What's New - FRIDAY!!!!!!
Bill is gone and I have talked to his brother at 6 this morning. He is excited that he is going to see his brother again. It seems like it is a long time between visits for them two. They have 2 half brothers but it just isn't the same for them. They are all they have of their little family now. I do understand but sometimes they don't think I do. Oh well...we are all different and that is what makes the world go around I guess.
I am so sorry, George for what happened with the dog. I wish there was something that could be done so you could all remain a big happy family but I do understand what you mean when you said that you just can't have that. I couldn't either.
It is cold and we are going to get some snow today I guess. Then the other bad thing is that the lake effect snow is coming along with it too. So heaven only knows how much of Lake Michigan we are going to have to shovel. I love living so close to the lake but I hate shoveling it every winter too. I guess you take the good with the bad as you do with life.
I am waiting for Kayden to get here and it won't be long. I guess his "Mother" is picking him up at noon so my day is going to be short. I am in a way welcoming that but I hope that he has a decent time with her. I always worry about him when he is with her. I am truly afraid that she is going to take him with her to her parents house for the holidays and not bring him back. Her Mom is like that and she wants him to create yet another nut like the rest of them. She is strange and I really don't care for her. She is a lot like her daughter. Or I should say her daughter is a lot like her. ha ha Please say a little prayer that all is going to fine with this visit. I am truly afraid and I keep praying that we get him back. I just don't know but DS said that it will be fine but last week he was worried about it...I think that is where my fear comes from.
I better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a wonderful day and stop and look at the wonderment of the things around you. It truly is a miracle the wonders of the things that are right here in front of us and we don't notice.
Good morning George and OFF friends,
Sorry about Macon, but I do understand how you can't have him going in the house. After we had our little Schotzie girl put down last year this time, we elected to stay dog-free; the first time in 28 years. The ****atiels and my African Grey, Obi, keep me plenty busy. Obi likes to cuddle and it's so much fun having a bird that talks to you - lol - she's a trip!
Not much happening other than work, my piano lesson today at 3, and then trying to finish up for Christmas. Next Tuesday I have a routine colonoscopy, so time is running out for preparation - lol - not for the colon but for Christmas - lol
Anyway, I'm rattling on....have a great weekend everyone!
Happy Holidays,
Wanted to thank you and Mary for such a lovely card. I hope you got my message before today.
Believe it or not, I still haven't sent out my cards. I have procratinated until it is probably too late. Going to get them today.
Margo, you sound so busy and everyone else trying to get ready for the Holidays.
I am going to do some crocheting today and make out my cards. My daughter wants to go shopping today so I guess I will squeeze that in for the day.
Had a talk with my mother in law about choosing my husbands brother to spend Christmas day over her house when she promised and asked my family to. I am not going to spoil Christmas. I just don't think it is fair. Oh well what can you do?
We will spend Christmas day at home and love being together.
Nothing else new for me.
Prayers to all.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Good Morning George and the rest of the OFF gang!
I am sooo sorry to hear about Macon and truly hope that Roxie will not present with any such problems, as I would hate to have to return her for such things, matter of fact one of my hesitations with having a female dog is the fact that they can have bladder control issues that my dear boy never had, but I guess we have to take the good with the bad and so long as she will do wee wee pads in the event she has issues, I will be ok, but peeing all over the house, well that will not be acceptable. . . we shall see, hoping to pick her up Tuesday night, but as I sit here writing to you from very wet, soggy Florida, there might be a chance I do not make it home Sunday, due to what is promising to be a big storm system that is supposed to be dumping a foot of snow in the Philadelphia/NJ area, which would wreck havoc with my going home, grrrrr, not happy about that. . . but the weather is beyond my control. . .
Anyway, I've read about all ya'll's life goings on and sounds like there is much happening with many of you, hope Margo's move goes well and further hope that you get someone to purchase the house at such a rock bottom steal. . .
Hope all things turn out ok for Marcy. Janet you certainly made me laugh with your comment about only wanting a well trained man. . .
The graduation went well and we had a nice family gathering, my son, his wife and the kids got up early this morning and headed to the airport and I should be hearing that they are on the ground shortly. Right now my older grandkids are in school, my two daughters at work and I'm feeling landlocked (lol). Well weather permitting, I will be meeting up with my best high school friend, who I reconnected with through facebook, we lost touch about 24 years ago, when she moved down to Florida and I was in the dark phase of my life.
You all have a lovely day and wishing you the strength to get through the good, the bad and/or whatever life serves up today!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
My problem with sweets is I just want MORE. That's what got me here, so I have to deal with it.
I haven't done cards yet, either, but there is still time. I enjoy the season so much!
Take care.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Good morning George and everyone....
George....sorry to hear about Macon.
Marcy....I wish you the best with your upcoming surgery.
Debbie...a colonoscopy is so important...even though we don't ike them. Actually I think the prep is worse then the actual scope itself. Good luck!
Brenda....wonderful to see you back!!
Margo....you will be missed!! Let us know when you arrive at your new destination.
Okay....now I have a mental block and can't remeber who else I wanted to post a comment to....CRS!!!
I am hanging on....even though it isd really tough right now...baby steps!!
I wish you all a wonderful day. Thanks for always being here for me!!
Many prayers to those in need.....
Love and hugs to all....connie d
George, sorry about the dog. I had to do the same thing with my cat, Diva, last year. She started pooping (not peeing) outside the litter box in October of last year and I couldn't figure out why. Took her to the vet and he didn't see any problems. And at the time, I was about to have my knee replacement revision, and bending down to clean up poop off the floor (basically she was doing it on the cat tower right by the litter box, although once it was on the throw rug by the front door) was going to be really hard for me. I was to the point I was thinking of euthanizing her ... so I called my former cat sitter, who runs a rescue and who gave her to me. She offered to take her back. The last time I heard, Diva was living in the senior room and was still refusing to poop in the litter box. She'd pee there, just not poop. Don't know what the problem was. I miss her a lot, but I couldn't take it anymore. She was fine for five years, then reverted. Had to be something wrong, but we couldn't figure out what.
Well, I still don't know how I'm going to have enough gas to get to Chicago. I do have extra money on this consumer survey credit card ($12.65) and I hope to get to the gold and silver exchange place with some jewelry before I go to work and see if I can get some money for that ... but all I have is silver and I don't know if I'll get anything for that. I don't want to sell it if I'm going to get ripped off. I think I'll have enough to get down there and if Mom gives me some money, I'll have enough to get back. Just not much else.
Otherwise, just another day of work and hoping for not much snow on Sunday ... I hear snow showers and I'm getting scared. I have to get my packages wrapped for the trip Sunday, but there's not many of them and they're not very big.
Well, have a good day. I need coffee.
I just got done baking 2 pumpkin breads and fried up 35 Latkes(potato pancakes) for the Chanukkah gathering at our temple for tonight. I made 45 on Monday with Miss Lily.
I got home from From the east Coast of Florida last night around 1030pm. It is a 3 to 4 hour drive down tere and back. I went to see my friend and her mom was here from Denver.
I still dont know my work schedule for next week. The supervisor hasnt called me. I probably should here in an hour or so.
Chicago was great and to short of a visit but a girl has to what a girl does!!!!!
It was raining here and the sky was cloudy about 72 degrees.
Nothing else much going on my world.
I guess I'm the last to post on this thread today? LOL, I'm almost always late! Just wanted to wish everyone a fantastic Friday!
We are in the midst of a couple of financial crises that have blown up out of nowhere--isn't that always the way? But we're still counting our blessings.
And ... I'm almost afraid to say this for fear of jinxing it but it looks like there's a big snow storm coming through tomorrow...on my birthday! I've been wanting and wanting and wanting snow! Please please please ...