a new confidence in myself.....still working on it but it's been getting better and better.

Regrets.....not getting home to see my family and the time I get there next year it will be more than a year since I've seen them. 

Hoping to have a couple more positive things to add to the list before the end of the year....
on 12/26/09 12:34 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Am I too late?

The best thing that happened to me in 2009 was that my son finished his chemo and his last 3 CT scans have been all clear.

Hands down, that's the best thing.



Nancy B
on 12/26/09 12:45 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

It's been a hard year for me...the disappointment of not losing more weight..the emotional it's mainly my own fault...but Dr Hagen referred me to a special obesity clinic so Im on the way again... Dr Wharton says its genetics and propensity mostly but I take responsibility for it myself.

My Mom really faded badly this last year where she lived in an independent-living complex and I didnt expect her to last much longer. I had to fight like crazy to find help for her, and, in doing so, I found my voice from my past experiences in advocacy, and Mom is now well-established and HAPPY in her new home at an assisted living facility.  It's three times as far for me to drive but she is stronger, more mentally alert and actually smiling and laughing again...Ive got my Mom back again! And sometimes, I call and she doesnt answer...because she is playing BINGO! 

She turned 90 in November and I wanted to hold a small Tea Party for her birthday but my guest list grew from an expected 12 to over 45 as word got around.  My natural sister refused to assist or even attend, her loss, but her two daughters and her son and their families DID attend and now I am closer with them!

We went thru hell sorting and organizing Mom's stuff...I didnt know a little old lady could possibly gather so much STUFF but finally, this week, it is all moved to her newe home or to my house.  My house is filled over-ful now with boxes of Mom's stuff but now I can sort it out at my leisure.

I studied hard and am now a Certified MetaPhysical Counsellor and a Certified LifePath Consultant..I've mentored six young women and they have all done so well!  I sacrificed every other Sunday afternoon and evenings to meet with them for four months but they have taken great strides and stepped out of their comfort zones and grown immensely and that makes me feel good.

My health is good, my boys are doing well, hubby is slowly changing a bit (a good thing).  My adopted sister has reverted back to (or never stopped) her parasitic ways but I've put a stop to Mother's enabling her by tightening the control of Mom's money so that she has everything SHE needs to be safe and happy instead of handing it all to my sister, the drug addict. 

We are now much closer to my cousins in Quebec (and also up north family too) and really enjoy being with them and have renewed regular contact.

My determination has grown for the new year to take better care of me now that Mom is finally being well-cared for and I can relax's long overdue..I've been so busy caring for everyone else that I neglected myself.  Will I ever learn?



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karen C.
on 12/26/09 10:33 pm - Kennewick, WA
Hi there Red, I'm still in a bit of a pithy mood. Just grousy, don't really know why. Kind of that winter cabin fever kind of thing. I have so much to be thankful for, but it just never seems like enough. I and my growing family are all relatively healthy. I am able to go and do things that I only dreamed of 5 years ago. That should make me smile. Thank you for reminding me!

Karen C

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