What's New Revue for Monday 12/21
morning george and OFF...
george my heart goes out to oleta and her mom....so sad!!!
well we got a little bit of the white stuff over the weekend....enough to cover the grass....yippeeee looking alot more like Christmas now!!!!
worked all weekend and OMG i am so sore in the hips!!! i hurt so bad i can't even lay down to sleep without hurting so bad!!! thinking of calling the dr and see what i can do or what she will do for me. my BP is also way up!!! last time i took it it was finally coming down. not sure why it went so high except maybe because of that pain i am in???? finally sleeping good and then the neighbors dog starts barking and howling non stop and is still going at it!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR rest of the week i am working is today, tuesday and thursday all 1-6. i am off friday and saturday so that is good!!!!
i won a ham at work!!! :-) bad thing is we just bought one 2 days before that!!! :-( so we have ham forever....LOL guess we will freeze it and use it for Easter??? so now we have a turkey and a ham in the freezer!!! turkey will be cooked for new years so that is good. need to concentrate more on eating protein and not the bad foods!!! weighed the other day and i about s**t!!! i am up about 20 pounds!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! so first of the year its back to program and get back in gear losing this fat once again!!! a trip to the vitamin shoppe for some protein drinks and start the 5 day pouch test and get back on track!!!! yuppers i am going to do it!!!! ;-) we bought each other a weight bench for Christmas and i have the tony little gazzelle so we are turning the extra bedroom into a workout room. rick wants to buff up and i want to tone up but not sure if its to late for me or not...saggy skin is the pits and no i am not going to do surgery....not sure if my new insurance covers it or not have to check it out....;-)
well not much else happening so i will get my shower in and then get ready for work. good to see maui karen back!!! :-) know i am thinking of you all......and don't forget to SMILE!!!!!!! :-) MAKES PEOPLE HAPPY SEEING A SMILE!!!!
hugs to all and also prayers to those that need them!!!!
Prayers are out for Oleta and her family.
I still dont have a bonifide schedule at work....GRRRRRRR Unemployment is up and still dont have hours at the hospital. She the supervisor was supposed to call me on Friday but she didnt. I called at 7am this morning to see if I was on the schedule for some reason and I finally talked to her and she is still working on the holiday coverage. Im not trained yet so I dont think Ill be working untill after the New Year.
I really need to know what the schedule is so I can plan a short trip to Denver to see my doc. and do a surprize party for my best friend in the world!!!!!
My birthday came and past. It was yesterday.
So today Im not doing again anything.
George, your plans for Christmas sound lovely! How wonderful for your granddaughter to have "Ava-safe" snacks. :)
Yesterday I made Irish soda bread but did very little else except goof off and enjoy the view from the windows.
Here's what my husband and kids did:

I have to run now and take my son to work. His car wouldn't start on Friday and we don't know what's wrong with it. No one has any money to fix it so it'll have to wait until my son gets paid. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Hi George & Everyone!
It's been a while since I've been here. Too much Facebook!
I've been doing OK with the weight loss, had a 1st year anniversary a month ago. I'm not where I wanted to be but still... I'm a long way away from what I was a year ago! For some reason I've been at a stall, welll, there IS a reason and that's another reason why I'm visiting this board again. It's called CARBOHYDRATES! I gave in and had some bread a couple months ago and that was my downfall. I have to keep my grubby hands off of it in the grocery store. My brain hasn't wrapped itself around portion control yet with those starchy carbs.
Nine months after my surgery I walked the Breast Cancer 3-Day. If you don't know what it is, it's 60 miles of walking over 3 days to raise money and awareness of breast cancer research and education. I did it! Nine months earlier I could hardly walk up a flight of stairs without pulling myself up by the hand rail and stopping halfway to "regroup." What a difference! I'm finding out that I even have ribs and a breastbone. Whoda thought..
Am just getting over pneumonia, so my Christmas tasks are way behind schedule. Hopefully today I can shop and get to the grocery store. Ugh.
My prayers for Oleta, George and holiday blessings to all.
on to your destination.

