whats new on Saturday
nothing much new with me they are saying that we may have snow on Christmas , well that would be pretty but dont know how they can tell that far away.
Last minute shoppers dont let the stress get to you. enjoy your day out.
I just have gone shopping in my big box of presents that i keep on hand for things. and found most of my gifts to people , now will have to repleni**** after Christmas with the sales. ....
going to go make coffee and get my protein coffee made ...will see you all later maybe.
It's snowing and everything looks so beautiful. It's the fine snow, and they're calling for a Noreaster, so we'll see how much we finally end up with. If anyone is out driving in the storm, please drive carefully.
I'm going to work some today, then practice piano, then wrap gifts, so not too much new going on around here. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Today I think I will just do nothing important. We are alone now until Christmas day. I really need some down time. Please if you are travling today, be careful. Take some time for yourself & enjoy your weekend!
Good morning ya'll.
No snow here, yet! My daughter made it out of RDU yesterday in the snow (She was on her way home to OR). We were a little worried. She leaves for Cabo tomorrow, so she won't have to deal with any snow for a week. My nephew made it from Atlanta to NY yesterday only an hour late. I hope he can get home on Tuesday.
I have completed 5 days of radiation with no ill effects. I am knocking on wood! I am back home for the weekend. My Monday treatment is 11:30, so I can wait and drive back then. My DIL is still insisting on going up with me to babysit. My Dr. says it isn't necessary, I don't feel it is necessary, and this is her Christmas break from school. She doesn't need to spend i****ching me nap! I will continue to try to convince her today and tomorrow. Our son will deploy next month for 8 months and she should spend her time fawning all over him! Although I know from experience, little spats are MUCH more prevalant the few weeks before they deploy. It's easier to say good-bye to someone you are mad at!!
Guess that's it. Lots of sleeping this weekend, and getting groceries for my DH. But I'll only be gone 3 days next week.
George, I got the fantastic card from you and Mary. I am amazed that she has the time to do so much. You two are a marvel, and an inspiration to me!
Have a fantabulous day!
Was out at 7 to the bone cracker now I am dizzy! And this is supposed to be helping my vertigo!
I make several kinds of candy every year to share, You know that once a year kind of thing, usually my best friend and I do it and our baking together she couldn't make time this year so I am forgoing the cooking and just doing the candy this weekend. SO its off to the store for the ing. this am then this afternoon Ill make the peanut brittle and tomorrow the fudge and such and get it all divided up. My family actually gets little of it no one gets more than a few bites!!
Kids are getting excited about Christmas. I don't care if if comes this year and I just want it over at the same time. Next year will be better. Have a good Saturday everyone
Good Morning Jan, Debbie, Grammylew and OFFr's to come. . .
I'm here in Florida this morning watching as the snow falls where I call home and wondering if I will make it home tomorrow night, oh well, if I don't, so be it, though I love watching the snow fall and the muffled sound from the blanket of white stuff. . .
Well today me, my daughters and granddaughter are going to the movies.
Hope you all have a wonderful day and if you're in the path of this storm, be safe.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Finally finished my shopping and bought a few things to bake. I am not making a whole lot. I don't want the sweets in the house to be tempted.
We live in a rural part of Ohio and our driveway is pretty long. My husband and son have shoveled it for so long. Last night we charged a blade and chains for the wheels on our sears card. I can't see my husband shoveling that much snow anymore. He is 52. Has a bad back too. So, I guess it is another bill but a worthwhile one.
It is snowing here in Medina Ohio. It looks pretty , however, I hate snow.lol I hate driving in it. I want to move somewhere where it is warm all the time.
Well going to color my hair today. It needs it. Maybe do some cookies and deliver some avon.
Everyone have a great day. Smile today at least once.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.