whats new on Saturday

Connie D.
on 12/19/09 6:46 am
Thanks for the hugs Debbie....I sure can use them!

Hugs back at you....connie d
on 12/19/09 12:29 am

Today started with quite a "thrill".   My neighbor has been having trouble with his smoke detector.  It went off  last night and of course the whole apartment building had to evacuate until the fire department shows up.  He wasn't even cooking.

Then this morning it went of at 7:20 ..... went outside to wait for the fire department.  We no more than got in the house and it went off again....... Aaaarrrrggghhh   It has such a loud piercing screech that it has left me with buzzing in my ears.

My mom had a hard time getting up and out too.  She had to go potty first so by the time she got bundled up it was quite the time....  then for the second time she just sat in the car.  It wasn't to cold for me but for her it was.

We have my son's annual Holiday Party.  He finds a large Yule log to burn each year and puts it in the yard.  The guys stand around swapping stories and lies... the women usually stay in the house, where it is warm....  and tell their stories too.  It is a lot of fun.  Way too much food though.  This year I will eat before I go and spend more time visiting .... away from the food.

Have a Holly Jolly Holiday....

Judy G.
on 12/19/09 12:43 am - Galion, OH

omg millie!!! sounds like this neighbor needs to get a new smoke detector and soon!!!! BRRRRRRRRRRR

have a good time at the yule party!!!


Brenda R.
on 12/19/09 1:06 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you, Jan and thanks for starting us off this morning. It is so nice to see the other parts of my OFF family this morning too. I hope that you all have a great Saturday and enjoy this last week end before Christmas. Wow, it is so hard to believe that it the weekend before Christmas...did this year go by fast or what?

It is snowing here. It is a wet snow but it is coming down pretty good. I guess we are suppose to get a couple of inches and then some lake effect too. It kind of looks like the snow is starting to end so we might not get as much as they are saying. That would be good. I have to do some shopping today and I hate to drive in snow now. I use to just jump in the car and get going but now that I am older I am more cautious...not sure if I like that or the way it use to be. It was much more fun that other way. ha ha

It is so peaceful sitting here with just my Misty. She isn't even here in the living room with me. She is curled up on the bed sound to sleep. She always sleeps on the very corner of Bill's side of the bed. I am not sure why...she has a whole huge bed to sleep in and there she is the very corner of the foot of the bed. I would sleep in the middle but then again I am not a cat either...so hard telling just where I would sleep. She has been sticking to me since we are here alone. It is kind of nice but I do miss my other half. He must feel the same way since he has called me a gazillion times on the way down to Tennessee and since he has been there. I talked to his brother again this morning....something is happening to that man. He has become nice to me and it is scaring me. Well, maybe he has realized that Bill and I are staying together since it has been 21 years. ha ha  He knows that he can't get us apart now...and trust me he tried really hard in the beginning.

I have a Misty story to tell ya all. It was funny too. My neighbor came over and left the front doors of her and my apartment open. She left and went home only to come back a few minutes later on. Here Misty had walked out and wandered over to her house and she turned around and saw Misty. She let out a scream and then Misty flew off and hid under her bed. She came and got Bill and Misty wouldn't come out for him either. He had to go and get down on the floor and grab her tail and pull her out. He  brought her home and she was so traumatized. She did nothing but stick close to Mommy and Daddy. I told my sister that I think she went in the hall and got mixed up on which door was home. She would come to my feet and meow when she got home and I told her that is why we tell her not to venture near the door. I have to make sure that door is closed now....once she got out I am afraid that she might do it some more. She was so scared that I hope that she doesn't but with her you never know. The older she gets the worse she is getting. She use to listen and now she does just what she wants. She is a little devil but she is the most lovable little devil that is for sure. But sometimes I would give her away to whom ever would like her. ha ha

I guess I should get going. I need to take a shower and go do what I need to do. I have to get Bill's present since this is the perfect time to do...while he is gone from the picture. He will be home tomorrow so it is today or he is there watching what he can. I guess they are leaving at 4 in the morning since Roger has to home for when his girlfriend goes to work midnights. He is there with the kids.

I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a super duper day and know that those smiles that you share with others will come back to you tenfold. What can be better than that at this wonderful time of year?

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Eileen Briesch
on 12/19/09 1:35 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Jan and my OFF family:

It's snowing here ... I hope it stops soon though because I'm supposed to go to Chicago tomorrow and won't be going if it's snowing. And I'll be disappointed if I can't go to my family gathering. And then there's the problem of who will drive Mom because she's carless now since her accident.

We were just supposed to get "light snow" over the next couple of days. Well, this is light but it has been snowing since last night when I got out of week ... wet snow, lake-effect snow, which can pile up fast. Yuck!

I have to work again tonight but don't have to go in until 4:30 (at the earliest, my editor in charge told me, because everything is going to be late ... as it always is in sports). It was so crazy last night, with three newspapers being produced. I don't remember such a hectic Friday night ... and they're usually hectic anyway, but this was worse than usual.

Well, that's all from me. Have a good day. Hope those out east are enjoying their first blast of winter. Stay safe and warm.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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