Hey gang, what's keeping your motivation up???
Okay Saturday was our family get together. I really didn't do too bad so I'm not beating myself up over it. I really did try to concentrate on the people and not all those goodies.
So today after work it's back to spin class for me. I know I'm doing okay because my snug size 6 pants are now fitting like they use to.
Are you with me???? Wanna exercise to get those extra calories off? How about a little walk today? Do you belong to a gym and just have gotten away from going to the gym? Need a little pick me up? Do you get the "blues" during the holidays? Well I do and I have to fight them, I have to work out and exercise to give me a lift.
OH!!! I also treated myself to a hair makeover, it's now short and sassy. My volunteer who works with me in my office said it makes me look 10 years younger. Now hubby likes the longer hair but again, he doesn't take care of it...I do. So it's chin length, lots of layers and I went to a new color, dark brown with red mixed in. I love it. I can still pull it up into a very high ponytail and the shorter hair in the back falls out of it but it is also a good workout do...you women know what I mean. I can just put style gel in it and spike it all around too for a totally different look.
I hear you on facing the challenges, because normally when I go on a vacation I can plan for things, this was not the case this past week and my daughter and her b/f have the eating habits and food in the house that I generally don't/won't eat, but I did not want to make issue with anything, so I made due and some of my "made due" was not great choices, not to mention the food that the vendors send to this office is shameful and while I mostly steer clear, I am off track and so I think the 5-day pouch test is in order, but I know that with the holidays upon us, I will not be ready before the 1st of the year and so I am going to gear up for renewal of following my nutritionist's chart for eating come the beginning of the year and I am also going to get my now lazy butt back in the gym at least 3x a week or some sort of physical activities, as I got off that track because I was not wanting to spend any time more than I had to away from Dillinger. . . bad habits die hard and recreating a good one takes time, so I'm going to take/make the time.
Like you I've changed hairstyles and love the new look, unlike you I am not a size 6 (lol) and I would like to be a size 10 and am a 12, so I am saying as an accountability factor that I will be doing what works best, logging and making good food choices, moving and grooving to get my heart rate in the right place and just generally making sure that 6 lbs. does not become 10, does not become 50. . . because I did not chose to live this way to fail once more. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Oh Laureen, I so get you my friend.
On the cruise I lost control but won't be myself up about it.
Gaining weight is so easy for us especially when we get older. Staying on top of it is a must!!
Good for you doing the 5 day pouch test...you gotta do what you gotta do.
For me, I went back to drinking protein Atkins low carb shakes once a day and exercising. That did the trick for me. Now I'm sipping on my Fuze and drinking water before my spin class, then another 24 oz during spin class....then I will be up a few times in the night peeing...go figure!!
Actually, the only thing motivating me right now is the thought of the vacation I'm planning in February, and the fact that my warm weather clothes are just a wee bit too tight to be truly comfortable. And I'm all about comfort....