Let's revue--what's new wednesday???

on 12/15/09 10:31 pm - manchester, NJ
good morning to everyone

margo glad the surgery went well.

well my good news is that Bob came home yesterday, and the bad news is that
i have not sat down since then.  this is going to be a big change till he starts to
feel better.  im going into work late today for a few hours, since its our holiday
pot luck lunch today and last year i missed it cause of my car accident.  so i told
bob to sit tight and sleep.  anyway my younger son is arriving again today and can
help care for dad.

hugs to all in need, i havent been reading all the posts the last few days with all
the excitement here, so i may have missed some news and im sorry.




Laureen S.
on 12/16/09 12:57 am - Maple Shade, NJ

You are amazing. . .  just keep being you, but also don't forget to take care of you!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

(deactivated member)
on 12/16/09 1:59 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Jacki,
Glad to hear Bob is home....I hope he is doing well.

Make sure to take some time for you too!!!!
Best wishes to you both
on 12/15/09 11:13 pm - Shelbyville, MI

Hi everyone, it's crazy still here at work.
Going to another funeral today at 11. After that I'm stopping to get my nails done to "destress".

Lots going on, it's the holidays and I have to take time to mediate and enjoy life and JUST SLOW DOWN!!!!!

Hugs and prayers to all those in need. Let us all take some time for ourselves today.

karen C.
on 12/15/09 11:41 pm, edited 12/16/09 12:52 am - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Margo and Friends,

I haven't been a very good friend lately. Just busy with holiday stuff. The whole crew arrives again on Friday night. Nathan teaches middle school and has two weeks off. He'll be here until after Christmas. His girlfriend will arrive Christmas evening after spending the day with her parents. Erin and her family will also arrive Friday night unless the weather gets worse. We've had a bit of snow followed by a layer of freezing rain and ice. Temp is getting close to freezing level so hopefully it will start to thaw today. Sometimes we're lucky enough to get a Chinook wind (warm wind from the south and west) that can very quickly melt a lot of snow and ice. The temp can rise 30 degrees or more in just a couple of hours.)

I've been trying to ignore a health fact for a week. Thought I might have a bladder or UTI coming on last week. Upped my water, drank cranberry juice, thought perhaps I had dodged it. . . Nope, this morning it is definitely getting worse. Not real painful yet, but based on past experience it will get there unless I get to a clinic and get drugs. So as soon as it's safe to get out on the roads this morning I'm off to the doctor.

Friday before the kids arrive we're going to a friend's for a "Soup/Bread Party". We're each bringing a pot of our favorite soup. Can't decide between baked potato soup and taco soup! Should be fun. Casual, good friends, and also our 38th anniversary. What a crazy time of year to have gotten married. At the time it made sense. . . everyone was home for the holiday. Through the years it has always been hard to find time to even get out for dinner. This year will be spent with good friends so that will be nice. . . and I'll get home about 8pm to find my family here in our new home. Nothing I love more.

Erin had an ultrasound last week. . . Everything looks good. A wee one attached nicely and only ONE! Still too early to venture a guess as to whether it's a he or a she. I couldn't resist buying a couple of little sleepers to put under the tree. One is generic (yellow and green) the other is definitely for a "he."  Figure I can't jinx anything as it's already been decided. We just don't know!

I've babbled long enough. Need to get cleaned up and ready to go to the clinic as soon as possible. Don't want to feel rotten while the kids are home. You all take care and try not to let the crazies get to you.

The last couple of years my holiday greetings have been completed about the end of the year or beginning of the next one. I like to reflect on the  year gone by and that's when I have time to do it. Looks like this year's letter will be done about the same time. I'd much rather complete my little homemade projects for friends and family than sit still and compose a letter!

This summer I made jams and salsa. Several weeks ago I made little loaves of pumpkin and chocolate zucchini bread. That's what friends, neighbors, mail and paper people are getting in cute little cellofane candy cane bags!

Now I really AM out of here. You all have a good one!

Karen C

Judy G.
on 12/16/09 12:13 am - Galion, OH

morning margo and OFF...

well i got the cookies all made now need to frost them...talked to mom last night and she asked if i made any cookies this year...i told yuppers today and need to frost them yet...she asked if i was sending her some...i said i can do that and she said she was only kidding...ya right...she wants some!!! LOL so need to frost them and pack some up and get them in the mail. i think i made about 8 dozen or so. lots to frost for sure!!! giving alot away so i don't over eat them!!! ;-)

got the pillows all made for rick and he still doesn't know about them...boy am i good!!! LOL fingers are sore from tying all the fringe on sides....:-( but he will love them i am sure...well he better!!! LOL

hair came out pretty good looking for a change...not much difference except for a bit more red in it. i can live with that...

talked to my brother last night also. asked him about his dr appointment and how it was...he said he is getting new glasses and he will have 20/20 vision again!!! YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!! he is waiting on some other test to see why his ribs hurt him so much said something about his kidneys...i think he was sort of out of it because he kept repeating things over and over again...got me lost...lol so hope he hears something soon...said he will let me know soon as he knows anything.

mom said Christmas will be at joe's this year...she said she is taking shrimp and dip for her dish to pass. and ofcourse my sister has to say...lori and jeff can't eat that...they are allergic...so what!!!!!!!!! like they never brought something that others didn't like or couldn't eat????????? gezzzz make poor mom make a dish that requires lots of work!!! for crying out loud she is 88 years old and still not 100% well!!!!!!!! my sister makes me sooooo mad at times!!!!!!!! bill mentioned to joe about coming here to ohio for Christmas...joe said yeah he will be there...hahaha like he will!!!!!!!!! so much for my family....if it was his wifes family he would be there in a flash i am sure of that!!!!!!!!!!! oh well....like i said if i go back to michigan again it will be to see my brother bill and mom only!!!!!

well i rattled on long enough here need to get my cookies done so i can get some in the mail to mom. also need to fill out Christmas cards and get those in the mail also. sorry i can't send cards to all of you but know i DO wish you all a very merry CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

have a great day and remember...SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make someone feel better today by seeing a nice smile!!! :-)


Mary M.
on 12/16/09 12:24 am - Minneapolis, MN
Wow!  Lots of news today.  Here's hoping you all have good days.

I'm busy busy at work and at home.  Got our Christmas cards, but haven't sent any out yet.   I'll get that going this weekend.  I may do a bit of baking, too.  My family asks for some of my cookies and I love making them.  Just can't nibble on them!

We had friends in for dinner last night, a great couple that lives nearby.  One of them cut my hair, since my stylist recently had surgery (my sister!), and so we fed them spicy shrimp with cinnamon basmati rice.  It was really nice. 

Tonight we are having soup with some of our local WLS friends.  That will be nice. And tomorrow night - going to a friend's home show for art work.  It is just too busy.  But really fun.  I'm debating taking off the Monday after Christmas, since it's both my birthday and the day Michael goes into the hospital for his 3 day stay for initializing dialysis. 

Life is good.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
Eileen Briesch
on 12/16/09 1:02 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo and my OFF family:

Glad Michael's surgery went well. I got woken up by a phone call at 8:30 a.m. ... thought the clock said 10:30 and knew I had an appointment at 1 p.m. so figured I'd get up. Went out into the living room, looked at the clock out there and saw it was 10:30 so went back to bed. Scooter was already on the made bed looking to get comfortable. Sorry, Scootie, I'm going back to bed, too early for me to be up.

I got to get going and get ready for my appointment with my PCP. My psych wants me on antidepressants for 6 months. Got to tell him that.

I'll check back later. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Laureen S.
on 12/16/09 1:04 am - Maple Shade, NJ
It's afternoon now, as I have spent the better part of the morning doing what I need to and checking out pet insurance policies, as I want to have one in place for Roxie, anyway, I've got 3.5 hours til I bolt from this place and head to the airport, where I will temporarily escape the cold weather.  I cannot wait to see my daughter's and my grandchildren, as well as my son and his family, please pray everyone is getting along, cause with good ol Jeff, he can usually say something to get one of our panties in a bunch. . .  lol. . .  anyway, I am looking forward to celebrating my youngest daughter's hard work and accomplishment!

Nothing else too much to say, except that I wish each and everyone of you a wonderful day, reading your posts, there is so much of what life is about, right here on this forum and yet it seems that each and everyone of you live it well and with dignity and grace! 

Prayers and positive thoughts and some hugs too!  Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

(deactivated member)
on 12/16/09 2:03 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Have a safe trip!!
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