You've done great, but those carbs are nasty to us and a part of why I got so big to begin with and lately I have been suffering from too many, gained about 6 lbs and that is not a good thing, so I'm going to put this out there and perhaps you might want to consider it. . . after the holidays are behind us I am going to do the 5 day pouch test, it is a sort of restart of what life was immediately post surgery and it is a good way to purge some bad habits and reset that full feeling. If you are interested, look it up by googling it and I will post a thread about it in the next day or so and who ever wants to join in, we can help each other through it. . . oh and I need to get back into the habit of the gym, which for good reasons I got out, but now it's time to get back into what I know works at keeping the pounds off this old girl. . .
Have a great day!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Kayden is off to southern Illinois with his Mom to see his Grandma and Grandpa. Personally, I was not for this but DS did what he did and I told him that I wasn't saying anything. He knew what I thought and I had my say and I told him that I was not saying anything anymore. I really and truly think that he believes that DIL wants him back and she doesn't. He is calling her sweetheart and all sorts of crap and she is rolling her eyes when she talks to him. She doesn't even talk decent to him....OMG how stupid can one man be? His father told him that she doesn't want to go back to him but he won't listen so he is in for a world of hurt....and in a way I am glad....Bill kept telling me that it is going to come back to bite him in the butt and we are going to sit back and watch it. You can only tell someone something so much and then you figure out there is no way they are going to listen so what happens happens.
Eileen is on her way home and she called me about a hour ago and we are meeting for lunch. I should go get my shower and get dressed since I have to leave in less than an hour. We are meeting at the steakhouse that I never remember the name of. ha ha I always call it something else and I still don't know what the name is. How sad is that?
I guess I should go. Nothing much is happening here today. Bill wants to wrap up the gifts that we have so far and get that done with. I hate to wrap..use to love doing it and they always looked so nice but now...who cares? Sad but true. Bill wraps so badly but I just let him go for it. Beats me having to do it! ha ha
I hope that everyone has a super day and know that I am sending love and hugs to you all. I am saying prayers for everyone. Keep pretty smiles on your faces and bring holiday joy to the ones around you.
George ..prayers for your DIL's mother. I know its hard.
Cassie...you finally got Snow!!! Thank god it hit NJ and not where I live in the southern tier of NY...usually thats the kind of storm that hits us!!! I was reading your profile a little...did your dr. ever figure out why you LFT's (liver function tests) were so high? Mine are dropping , but they are still way above the norm. My alkaline phosphatase is the worst..normal can go to 110...before my gall bladder surgery it was 180..went down to 126..now back up to 136. My PCP thinks its related to the non -working thyroid and parathyroid, but I'm still worried about the liver. My biopsy came back stating "chronic hepatitis" although all blood tests for hepatitis were negative. My surgeon said it means "chronic inflammation" but doesn't know from what.
Just wondering.
Prayers and hugs to all who need them..
Margo safe trip...
Brenda...I have a daughter who should not be with her boyfriend...they have broken up more times than I have been pregnant. She doesn't listen either...might be time for a cuff up side the head. Think that will work??
Good morning George and everyone....
George my prayers continue for both Oleta's and all your family....please keep us updated.
As for me....UGH...and that is about it. I just want to check in and make sure all is well with all you wonderful people. I will check in again later....
Prayers to all in need. Have a peaceful and beautiful day everyone!
Love and hugs....connie d
Thanks so much for the lovely Christmas Card. I'm with you and Mary, this OFF family means so much to me...
on 12/21/09 12:55 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
George, sorry to hear Oleta's mom is not doing well. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Today I need to take it easy. I did WAY TO MUCH over the weekend and I am swollen like nobodys business and suffering from it. I do need to get to the supermarket for some cooking/baking supplies but other than that I am just going to rest so I can start baking tomorrow.
Talked to my family and friends in NY yesterday.....my brother was the big winner with 27 inches of snow....one sister had 22 inches of the white stuff and my parents about 20. I enjoyed seeing all the pictures but must admit I'm so glad I am not shoveling it!
Temps dropped here too.....only 50 degrees when I got out of bed this morning....burrr...but still a whole lot better than most places.
Hope you all have a marvelous Monday.
I'm off to do nothing....LOL