It's's cold ..and OMG it's really early!!!
That dog should be reported. Lucky it was an adult and not a child that it lunged for. Sounds like the dog needs some taking care of. Not a mean kind but care that will help it be a trained dog. Howling like it does is not good for it or the neighbors.
Have fun with the kids... I love watching them open the "unknown"... such a delight...
hi millie!!! this dog isn't a mean dog...its still a puppy so to speak...BUT he is huge!!! and his claws hurt!!! i tried telling this neighbor to put a choke collar on him so she would have more control over him but she doesn't listen...she only apologizes for his wrong doings!!! maybe if i DID call the police she would get her butt in gear and do something about him!!
I'm not mean to dogs or cats.... I just believe that they need good loving training... many don't get it. I had a dog once that was a fear biter... what a mess that was.
Anyway, my humble opinion.... I just hate to see anyone jumped on by a dog... or puppy.
Have a great day....
i am watching my leg and all other parts as well when this beast is out!!! i try to avoid it at all costs but she just doesn't get it to keep him away from me!!!! and i AM getting closer to calling the police or the animal control or whatever i need to do so she does something about this dog!!!! months ago i told her to get a choke collar for him so she would have more control over him but she didn't listen....bruise is about the size of a quarter and dark....guess no dress for Christmas...pants again for me....
I am going to bake today to get the cookies out of the way. I have to do some shopping for the things that I am giving to a few people. Of course I have to make some for Bill too. He has such a mouthful of sweet teeth. He would have been lucky if he just had a sweet tooth and not the whole mouth full of them. I am making several kinds of cookies and by the time I get done I will be sick of looking at them. Or at least I sure hope so!
We are getting snow this morning. I woke up to hearing the snow plows doing their work. I am not sure how much we are going to get...but I just hope it isn't lake effect. You never know how much of that stuff we are going to get when that comes. But I am hoping that we have a white Christmas. I love having the snow on Christmas Eve and early Christmas morning. Then it can go away and not come bac****il the same time next year.
I am still in the air as to what is happening around here Christmas Eve. I think that DS is suppose to come but he is leaving to get Kayden from DIL's parents house. They live down in southern (way southern too!) Illinois. I guess it is going to take 6 hours for him to get there and another 6 to get back home. I hope and pray that all works out well when he gets down there.
I suppose I should be moving on. I have things to do and for some reason time is not standing still. It sure would be a bit better if it least for a little while.
I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a great day and spread the Christmas cheer among everyone you come in contact with. Smiles help everyone so make sure you smile! They help the smiler too. ha ha
I dislike when I come to the realization that I've run out of time to do all the things I wanted to do for Christmas. Like bake some gingerbread cookies for the grandkids. I will be lucky to finish the doorway puppet theatre by tonight. I didn't get any Christmas cards out either. Oh well, maybe next year.
I had planned on spending tonight doing our packing and finishing up our gift wrapping and the puppet theatre. We leave first thing in the morning for upstate NY. Then Hubby announces he wants to go shopping tonight to use a coupon for $20.00 at Casual Male before it's expiration on 12/24. Sigh, I know the merchandise will be picked over and some things he needs will not be available. (They were already out of his size undershirts when I went two weeks ago.) Why do some men wait to the last minute. I know that this year will be like last year - no present for me from Hubby. I got him thoughtful gifts last year and he got me nada. Two weeks before Christmas I even emailed him links to where he could purchase on-line and have it delivered right to the house, after he asked me what I wanted. On Christmas morning he claimed he was in too much pain from his knees to shop - feel free to go buy myself something. He had still been going to work. He bought all the office ladies gifts. So this year I got him a practical, thoughtless gift - bandanas - he uses them for handkerchiefs. This is an underlying symptom of other things that are wrong in our marriage. I'm not sure I can do our marriage anymore. 2010 may be the last of it. I can't remember the last time we spent a happy time together. He's a grouch almost all the time. I think I'm done.
I hope everyone stays safe this holiday season. Sorry to hear about your son and brother's accident Janet. I'm glad they were OK. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. I probably won't be on until next Tuesday.
Happy Holidays,
(((bev))) i know how you feel about not getting a gift from your hubby!!! my hubby few years ago told me if i wanted anything to take the charge card and go get "something". well i did...i spent alot on myself and guess what...i never had to go get myself "something" again!!! he DID shop for me after that....LOL but how is it that your hubby can shop for the women at work and not you??? shame on him!!! maybe it would be better if you left him....hope he likes the bandanas!!! ;-)
I was so pooped last night, I sacked out in bed at about 9 p.m., with the football game on (it was pretty boring, though, and one-sided), and fell asleep fairly early (for me, at least). I was the last one posting yesterday, so no one probably read about my fabulous family Christmas party. It was fun ... my little grandnephews always make it entertaining (they are 9 and 5). We are worried about the decline in my mom, though. She had an accident a couple of weeks ago and although she said she slid on a slick spot, my brother Ed said it wasn't slippery that day. He thinks her reflexes are going on her and she shouldn't be driving. I agree. But we can't convince her to give up her keys and license.
Well, tonight it's back to work. I was glad it didn't snow until I got home yesterday (just as I pulled into the driveway). Today, it's a little sunny but not much. We treasure the sunshine in West Michigan in the winter ... we get so little of it.
Janet, sorry to hear about the accident. Annette, I love the kitty litter idea. I have had the problem with chocolate lately, or sweets in general, too. George, I hope Oleta will be relieved of her suffering soon.
My brother Gary left for Texas yesterday to visit his friend Bruce, who is dying. We think Bruce will probably go after the holidays ... he is just holding out for Christmas and one last visit from Gary. They are like brothers. Bruce, if you recall, has Hodgkins and a stem-cell transplant didn't work two years ago (that was when I was dog-sitting their seven dogs in Lubbock). He's such a nice guy, rescues those dogs from the shelter. He has such a big, kind heart. I know it will really affect Gary when Bruce is gone ... Gary has such a hard time making friends. So keep him in your thoughts/prayers.
Well, that's all from me. Hope everyone has a good day.