Monday Monday..........What's new with you?
Hi, I am not Eileen, but I also live in W. Michigan. Hudsonville is just west of Grand Rapids. I live just outside Traverse City. Ferris is in Big Rapids, North of Grand Rapids & about 1 1/2 hours south of me. If you make it up to Michigan let us know. Three of my grands live in Grand Rapids with their parents & we spend a lot of time there.
Ferris STate is North of GrandRapids I think. I lived in Benton Harbor growing up.
Welcome to the board.
Im Carla and I live in Florida too. I live in Bradenton. We moved here 2 and 1.2 years ago from Colorado. I had to get out of the snow and cold.
I work now at Lakewood Ranch Medical Center. I will be a registrar in the Emergency Room.
Where in Florida are you?
Welcome to the board.
Im Carla and I live in Florida too. I live in Bradenton. We moved here 2 and 1.2 years ago from Colorado. I had to get out of the snow and cold.
I work now at Lakewood Ranch Medical Center. I will be a registrar in the Emergency Room.
Where in Florida are you?
My first what's new and I have nothing new to report, I get up at 5 AM, take my golden retriever rachel out, come in, help to feed the 6 cats, get my protein drink and vitamins, supplements together to take to work, go to the subway station, work all day as the major's secretary at the police dept, doing payroll, etc. come home on the subway, take my dog out, come in, every other day we give the one cat subq fluids for deformed kidneys, he is a rescue cat that someone threw out, before we knew he had defformed kidneys, he got a really bad infection in a matter of days, that caused him to lose most of his eye sight, so he has to be carried to the litter box, he sometimes has accidents in his box where he sleeps if my roomie cant make it home during the day...then it's feed and medicate the diabetic kitty and feed everyone, medicate my dog for allergies, and her knee surgeries, she has had 3 this year, then it's make dinner, get clothes together for work the next day, take my dog out the last trip, do dishes, day! LOL
I had a cat I had to give sub-q fluids to that had chronic renal failure, so I know what you're going through ... he was old, almost 19, and eventually I had to put him to sleep. Along with the crf, he was hyperthyroid. Sweet kitty, Cinnamon was, and I always miss him. He always made it to the litter box, though. It's tough doing the sub-q fluids ... he didn't like it at all. I also had a diabetic kitty ... his brother, Kittle. Wow, you've got quite a group there.
Good luck with all of them, and welcome to the board. I now have two cats with no medical problems, but both are getting older (15 and 12) so who knows what will happen.
Good luck with all of them, and welcome to the board. I now have two cats with no medical problems, but both are getting older (15 and 12) so who knows what will happen.
this kitty is only about 4 years old so a young cat...we have an fiv + positive kitty who lives upstairs named amanda, she took the area over from our previous fiv+ positive kitty who passed on 12-26-08 from complication of IBS, his intestional wall thinned and a hole formed and he had to put to sleep due to rampart infection and bloating that could not be controlled..sweet frank will be always be missed..
Well, I don't have much going on today. I woke up a lil later than usual, because the medicine I'm on for my sinus infection really makes me sleepy. I have fed and watered our five dogs and let them all out. I've fed and watered our four cats, I know a lot of animals right. Now I just finished having breakfast and I'm about to start cleaning the house which will probably be an all day task. Then tommorrow I'm off too put in more job applications.
Hi Ruth and all my OFF Friends,
I got affirmation that God is with me yesterday. My husband had called me, he was out to brunch with some high school chums, about the roads being icey. Hubs knew I was on my way out to go see a show with my Red Hat Ladies and told me to be real careful. A friend came to my house because she was riding with me to the theatre. As we were descending a long hill near my house, from behind the next curve two men came racing up in the middle of the road waving their arms and telling all the cars to pull over to the side. As I braked I felt myself sliding, but I made it to the curb. There just happened to be a little opening that was a pull in to the woods. I pulled all the way in off the road because I knew those behind me might have trouble stopping. The woman in front of me went front first into the curb and ended up sideways in the road. The people behind me managed to stop. It turns out around the corner was a 20 car pile up. As we waited an hour and fifteen minutes until fire and rescue told us it was safe to attempt going back up the hill, the news kept changing, now it was a thirty car pile up. On the news last night it turned out to be a 56 car pile up with no serious injuries. Those guys are heroes and my friend and I are so lucky. I couldn't believe that I had a full tank of gas and had just charged my cell phone.
