Sunday what's new?
good morning!!!! i am on michael's computer-thank goodness i remembered my pw for OH!!!! michael has his computer screen in grey which i hate but it's his!!!and his keyboard is really touchy--i hate it!!!! mine didn't die yet-why tempt it tho!!!!!!!
so- we're up-chico was having trouble breathing this morning so i got michael up-he gives him a treatment of inhaler in a bag! then everyone was up and wanted to be on the couch with mommy!!!!!
i'm so glad to see melissa and debbie posting!!!!so many of you don't really know either of them...hope they stick around more!
laureen's tale of the new tail in her house lightens my heart!!!!
carolyn...i can understand any trepidations as you start the are in my prayers..and we'll all watch for you to check in when you can!!!!!!
i need to get self dressed and get to work somewhere in this house- the rain only makes it dreary if one looks outside! so==== michael is putting wheels on the bottom of my bedroom entertainment center so it moves more easily--but it wasn't totally unloaded so guess where i started! now i need to sort before i close the box! i am trying sooooooo very hard not to take any other boxes north that haven't been gone thru recently--i know there will be more and more to pitch once i get up there--but so much has been "in packing and moving mode" for what-almost 3 years that i have no clue what in the world is important anymore ! i'm anxious to get our compter room unpacked and organized! i love office and school type supplies...the closet teacher wanna be in me--actually--that iS what i always wanted to be!!!! so -anyhow=-am trying to pack carefully and anxious to unpack!!!!!i also feel like i am trying to put down roots-does it show???? um...don't tell michael!!!!
a lil laundry today and lotsa packing--i'm starting to get nervous about the moving day's approach cuz of being in Toledo on tues and weds....and then on thursday a trip to sandusky to give the grands' gifts to the ex and his wife.....i still have stuff in the garage i haven't touched and my moving crew is not going to be patient!!!!
yesterday, michael and i had to leave for the showing( which we of course have no clue of an outcome about!!!) so we packed the dogs and drove- i ended up going to tractor supply for one grand's Christmas present-a breyer pony set on clearance with an add'l $5 off!!!!!! and then to toledo to toys r us--lemme tell ya that was NOT fun!!! but i got the doll i was after! after dinner i went back to kmart locally to exchange two gifts that i had bought the day before-got the right sizes and headed to wallys for a few other things-ya know it's tuff to buy an outfit for barbie! no selection anymore-almost cheaper to buy the durned doll! when i got home i was whooped-tried to watch Christmas in Canaan on hallmark and fell asleep in the chair with my roxie clung tightly---she is getting worse!!!!!
ok-nuff...packing is my day
hugs and prayers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so- we're up-chico was having trouble breathing this morning so i got michael up-he gives him a treatment of inhaler in a bag! then everyone was up and wanted to be on the couch with mommy!!!!!
i'm so glad to see melissa and debbie posting!!!!so many of you don't really know either of them...hope they stick around more!
laureen's tale of the new tail in her house lightens my heart!!!!
carolyn...i can understand any trepidations as you start the are in my prayers..and we'll all watch for you to check in when you can!!!!!!
i need to get self dressed and get to work somewhere in this house- the rain only makes it dreary if one looks outside! so==== michael is putting wheels on the bottom of my bedroom entertainment center so it moves more easily--but it wasn't totally unloaded so guess where i started! now i need to sort before i close the box! i am trying sooooooo very hard not to take any other boxes north that haven't been gone thru recently--i know there will be more and more to pitch once i get up there--but so much has been "in packing and moving mode" for what-almost 3 years that i have no clue what in the world is important anymore ! i'm anxious to get our compter room unpacked and organized! i love office and school type supplies...the closet teacher wanna be in me--actually--that iS what i always wanted to be!!!! so -anyhow=-am trying to pack carefully and anxious to unpack!!!!!i also feel like i am trying to put down roots-does it show???? um...don't tell michael!!!!
