OT and long but I am here tonight....

Brenda R.
on 12/16/09 9:39 am - Portage, IN
Hi everyone! I am so glad that I finally got a chance to get here and chat for a few minutes. I feel like I have been gone from my family for a gazillion years....

Things are hopping here for sure. I have Kayden more than I don't it seems. Like last week I had him Wednesday, Thursday and Friday then all day and all night Saturday and again on Sunday and Sunday night and then all day on Monday. I have him every day this week and it seems like DS is getting here later each night to get him.

Sunday I got the family Christmas party finished. I got the whole thing thrown together in about 2 weeks. It was not as hard as I thought it would be. It wasn't the best one we ever had but everyone had a good time and Kayden and DS and his GF (yes...his girlfriend!) came for the party too. I got some really good pictures of Kayden with Santa and getting his gift. Bill and I got him something called a jumping giraffe of something like that. It jumps around and sings and plays music. He loved it and knows how to start it going. If you show him something a couple of times he starts doing it. He is so funny and the highlight of Bill's and my life.

When I was leaving the church after the party with Kayden he started screaming at the top of his lungs. He would scream and turn beet red! He was in hell in plain words. He had such gas on his tummy he couldn't stand it. He was drawing up his legs and arching his back and was miserable...as so was his Grandma. It was just the two of us at home and I gave him his gas drops 4 times in about a half hour and each time he would burp a good one. I was trying to call DS and he had his phone shut off. He finally called and heard him screaming and said that if I wanted to bring him home I could. I told him I was fine. What really ****** me off is DS and Father never even called for the rest of the night or even during Monday at work to see if he was alright. Some Dad if you ask me. I am sure glad that I had the Dad that I had and not him. He finally settled down and then would sleep a bit and then soon would wake up in misery. I was so glad when that stopped as was Bill and Kayden too I am sure.

Kayden is so much happier to be here than anywhere. I know it is because he feels safe, happy and loved. And he is all three things here. It has become second nature to have him here now and he feels the same thing. I can't imagine not having him but sometimes I sure would love to have a break for a few days. I would miss him but I could suffer through it...ha ha!

Bill is leaving early Friday morning to go to Tennessee to see his brother and sister in law. The other night BIL called and told us that SIL has cancer. It started in the ovaries and now is in the lungs. I guess it is fast moving. She is home now and starting chemo. I would appreciate prayers for them...they both need them so bad. Bill and his cousin is going down and then leaving for home Sunday morning. He said about me going but I told him that I didn't want to...I am not comfortable staying at someones home. I guess I am funny that way.

I guess I should get moving. I am tired...clear down to the bone. Yesterday the clock went off and I feel back to sleep and when DS brought Kayden I was sleeping. It felt good. My heart is use to my getting naps when I need them. I am not getting many now. But sometimes when Kayden is sleeping I lay down but then he is next to me and he rolls on his side and starts to cuddle with Grandma so I can't rest as good if I was sleeping with Grandpa or better yet by myself. ha ha 

I hope that I can get back here more often. I did come on later at night in the beginning and read up on the posts but now I am not bothering. Most of the time I am just to tired to even read. That really sounds pathetic but it's true. Sometimes I just go on Facebook and do nothing but play a game and then go to bed. I have to get a schedule going I think...but heck it has been a loooong time since there was a baby around our house. Know that I love each and everyone of you. I keep all of you in my prayers and in my heart.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Pat A.
on 12/16/09 10:05 am - Ewing, KY
Brenda, you have been so missed.  I usually just lurk here, but I do come to read.  I've missed hearing from you as I'm sure the others have also.  Sending you my love, thoughts and prayers.  Sounds like you need a big ole hug.
Pat A


(deactivated member)
on 12/16/09 10:17 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Brenda,
It's great to hear from you.
You sound so busy but I think deep down you are enjoying having this time with Kayden.  I hope he is doing well.  Sounds like your son is recovering well.

I'm sure it will be nice to have the little one around the house during the holiday.

I hope you get a break so you can regenerate yourself.......enjoy your little one.
Take Care!
Eileen Briesch
on 12/16/09 10:24 am - Evansville, IN

Sorry SIL has cancer. Hope we can still get together Monday as planned, but if not, I understand. I know things are hectic in your life now. But still would love to see you (and bring Kayden along if you have to).

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 12/16/09 10:29 am

Just remember when things get tough and rough we are here for you.  You have been missed and now I know why.  I'm so happy you have Kayden like you do.  You are a good gramma and care giver.

on 12/16/09 8:43 pm

You've been missed. Good to hear from you. Kaden is truly blessed with a wonderful Grandma! You have your work cut out for you with full-time care of a baby. God bless you for taking all of the responsibility.  Sorry about your SIL...I hope she doesn't suffer.
Give Kaden a hug for me - gosh, I love babies and he's at an adorable age now.  I can't wait to see my great niece on Saturday at the Christmas party.




on 12/16/09 9:22 pm - Shelbyville, MI

Brenda, sending you hugs. You sure a loved and appreciated.
Prayers to YOU and your whole family.

Keep enjoying that baby, Kayden is a joy and yes naps are good!! LOL

on 12/16/09 9:27 pm
Hi Brenda,
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and sending you warm cyber (((hugs))).  Kayden is blessed to have a loving grandma like you and a great grandpa too!

I remember when my little guy lived here with us & his mom.    His mom is my younger stepdaughter and ... well ... she's not a very good mother.  Little T really connected with my husband and me and we still have a strong bond with him.  Kayden sounds like he's still pretty young but just want to say he will always know the love you & your DH have for him.  Even after he was kept away from us for 6 mos, our little guy didn't forget us and as soon as we were reunited, he just melted in our arms. 

It makes a BIG difference in the life of a child to have that love and security.  Since Kayden is so little, he's got a strong basis in you & your hubby and he will continue to bond well with other people ... it's when the little ones don't get that at all they fall into deep trouble.  I worry about my grandchildren in TN but I've been advised that if we write and stay in contact with them, they will know that someone loves and cherishes them and that makes all the difference sometimes.

So now you have this lovely strong bond with your little Kayden.  I don't know what the cir****tances are surrounding his dad (your DS?) but whatever they are, Kayden has you & your hubby and that is sooooooo important!

And for you--do what you need to do to take care of you and if that means lurking and just goofing off playing Facebook games, go for it!  By the way, do you like Christmas Crunch?  LOL, that can be addicting!  I was going to send you a friend request and I will do it but I get caught up in all the fol-de-rol around here so it might not be until next year! ;)

Mary M.
on 12/16/09 11:29 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Nothing is more worthwhile than giving love and security to the little ones - bless your heart at Christmas and always.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
Laureen S.
on 12/17/09 10:40 pm - Maple Shade, NJ


I think Kayden is blessed with a Grandma like you and thankfully you are capable to take care of him, because it seems your DS is clueless, but then again it is sort of why women are the "mother's" as in most cases, we are the true nurturers. . .  try to take care of yourself when you can.  Just so glad to see your post and know you are ok. . .  sorry to read about your SIL and she will be in my prayers. . .

I wish you continued strength and good health in order to be able to continue to do what you are with that sweet baby.

Hugs, Laureen

P.S.  Merry Christmas!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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