Went to my sister-in-laws and had a traditional Italian Christmas eve dinner. Opened gifts. Then our family went to 10pm Mass. The kids are in bed so we will be Santa soon. Having a cup of tea and realized, It's after midnight so I am now officially 55.....UGH !

Hi my OFF family:
Wow, you're going to Alaska soon ... how cool is that! It's a great trip, you'll love it. It was my first cruise (my injured right knee's worker's comp settlement trip). I took a one-week cruise and a one-week land tour. I had such a blast, and I went by myself. Met so many fascinating people.
If you're officially 55, it must be your birthday too ... so happy birthday ... I turn 55 in April.
I usually have some presents to open on Christmas Day ... whatever Margie would send, but not this year. Nope, I opened my gifts on Sunday with my family, so that's all for me. And that's OK. My gift really was spending time with my family (although I loved the stand mixer my sister-in-law got me ... can't wait to play with that ... and the movies my brother got me). But the best thing was seeing everyone, especially my grandnephews, who always make me smile.
I worked yesterday; we get a gift from a grab bag (stuff given to the publisher or editor as gifts) if we work the holidays. I got a bottle of wine. It actually was champagne, but I said I didn't drink champagne, so the person handing out the gifts gave me wine instead and switched the tags. Lucky me I got there early enough. And I'll work tonight, too. I bought some munchies to take into work for my coworkers. Hope others reciprocate.
I have no big plans for dinner because I have to work. I'll probably make a frozen dinner and have a salad. I have a half sandwich left over from yesterday, so I'll take that for lunch at night. Nothing really great.
Still haven't gotten my 3-month supply of Lexapro, and I couldn't get a short-term supply from Walgreens, even though my doc called it in ... my insurer wouldn't pay for it because they've already filled the 3-month one but it hasn't arrived here. So I'm going to be off it for who knows how long ... a day, maybe four. Great time to be without antidepressants, the holidays, huh? I figure I'm going to be extra cranky and moody. Stay out of my way at work the next two days, folks.
Well, I've rambled on long enough. I hope everyone's Christmas is better than mine. I really do love Christmas, but I just don't have a very good day usually because I have to work.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Merry Christmas also!
I hope everyone has a very happy holiday.
The last week has been busy with holiday parties etc. so Greg and I are looking forward to spending a quite day at home with our animals.
PS: I got a new puppy for Christmas!! Now to think of names.
Enjoy every minute of new love!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
So what about Mistletoe? Rudolph? Santa? Blitzen? Donner? Comet? Cupid? (any other reindeer names?) Frosty? ... I'm trying to come up with Christmas related names here.