We got approximately 8 inches if not more. Some roads near us got 10 to 12 inches. It was beautiful to see but, boy, it is SLICK!!! Our church was cancelled for the morning due to power outtages. Some people will not have electric till Christmas Day. Our power was off from 2 am this morning till 8 pm this evening.... We used our generator for the fridge, freezer and heat. I was glad of that. Anyhow, hope things are okay in your area.
Brrrr sounds cold where you are. We are having mild weather right now and it feels good. Our cold spell makes this feel tropical.
Still working at finishing Christmas gifts. Made 3 batches of biscotti yesterday and will flavor pecans, almonds & walnuts soon.
I keep wanting to sleep but can't. I stopped using my Cpap machine over a year ago but am wondering if I need it again... I hope not but I seem to have the same symptoms as before. This cursed weight gain is really getting to me. Aaarrggghhh
Today I'll spend most of the day in front of the sewing machine. My favorite place to be.
Hope everyone is safe, sane and having fun.....
Still working at finishing Christmas gifts. Made 3 batches of biscotti yesterday and will flavor pecans, almonds & walnuts soon.
I keep wanting to sleep but can't. I stopped using my Cpap machine over a year ago but am wondering if I need it again... I hope not but I seem to have the same symptoms as before. This cursed weight gain is really getting to me. Aaarrggghhh
Today I'll spend most of the day in front of the sewing machine. My favorite place to be.
Hope everyone is safe, sane and having fun.....