a lil laundry today and lotsa packing--i'm starting to get nervous about the moving day's approach cuz of being in Toledo on tues and weds....and then on thursday a trip to sandusky to give the grands' gifts to the ex and his wife.....i still have stuff in the garage i haven't touched and my moving crew is not going to be patient!!!!
yesterday, michael and i had to leave for the showing( which we of course have no clue of an outcome about!!!) so we packed the dogs and drove- i ended up going to tractor supply for one grand's Christmas present-a breyer pony set on clearance with an add'l $5 off!!!!!! and then to toledo to toys r us--lemme tell ya that was NOT fun!!! but i got the doll i was after! after dinner i went back to kmart locally to exchange two gifts that i had bought the day before-got the right sizes and headed to wallys for a few other things-ya know it's tuff to buy an outfit for barbie! no selection anymore-almost cheaper to buy the durned doll! when i got home i was whooped-tried to watch Christmas in Canaan on hallmark and fell asleep in the chair with my roxie clung tightly---she is getting worse!!!!!
ok-nuff...packing is my day
hugs and prayers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Well, DIL and grandbaby come home today. Son is staying home tomorrow, so I can go to poker with the girls, then I'll be here to help out. Josh was slow on the nipple and not sucking well, but is doing better now. Hopefully he'll continue to improve. They had talked of transferring him to a hospital with a neonatal unit, if he didn't start suckling better and I guess he must have known, because he's improving. Praise God.
Well, I need to jump in the shower and get ready for the babe...
Take care everyone.
Well, I need to jump in the shower and get ready for the babe...
Take care everyone.
A gloomy morning here, and a little slippery under foot - had some freezing rain toward bedtime, but it's to warm up and then more rain.
We've been so lucky not getting all the snow the folks north of us got.
Been to church, came home and put on a different shirt so I could cook (I'm a messy cook) -- made a big pot of White Bean, Sausage(turkey) Soup ( -- it is full of good lean protein and lots of good veggies.....will eat on it all week.
Going to Fiesta Mexicana for lunch to celebrate DS's birthday. I will probably have a fajita w/o the wrap.
Finished the towel I was working on, now have started a couple small ornaments.....think the other towel will wait till later on.....probably when I am laid up with my foot after surgery.
Best wishes and good thoughts going out to Carolyn as she begins her radiation treatments.
Have a lovely Sunday,
Pat r.
We've been so lucky not getting all the snow the folks north of us got.
Been to church, came home and put on a different shirt so I could cook (I'm a messy cook) -- made a big pot of White Bean, Sausage(turkey) Soup ( -- it is full of good lean protein and lots of good veggies.....will eat on it all week.
Going to Fiesta Mexicana for lunch to celebrate DS's birthday. I will probably have a fajita w/o the wrap.
Finished the towel I was working on, now have started a couple small ornaments.....think the other towel will wait till later on.....probably when I am laid up with my foot after surgery.
Best wishes and good thoughts going out to Carolyn as she begins her radiation treatments.
Have a lovely Sunday,
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good morning, everyone!
I woke up with a sore, scratchy throat so I'm going to spare everyone at church and stay home today. It's gloomy and nasty outside as a storm system makes it way toward us. If the weather stayed cold I might hope for snow but ... there's warm weather coming in too so I guess it's just going to be rain, rain and more rain. Bleah. :P
Yesterday, Santa came to the town firehouse. It was quite a party for families--a free picture of kids with Santa, a grab bag of gifts (donated by Burger King), cookies and hot chocolate. My DH and I had such a nice time with our little guy!
Here's a couple of pictures from yesterday, when Ted (my DH) and I took our grandson to the firehouse to see Santa:

