(deactivated member)
on 12/25/09 9:25 pm - Somewhere IN, TX

I think for the next few days we can all find something that was sad or tragic in our lives that good came from it.  You now have a bond with your sister.  Mother's never leave until they have taught the last lesson.

on 12/25/09 10:05 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 11/05/08 with
Thanks for this Janet...
Worst moment was having my FIL die in June on the day my DH was helping our son and family move to their first home of their own.  The good was that we are even closer with DH's step sister and our son's family... get to babysit our older grand twice a week and in Sept. we got a second wonderful grandbaby.

RNY ohcardsmallsheri.gif picture by lynnca1972 Nov 5, 2008
16 pounds lost pre surgery    
on 12/25/09 10:21 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Everyone,

Over all it was a good year.  I got my surgery in Januray 2009 and started a new life.

Some things I could have done without this year.  My son was in a bad car accident.
I had to put my dog down the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. 

We all have our health that is what matters. 

We had a nice Christmas, everyone was claiming they were broke but everyone still went out and Bought what others NEEDED.   No frivilous gifts.  A sock and underwear kind of Christmas lol

I hope everyone is doing well after Christmas.  I cheated only once with a few peanut M&Ms  Felt guilty and said I will not eat those again!

Take care everyone..


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

Judy G.
on 12/25/09 10:59 pm - Galion, OH

morning janet and OFF!!!!

wow what a Christmas day we had here!!!! it was just rick and me and bandit and cocoa....i got so many nice gifts from rick!!! a beautiful watch, an ohio state hooded sweatshirt, a garth brooks cd collection, a keyboard for my pc and best of all he told me i was beautiful and he loved me and was happy i was in his life!!!! :-) we also gave each other a food dehydrator and a weight bench. no excuse now for not exercising!!! the food we had was excellent i might we ate off and on most of the day picking at the ham....paying for that

ricks mom is going to bring the baby over so he can open his gifts from us and we can open our gifts from his mom and her ours. hopefully it will be a happy day again. so much stress with ricks daughter bringing everyone down....

well lets see what i can come up with for what happened that was good this year....i got a 40 cent an hour raise that starts the 27th!!! :-) that is good!!! got my mom to come here to ohio to see our apartment and town....and best of all i found out i am the beneficiary from gary and i get a nice check each month for the rest of my life!!!!! how cool is that??????? i guess GOD was watching how i was treated and HE saw fit that i was taken care of now!!!! THANKYOU GOD!!!! so now i will have to think of more to post the next few

oh!! someone mentioned a corn casserole the other day....or was it corn chowder??? anyhow either one or both i would like the reciepe for if you don't mind. thanks!!!

weather here is chilly and sunny...all the snow is gone now and its muddy because its warm enough to melt the frozen ground....yuck!!!!

well best got off here and go to bank cash check and make deposit so we can pay the rent next week. have a wonderful day everyone and know that i AM thinking of you all!!!!!

SMILE!!!!! makes everyone feel better!!! ;-)

Just Janie
on 12/25/09 11:44 pm - Vero Beach, FL
Good things - Everyone in my family was healthy all year. I had WLS and am feeling like a new person. Finding good from bad - my position was eliminated at work and I was devastated - but after some moving around within the organization have settled into a dream job for me. I have no stress and I'm not really responsiible for anyone but myself - plus I love what I'm doing. My children are both doing well in college and they are both good kids. Those are the things that I am thankful for.
     Goal reached in 4 1/2 months.   15 pounds below goal  SW 216.5/GW150/CW133

George T.
on 12/25/09 11:45 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning all.  Janet, this is a terrific idea.  It has not been a bad year for me.  Not too much bad has happened.  I like it like that.

I guess the worst thing that happened was losing Flyte.  He is still missed.  I still find myself calling Pride, Flyte once in a while.  The good that came of it is how much more appreciative we are of Pride.

Of the good things that happened for me, one of the highlights of my year was meeting up with some young ladies at Janet birthday get together.  I was honored to be the only male there (it's a shame my wife came with me, you never know what might have happened if she hadn't... LOL).  I loved meeting y'all.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Connie D.
on 12/26/09 12:00 am

Good Morning Jamet and everyone......

My biggest good thing this year is that Nic is still with us!!! I am so grateful that Nic's Cancer hasn't spread any further and he is enjoying his life. He goes back to Memphis in January...please keep him in your prayers.

I had an okay Christmas. I went to a movie with my girlfriend Pam and Dwayne and his kids. We saw Avatar 3D....that was amazing!! Dwayne's mother invited me to join them for Christmas dinner at her place so I went along. It beat being alone.She is a wonderful lady!

Today I am just laying low....nothing much going on and that is okay with me. I wil not go out and shop the day after Christmas no matter how great the sales are!!

Prayers to all those in need. Have a enjoyable day everyone! What a wonderful group of friends you are...I appreciate you every day!!

Love and hugs to all....connie d


on 12/26/09 12:17 am - Houston, TX

Janet, thanks for focusing on the positive. Starting with the most recent for me, I went to see Avatar in 3D on Christmas day and it was so much fun. That was my first 3D experience, found myself brushing a leaf out of my face which of course was not real.  Taking the initiative to go to that movie turned around what is usually a very depressing day for me.

Glad to hear Mike is still in love and it seems to be reciprocated. They are such a lovely couple and looked so in love at your birthday party.



on 12/26/09 12:52 am
 2009 .......  What an interesting year for me.

I have much to be thankful for:

My health, even though I still have issues, has greatly improved.  Mom's health is also very good also.

My children and grandchildren are all healthy.  It is nice to see such lively and fun loving kids.  One sister is in a convalescence home but is improving.

More to share tomorrow.....  Thanks Janet for focusing on the positive of the year.

Laureen S.
on 12/26/09 1:08 am - Maple Shade, NJ

I, too, think this is a great idea! 

Sometimes we can only focus on whatever current drama is going on with us, but through my journey, and with the friendships I've formed on this board, I have found that while whatever I am going through, it accounts for something in my life, as in I no longer minimize my life events, when I read daily about all of the stuff that goes on in other's lives, Connie, Grammylew, Carla, Brenda, to name just a few, I am in awe of some of the courage, grace and dignity that exists among us here on this board!

So the positives that came this year. . .

My son and his family are back from their 2 years of living abroad (sometimes I wonder if this has been a positive (lol)). 

I lost a job, but gained time spent with my wonderful Dillinger, eventually found a new job, which while I don't love it, I am extremely grateful to have it.

I met fabulous people, who I had mostly, just known through here at your birthday celebration in Dallas and that was one of the highlights of this past year.

I took in a new roommate, which almost cost me the roommate I have, but in the end it made us closer than ever and we asked the other gal to move on.

My daughter graduated nursing school. . .

Dillinger passed on and now I have this wonderful, sweet girl, who I believe was handpicked by Dillinger to bring more joy into my life. . . 

Life is a circle, there is joy, there is sorrow, but what I cannot bear alone, I can and do have support to get through, right here with all you marvelous sistah's and brothers!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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