Monday Monday..........What's new with you?
Thanks George,
You are a good friend, and so caring and wise. I am going to show my kids how special they are. Yep they can share with the grandparents the day after Christmas. I don't let it bother me anymore. It was just a shock.
Going to my brothers 50 birthday party on the 23rd and my family Christmas party on the 27th. Qw so it that way because it is too hard to get everyone together for Christmas. I am looking forward to both.
Thanks again George...
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

morning margo and OFF!!!
well it is a gloomy morning here today and calling for rain mixed with wet snow...yuck!!! let it snow for heavens sake its winter and CHRISTmas is coming!!!
had my review yesterday after i got out of work....yippeeeee!!!! i will now make 40 cents an hour more!!! it is the biggest raise i have ever had!!!!!!!!!!! this takes effect on the 27th this month and i am looking forward to it!!! ;-)
got all the shopping done now and the last pillow i am making for rick almost done without him knowing it!!! :-) he is going to be surprised for sure!!! tonight after i get home from work its mix up the cookie dough and then tomorrow make them and wednesday frost them...can't wait to get that over and done with!! yummm ;-)
talked to mom and she is really sounding better and her feet are doing very good. she is supposed to call the foot dr today to make the appointment to get her nails cut or whatever she needs done. her BP is also coming down to normal range again so that is a plus for sure!!!
i see several new people on OFF "WELCOME!!!"
also to all those that need to vent...GO FOR IT!!! THATS WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR!!!! heaven knows i have done my fair share venting to you all!!!! ;-)
well best get off here and back to making the pillow while rick is sleeping yet...LOL if he only knew what i was doing...rofl so have a great day and remember...SMILE!!!! makes people wonder what you've been up too!!! :-)
love hugs and prayers.... sure have a busy life....always something going on...take time for you too.
Marcy....thanks for thinking of me....things are not quite as bad...I see my therapist again this week. glad your mother is doing better!!
As for me.....nothing exciting going on here....I did get my Christmas cards written out this weekend...I need to go to the post office in a little while to get them mailed.
I was happy the Vikings won yesterday...that was a good game! Watched it with friends and then came home and went to bed at 7:30PM...exhausted and in pain.
I best get back to my job now. Prayers for those in need.
Love and hugs for all....connie d
on 12/14/09 1:15 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
This has been an unusually busy year taken up mostly with moving (twice), 4 surgeries, and setting up the new house property (lawn, garden, etc).
Trust me, I have some really GOOD "me time" planned....after my next round of plastics I am planning a nice cruise and then this summer I'm going on a 3 month tour of Europe. CAN'T WAIT!
Hope all is going well with you!
Allergies kicking big time today!! Ill be glad when the allgery pills kick in also!
Our little cookie party with couple songs to entertain the oldsters at moms care center kinda blossomed Saturday. Any action draws attention in an activity there so the kids sang a couple of times then a gramma wants to hear her grandson sing song from his school program and a mom suggested her 3 kids speak their piece from church program and another family had a cute dance. Aides started bringing in more residents to see the entertainment, little ones singing itsy bitsy spider and the alphbet song, toddlers dancing jigs and piroweting to their own tunes, the aides requested the acts start moving around the different activity rooms to entertain all the residents. All acts were so appreciated and applulded! My sisterin laws small act of kindness turned into an afternoon of entertainment for many residents with so many participants. and of course you know the children all enjoyed it also!!!
I ned to get the grocery store today and have a appt with a bone cracker so Id better get moving
Prayers going up from here for everyone .
Have a good day everyone
I have a nice life. It's a bit quiet around the holidays, and my parents and Michael's have all passed away. We don't have children, but we have siblings, nieces and nephews, and many wonderful friends to enjoy during the season. Yesterday a good friend came and cut my hair, as my regular stylist (my sister!) is not working right now due to surgery. Then another friend that needed some computer help stopped by and Michael helped her. Finally, a friend came by for lunch - so it was a wonderful day full of socializing.
This week is pretty quiet - although work is busy. But, we are having a couple over for dinner tomorrow night. Thursday a friend of ours has a home show of her jewelry, so we'll go to that. I am getting just about done with shopping. We are buying a new loveseat, so that's our gift to each other this year. We won't be traveling, as Michael will be having dialysis beginning in a couple weeks.
All in all things are going well. I love losing weight and feeling better day by day. And in spite of the snow and cold in Minnesota, I love this season!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
It's gloomy and 34 this morning ... looks like rain. I have an appointment with my psychologist at 11:30 so I will have to be getting ready for that soon. I'm having my first cup of coffee.
I didn't get a whole lot done yesterday. Wasn't in the mood. I did get a lot of laundry done, but not all of it. Have to finish the gentle cycle load yet, which is all my Christmas sweaters. And still have to do the litter boxes ... I'll do that this afternoon.
Ruth, I like to bake but decided to forgo that this year. I've been eating too much of my baking and that's not good. I made one batch last week and it's almost gone. So no more baking for now until I can get my habits until control again. I know it's emotional eating, but I still can't stop it right now.
I have no Christmas shopping done because I have no money to do it, so it will have to wait until Thursday and the last minute. Oh well ... my mother tells me not to get her anything, but I can't do that. It's not like I'm going to buy a lot. But then there's also the trip to Chicago, which is going to cost me, too. And on the little bit of money that I get in my paycheck (minus the pay cut and the bankruptcy cut), there's just nothing there. I know there's only a few more weeks of this, but still ... I'm sick of it. I want it over now.
Anyway, sorry to make all of you depressed. Welcome to the new folks. I need to get my butt and the rest of my body in the shower. Judy, I'm glad you mom is better.
Have a good day.
on 12/14/09 1:22 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
LOL on the baking....I know what you mean. I find I have to wrap them and get them all sealed up and ready to go or I'll be tempted to pick on too many. I normally freeze a small amount for the house and only take out 1 or 2 when we are going to have a treat. Sometimes even then I have to really work on resisting them.
Right now we have a box of Chocolate Chip Cookies in the house (left over from last months company). One night I was going crazy...I'll have one, I'll have two.....I'll have four.......I'll have none.....I had that conversation for hours! I settled on 2 and then put them in a Tupperware box and hid them in the closet. That was about 3 weeks ago. Just yesterday we saw them and each had 1 cookie. I've gotta to be able to live with the yummy food and just not over-do it. It's just so hard!! 1 cookie in 3 weeks is not bad.
Best wishes on controlling the internal cookie monster.....
I had nine of them yesterday ... not good at all. I realized I had to get them out of the house and not bake at all again. I was able to control it every other year but this year. I know it's all emotional eating ... just can't control it this year.
on 12/16/09 11:03 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL