Sunday, What's New With You Revue.
Sometime I just need to get out, maybe walk the mall a few times. We like to go to Sams club too. Once through the samples & I am done eating for the day.
Please say a prayer today for our soldiers. My son is having a hard time with the holidays. This is the first time he has been away from his girls.
It's his 3rd. time overseas, but the first time at Christmas. I am sure it's the same for all of the soldiers.
Annette, I hope the new meds work. Jacki, wishing a speedy recovery fo Bob. I know it's hard on both of you.
As for everyone else have a great day!

My poor old doggie I have had to over 12 years was sleeping on the back of the couch, which is where she has always slept, and I heard a thud and turned around and she was gone! ... well, she fell off! ... glad she wasn't hurt, and she sure looked funny when she came back around the couch with that sheepish look on her face

I have been making lots and lots of pens... seems like everyone who gets one orders another for someone else. I am glad they like them and they do make good gifts... I am giving them out to relatives and co workers for gifts.
They finally hired someone to replace me at work... the new person should be at work either tomorrow or 2 weeks from tomorrow, since they always start folks on a new pay cycle. Once they are there and trained up a little I will be able to go to my new job. Funny, I am looking forward to it, and not looking forward to it. Does that make sense?
I am going to (probably) join weigh****chers in the new year... one car is payed off, and I got a nice raise on the new contract, so forking out $39 a month doesn't seem so bad now... I am thinking (hopefully) that being held accountable and also with my competitive nature the weigh****chers will help me.... I hate to lose at anything, so I am not going to let anyone lose more weight than me! .... at least I am praying that God has left that spirit in me.... Promising me a night with Laureen and a 55 gallon drum of Cialis for every 10 pounds lost would be a good motivator too... (just seeing if anyone has read this far)
Have a great Sunday....
hmmm, Tony might not like that idea Marc. . . but I'll take the compliment, even if it is a backwards one. . . lol
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
SOrry I can't remember everyone who posted before me. I will say you all seem to have things going on. Safe flights to those who are flying. The weather seems so bad in other States. Here we only have about an inch. So far. I don't like winter so it is going to be a long few months for me. I guess I will take the time to do things in the house that need it. Keep myself busy.
Finally finished Christmas shopping but I still have to go to the grocery store to buy food for Christmas day and Eve. I hope I have enough money left to buy some. lol If not we will be eating coffee and toast. lol
Nothing too much going on here. Just wanted to stop by and say Hi to those that post today. And to those who just read.
Tis the season, enjoy it and smile today
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Good Morning Laureen and Friends,
I've been in a totaly pithy mood for the past few days. All over a new storm door purchased two months ago. Mike was too frugal (cheap!) to pay Home Deport installers. His friend who has done quite a few things for us could do it "perfectly" for much less money. So being the patient person I am not I waited, and waited and waited. Finally this past Thursday was the day. Would you believe by the end of the day it was installed, looked great BUT and this is a very big BUT, much like mine used to be. . . .the door is installed upside down! It has a retractable screen which you can't see unless it is pulled up (0r down in my door's case).
I know this is a sexist comment, but. . . . is it just the men around me that don't read the book before starting in? Now we basically have a very nice storm door, which looks fine BUT the retractable part is so heavy that when pulled up from the bottom (an almost impossible task) you can't make it stay because it is too heavy and quickly falls back down almost cutting off fingers in the process. Friend who installed it feels terrible, Mike knows I'm pithed and I've been a grizzly. So today I'm trying to get out of the funk. IF the worst thing in my life is an upside down storm door then I am very fortunate indeed aren't I?
So as of this moment I am letting that one go. My husband will be very happy. I guess just waiting that long, cooling my jets which I don't do well, being more than a bit of a perfectionist, it's just hard to let it go. There I go again. Sorry!
Other than that life is good. My two children are here as is my son in law and my adorable grand daughters. Weather isn't bad here at the moment, in the 40s during the day and above freezing at night. We'll just enjoy each other's company. Sounds like a baby waking up. Better get in gear. You all take care.
Karen C