My sister had a wine tasting party on Sat. night. Good food, good company and a fun game.
I'm in the "thinking about it stage" of making cookies for my grands to take up when we spend Christmas with them. I'm with Eileen, it might be dangerous for me to have them around.
It's great to see some new people join us. Inlaws/Outlaws I have a history with too. Don't let them rain on your parade.
Keep your holidays merry.
I got affirmation that God is with me yesterday. My husband had called me, he was out to brunch with some high school chums, about the roads being icey. Hubs knew I was on my way out to go see a show with my Red Hat Ladies and told me to be real careful. A friend came to my house because she was riding with me to the theatre. As we were descending a long hill near my house, from behind the next curve two men came racing up in the middle of the road waving their arms and telling all the cars to pull over to the side. As I braked I felt myself sliding, but I made it to the curb. There just happened to be a little opening that was a pull in to the woods. I pulled all the way in off the road because I knew those behind me might have trouble stopping. The woman in front of me went front first into the curb and ended up sideways in the road. The people behind me managed to stop. It turns out around the corner was a 20 car pile up. As we waited an hour and fifteen minutes until fire and rescue told us it was safe to attempt going back up the hill, the news kept changing, now it was a thirty car pile up. On the news last night it turned out to be a 56 car pile up with no serious injuries. Those guys are heroes and my friend and I are so lucky. I couldn't believe that I had a full tank of gas and had just charged my cell phone.
My sister had a wine tasting party on Sat. night. Good food, good company and a fun game.
I'm in the "thinking about it stage" of making cookies for my grands to take up when we spend Christmas with them. I'm with Eileen, it might be dangerous for me to have them around.
It's great to see some new people join us. Inlaws/Outlaws I have a history with too. Don't let them rain on your parade.
Keep your holidays merry.
Hi Margo and all,
I'm sending a quick message in- it's lunchtime here. I've been missing in action I know. It's been a crazy month, as usual. School winds up as well as all things social. My husband and I had a wine tasting party on Saturday night and the decorating and preparations took up most of my non-work time. It was so much fun- but I drank too much wine. This Friday I am hosting 15 Speech Therapists at my house (our school district crew) so I need to maintain the cleanliness throughout the Christmas season. My new "Grand dog" is a handful (black lap puppy) and she has been over many times! My old dog Darla (almost 15) is losing some of her faculties and has accidents that she hasn't since puppyhood. Thank goodness we don't have much carpet anymore. I have been trying to keep up with you all- I see that we have had several old dogs passing on and members handling medical and family trials and deaths. You are all in my thoughts- the holidays can be fraught with mood land mines and I do think we are lucky to have this outlet and support.
I'm sending a quick message in- it's lunchtime here. I've been missing in action I know. It's been a crazy month, as usual. School winds up as well as all things social. My husband and I had a wine tasting party on Saturday night and the decorating and preparations took up most of my non-work time. It was so much fun- but I drank too much wine. This Friday I am hosting 15 Speech Therapists at my house (our school district crew) so I need to maintain the cleanliness throughout the Christmas season. My new "Grand dog" is a handful (black lap puppy) and she has been over many times! My old dog Darla (almost 15) is losing some of her faculties and has accidents that she hasn't since puppyhood. Thank goodness we don't have much carpet anymore. I have been trying to keep up with you all- I see that we have had several old dogs passing on and members handling medical and family trials and deaths. You are all in my thoughts- the holidays can be fraught with mood land mines and I do think we are lucky to have this outlet and support.