Sunday, What's New With You Revue.

(deactivated member)
on 12/19/09 11:46 pm - Somewhere IN, TX

Bite the bullet and have someone ELSE come fix the door or have the 'friend' do it.  It's a safety issue and potentially dangerous were the kids to be around it when it decided to drop.

karen C.
on 12/20/09 8:40 pm - Kennewick, WA

Janet, Kind of hard to explain unless  you see it. No problem with it "dropping".Since it has to be pulled up by two men and 10 elephants from the bottom to reveal the hidden screen I'm sure it isn't a safety hazard. It is now just a nice looking storm door with no screen that I can reveal. The friend feels so bad and plans to remove it and use it himself. He's in the process of buying a place. When he does that he'll get us a new one and take this one himself. Til then I'll just look through my nice storm door. It does block a great deal of the wind and air that still came in around the front door. The front of our house takes a direct hit from the wind that blows here so strongly in the winter time.

Karen C

Connie D.
on 12/19/09 11:53 pm

Karen....I know it isn't funny but I couldn't help but laugh....why do they even put instructions in boxes...they never get read!!

Thanks for the PM...I knew you would understand where I am coming from...tough time right now.

Love to you....hugs...connie d

peggy H.
on 12/20/09 2:13 am
Karen ,You are right to be a bit pithy. I'm with you . I too live with a non-reading instruction's kind of guy.  So, my christmas gifts over the years have been tools. Power and other wise. I've learned to do a lot. I've come to enjoy the challenge , and the work gets done.I Love my compound miter saw. I built a walk-in closet with it's help, Go Gals, Hugs to you and year's this Christmas, Peg 

Connie D.
on 12/20/09 12:05 am

Good Morning Laureen and everyone....

Laureen I hope you have a safe flight. Please let us know when you are home safe once again.

There sure are a lot of states getting hit hard with snow. Everyone keep safe and stay warm! So far we only have a couple inches and that is fine with me.

Nothing new with me at least nothing worth mentioning.

Prayers to those in need.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

on 12/20/09 2:13 am
Hi everyone at OFF,
Hope everyone is enjoying the day whether you're snowed in, travelling, shopping or just relaxing!  I just wanted to share a couple of pictures from our blizzard yesterday.

More photos of our snow and my birthday are here!

Brenda R.
on 12/20/09 3:41 am - Portage, IN
Good afternoon everyone! I hope that you are all enjoying your day today and keeping warm and dry to go along with it.

I hope that your flight is safe, Laureen and I am so glad that you enjoyed your trip. Seeing family is always a great thing! It lifts your spirits right along with the holiday.

My 91 year old neighbor just came and asked if they deliver mail on Saturday anymore since she has checked the mailbox a few times and she hasn't gotten any. I told her that today is Sunday and she shook her head and just laughed...she forgot that it is Sunday today. I hope that I even have a partial memory when I get that age!

I went to church and we had the Christmas play today. It was super and the kids did such a great job. We started a puppet ministry and they were in it too. It was just so good. 

We are expecting some more snow this afternoon. I guess we are suppose to get about 2-4" but the temperature is up around 32* and so it is going to a very wet snow. But the snow that we have now is the same and just bunches of slush everywhere you walk.

DS just called and now that DIL has lost her job she is wanting to work things out with DS. I told him that is because he is coming in handy and he is refusing to see that. I know that if she got a job tomorrow she would be gone again. I guess the so called "good" friends that she was renting from has told her that she is going to have to move out since she isn't getting a pay check anymore. I told him with friends like that who needs enemies. But he is just seeing what he wants. He wants her back and you can see that she doesn't want to come back to him. It is going to be interesting to see how this works out. Someone is going to get hurt but I am keeping my mouth shut! But....he is talking to me about letting her take Kayden to her parents house near St. Louis. I am afraid that if she takes him I won't see him again. Her Mom is a manipulator! I can't stand her.

I guess I should be going. Bill is on his way home and should be here in a couple of hours. I miss him.

I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone. I hope that your day is good and your evening is even greater.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 12/20/09 5:41 am - Bradenton, FL
Thanks for starting the thread for today. Hope you got home safe and sound.
Today is my birthday and we went to meet the ship to get our friends from Chicago that went on a weeks cruise. Then we found our way to the International Mall in Tampa and found a Starbucks and sat and talked for a long time. Then we went to lunch and walked around the mall. 
I came home a little bit ago and started to make Pumpkin breads for presants that my cousin wants to give a way.
So I am busy.
Still dont know my work schedule. The supervisor never called me on Friday. Hope to hear Monday.
I need to work and make some money and I am ready to do that!!!!!
Well all for now.
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