Weird problem but?
I know how you feel, as I am the same age, it takes some getting used to, but as Connie said, enjoy it for what it is, basically it's a compliment, we just are not used to the attention and so at any age it would feel weird, because women on my home board in their 20s and 30s get really pissed about it. . . it's the world we live in and once we lose the body armour our fat was for so many years, people take notice of us more. . .
Have a great day!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Char, I have gone through the same thing.
Men never opened doors for me or gave me a second look. If anything I was always friendly and had lots of men friends but never "sexual" stuff.
Having never gone through this, the thin world is different for me. It's weird, the fat suit is off and I don't like to have people come into my "comfort zone" so to speak.
Now I'm more comfortable but I don't see myself as a beautiful sexual woman. I guess that will come in time, I still have a hard time seeing myself in the mirror. Who is that normal size woman? My mom always said I was beautiful inside because my younger sister was always thin and beautiful, she still is all though we aren't close. She was the cheerleader, I played powder puff football and was the tomboy.
I'm trying to accept this softer person that is "normal". People that are now meeting me for the first time don't know I was a 300 pound woman. She is still inside me though. I know some of you totally understand what I'm saying. For woman it's a lot more psych stuff to deal with post op and learning about the "thin life". Okay some men will get what I'm saying too....
When it feels right you will know....and 54 is still young...believe me I know I am almost 69.
Love, Marti
ps I have found the nicest way to respond to a compliment is to give one back... "that is so nice of you to say"....period....Not I don't believe it.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"