He isn't smiling there but he was really very excited to see Santa

Last night, we decided to watch "Christmas Vacation". That movie always gets me, LOL. If I'm still in a comedy mood, I may pick out "Home Alone" this evening.
Have a serene Sunday everyone!
I woke up with a sore, scratchy throat so I'm going to spare everyone at church and stay home today. It's gloomy and nasty outside as a storm system makes it way toward us. If the weather stayed cold I might hope for snow but ... there's warm weather coming in too so I guess it's just going to be rain, rain and more rain. Bleah. :P
Yesterday, Santa came to the town firehouse. It was quite a party for families--a free picture of kids with Santa, a grab bag of gifts (donated by Burger King), cookies and hot chocolate. My DH and I had such a nice time with our little guy!
Here's a couple of pictures from yesterday, when Ted (my DH) and I took our grandson to the firehouse to see Santa:

He isn't smiling there but he was really very excited to see Santa

Last night, we decided to watch "Christmas Vacation". That movie always gets me, LOL. If I'm still in a comedy mood, I may pick out "Home Alone" this evening.
Have a serene Sunday everyone!

Lots of you are enjoying time with the grandchildren! Wonderful. I'm not a mom or grandmother, but an auntie and grandaunt of 30 - between Michael and my siblings and their kids and grands! Love it. Yesterday at the WLS Saturday coffee we have here, I got to hold a 4 month old for quite a while. What a sweetie.
Getting into the holiday spirit here. We went to an art and craft show yesterday and did some Christmas shopping. Then last night we went to furniture stores, as we want to replace our couch with a reclining love seat. Sales are pretty good.
Today we are going to stay home and do things around here!
Getting into the holiday spirit here. We went to an art and craft show yesterday and did some Christmas shopping. Then last night we went to furniture stores, as we want to replace our couch with a reclining love seat. Sales are pretty good.
Today we are going to stay home and do things around here!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
today will be a fun day... I have the neighbor girl here, she spent the night. We worked on a gingerbread house last night and we will fini**** up this morning. She is a very demanding child. She is the only child of divorced parents. Her dad has custody and does a good job but the world revolves around her. She can be such a sweet girl but needs to be the center of whatever is going on.
Most of my Christmas shopping is done. I just need to finish up on my sewing. It is mainly easy stuff but I sure seem to be running out of time. My sewing groups will be having their parties this coming week which should be a lot of fun.
I guess I better go... Princess wants breakfast. I don't think she is hungry, she just doesn't like me giving attention to something else.
Have a fun, festive day
Most of my Christmas shopping is done. I just need to finish up on my sewing. It is mainly easy stuff but I sure seem to be running out of time. My sewing groups will be having their parties this coming week which should be a lot of fun.
I guess I better go... Princess wants breakfast. I don't think she is hungry, she just doesn't like me giving attention to something else.
Have a fun, festive day
Hi Margo and my OFF family:
Geez, I'm really late getting on here today. But then I didn't get up til nearly noon. Got home at nearly midnight ... tough last hour at work, rushing to get the Pistons and Red Wings stories in ... that last hour really pumps up the adrenalin. Then I drove home in a mix of big wet snow flakes and rain or sleet or something like it ... it was more like sleet when I left Grand Rapids and more like rain as I headed southwest toward home. Because of the rain and the temps (37), a lot of the snow has melted.
I am feeling like a real slug today. Don't feel like baking, which is good, because I've been eating too much of what I've already baked. I have started laundry and will try to dump one litter box, but I think that may be it. Talked with my brother Gary ... his neck is not doing much better, still can't get much feeling in his left hand; talked with mom ... boy, she was chatty today! Getting ready for the big family Christmas party next Sunday. Still need to buy presents, and no money to do so. I will have to buy something for the grandnephews, probably tomorrow. Mom told me not to buy her anything (well, I have some books I bid on at the book sale ... if I get them by the end of this week, I'll have those, otherwise, I'll get her some sugar-free candy). And otherwise, I just have my grab-bag gift for my niece Andrea (all she gave me was iTunes gift cards) and something for Gary (we still exchange ... I already told him I was getting him a Best Buy gift card so he can get a GPS ... it'll be just $25).
I wish these antidepressants would kick in, though. I am in such a big funk. All I want to do is sleep and eat. And I do mean eat, all the wrong things. I don't even want to do anything fun anymore. (Although I did watch "Home Alone" last night ... that did lift my spirits a bit.)
Anyway, enough of my whining. Laureen, what happened with Sirius? Did I miss something? You got a Roxie instead? I'll have to read back a few posts. See what happens when I get up late!
Well, have a good day.
Geez, I'm really late getting on here today. But then I didn't get up til nearly noon. Got home at nearly midnight ... tough last hour at work, rushing to get the Pistons and Red Wings stories in ... that last hour really pumps up the adrenalin. Then I drove home in a mix of big wet snow flakes and rain or sleet or something like it ... it was more like sleet when I left Grand Rapids and more like rain as I headed southwest toward home. Because of the rain and the temps (37), a lot of the snow has melted.
I am feeling like a real slug today. Don't feel like baking, which is good, because I've been eating too much of what I've already baked. I have started laundry and will try to dump one litter box, but I think that may be it. Talked with my brother Gary ... his neck is not doing much better, still can't get much feeling in his left hand; talked with mom ... boy, she was chatty today! Getting ready for the big family Christmas party next Sunday. Still need to buy presents, and no money to do so. I will have to buy something for the grandnephews, probably tomorrow. Mom told me not to buy her anything (well, I have some books I bid on at the book sale ... if I get them by the end of this week, I'll have those, otherwise, I'll get her some sugar-free candy). And otherwise, I just have my grab-bag gift for my niece Andrea (all she gave me was iTunes gift cards) and something for Gary (we still exchange ... I already told him I was getting him a Best Buy gift card so he can get a GPS ... it'll be just $25).
I wish these antidepressants would kick in, though. I am in such a big funk. All I want to do is sleep and eat. And I do mean eat, all the wrong things. I don't even want to do anything fun anymore. (Although I did watch "Home Alone" last night ... that did lift my spirits a bit.)
Anyway, enough of my whining. Laureen, what happened with Sirius? Did I miss something? You got a Roxie instead? I'll have to read back a few posts. See what happens when I get up late!
Well, have a good day.
Hi, I'm new here but it seems like a very friendly place to be. I spent the morning shopping and the afternoon wrapping presents. I have to college age children - both attending colleges far away from home - so I'm looking forward to seeing them on Friday. Trying to get everything done before they get home. I was going to bake - but just didn't get around to it. I'm watching "The Philadelphia Story" on TV right now - haven't seen that in years but I always love it. Jane