A dog's Christmas wish
Thank you for loving your animals - and to Laureen, thank you for taking in a rescued dog.
Merry Christmas everyone. Margaret
And "thank you" to George and everyone else who has taken in a rescued animal - they repay us with so much love!
A dog's Christmas wish
On Christmas Morning I wish for every animal searching trash cans for breakfast, A filled bowl with his name printed in bright letters.
For every dog who slept fitfully last night, chained in a frozen yard, A soft, warm bed with a person snoring gently nearby.
For every shelter animal spending Christmas morning in a soiled run, A forever home, filled with sounds and smells of family.
For every Christmas puppy given today, A tolerant, caring owner who won't abandon you as you grow into a real dog.
For every ailing pet, Enough money for your owner to pay the bill to make you well.
For every lost animal, A clear, safe road and well-marked path to lead you home.
For every old and tired friend, A warm fire and a soft bed to ease your aches and pains.
And for every Heart Dog at the Bridge, A moment when you know that you are remembered today, missed again, and loved forever. --- Author unknown
Let no dog at Christmas time go unloved or unwanted.
You brought tears to my eyes with this poem. . . I am so grateful to know that I could open my heart and home to the beautiful and sweet dog that has already captured mine, my boyfriend's and roommate's heart.
As I lay in bed last night, amazed at what all are the blessings in my life, I wished I could afford to rescue more because the love you get is so much more than I think the human heart can handle. . . Dillinger too was a rescue, along with his two littermates, they were two weeks old when I got them and I bottle and eyedropper fed them, nursed them, successfully through parvo, and placed them all in loving homes, but Dillinger was to come back to me and I will always be grateful for the 12 years of love he gave and from the deepest part of me, I believe his spirit guided Roxie into my life and while she has been here only 4 days, already she feels like family and has gone a lone way into mending what Dillinger's passing broke inside me!
So yes, rescue is the way to go, bring home an animal that needs tender love, for as your GS has rewarded you, there are many more that need such opportunities. . .
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland