What's New - FRIDAY!!!!!!
I was thinking about you the other day when I was doing my daily devotions and wondered if you made it thru the Bible with your daily readings this year???
I'm baking a breakfast casserole to take into work this morning.....they all seem to love me more when I bring that to work......LOL!
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
TGIF !!!!!!!
george,,,sorry about macon..but i understand!
ah...and thanks to you both for our beautiful card! i was feeling a bit left out when we hadn't gotten one,yet, but didn't want to say anything!!! mary is very talented and it is much appreciated!!!!
michael got discharged after 1 pm--by the time i got there he was outside walking around and not even (technically) on hospital property anymore--i am livid about this!!!!!the way he was dressed and wandering he truly looked the part of a derelict...color coordinated tho! so--he is weak and he hurts...and the doc gave him vicodin --which will help his pains but his coming off is what's so hard on me( and everyone around us) --he is an angry sob when he comes off it---...he cannot understand why he feels so weak after this surgery-i'm thinking blood supply???haha!! but-i am thinking and he is not....he is only thinking of what he cannot do to move!
i wrapped frantically and then drove and met the ex and his wife at 9 pm to exchange gifts and then got home by about 945--swiftly to bed and miraculously slept til 6!!!
got my Christmas letter typed and printed before i disconnect the computer--tho i have no clue when i'll actually address and mail cards!!!
so--today is the day--the cable and internet will be shut down today and i return the boxes to TWC..so i dunno how much longer i'll have my window to the world!!! i am already in withdrawal--not sure when i'll get service up north--nor get to the library!!!
i'll pick up the truck at 430 and we start loading--i did manage to get quite a bit done yesterday but feel like there is still so much to do--it will be done as this is the last truck!!!someone asked that yesterday-yes! this is IT!!!!!!
oh! get this--i'm racing around to get dressed to pick michael up and there is a knock on my door-a cute guy named tony from our realtor's office is here to show the house...um....no one called me!!!so-they walked around the outside and they'll come back monday -after we are gone--oops! called realtor- she must have forgotten-had ER surgery last friday and was still loopy!tony accepted responsibility but i think she may have dropped the ball--so i dunno what they thought of the outside- we'll see....and we did lower by 5K which i told him it was ok to tell these folks...
i am sending hugs and prayers and special holiday wishes ...not sure when i'll get back to see you all.....be safe and know that i care about ya!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
i will be testing for the census on dec 29--no guarantee that i'll pass but i worked the 2000 census so not worried!!!!! and they def need census folks in the cty i'll be in!!! so it's kindof a shoe in--i'll work that for 4 months (it's part time ( up to 40 hours!) but better wage than i had down here at my 35 hour a week job! then have to look for "real" work but that gives me time to get re acclimated! michael's soc sec and worker's comp will get us by..and he will have to establish with new docs but that will be so much easier in michigan than in hawaii-big part of teh move...and so much to unpack and finish purging!!!!!
we will get thru- friends , family and our God have gotten us this far and i know won't let us down!!!
thanks for the concerns-and i will continue to keep in touch!!!--oh and i LOVE snail mail!!!!!!!
you aren't rid of me!!! i'll find a way!!!!!!!!
hugs !!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
George, sorry about Macon. As you can probably tell, I am not such a good animal trainer either. They train me.
Time to eat, shower and brave the cold.

Good morning George and OFF family,
Truly, thank God it's Friday.
Going to North 11 for lunch with my boss/friend and other coworker/friend. It will be good to slow down, relax and connect with our work team as we eat and enjoy each others company.
Okay gang, I did my spin class last night. Then the instructor who I fixed up with my BIL....and it's a love connection people, they will be getting married one day!! Well my future SIL who also has the same name as me designed a workout on the machines upstairs along with using the Roman Chair, squats and more inner core exercises. I was tired when I got home!!
Deb has designed a program that I can do on my own either before or after my exercise classes. She totally understood that I didn't want to look like a muscle bound "Helga" and it will be toning and inner core stuff.
I have my butt back thanks to spin class! Riding uphill with added tension has toned my tushy and I'm happy to have "junk in my trunk" and not my flat butt that I once had.
Okay, dancing also helped, I love to dance...it makes me happy and it's fun!! Whhhooooooo!!
Tonight after work I'm going to visit my friend Joan. I will miss her when she is gone from this earth. My mentor, my friend and she gave me such solid wonderful advice. I will have to take time to visit her hubby Bill after she dies. He will need lots of love and support. I'm sure there will be a few trips to the VFW bar with my friend Bill. I'm not a drinker but I can drink water and enjoy all the stories from the men/women who go there.
Okay gang, if you are still reading my ramblings...take time for yourself today, breath deep and relax. Look around you and see all the wonderment's before us.
During this busy time of the Christmas season one thought that goes though my mind is the song: ( I sing this at funerals, weddings) Says it all!!!
Be still, be still and know that I am your God
Be still, be still and know that I am with you.