Yippee it's Saturday! Whatcha doin?
Margo, glad your baby is home. I know how it is to have them make themselves comfortable on your bed. And, we do make room for them!
Laureen, I hope the dog is loveable and you can't pass him up. I hope you get to take him home. You need that.
Grammylew - You are a strong lady. I see your daily writings and can pray that everything goes well for you.
I hope I didn't miss anyone. I am thinking about you.
Going to go shopping tomorrow. I hope I get my Shopping completed. Although my daughter is going with me. I don't think I will be able to sneak things by here.
My art teacher whose husband just died got bit by a dog. So bad she is in the hospital and needs plastic surgery. I am going to try and see her today. I feel so bad for her. Lots of stressful things for her just before the Holidays.
Well.... I hope everyone is well and stays that way.
For people who follow me, take care.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Looking out My Michigan window its looks beautiful. Step a toe outside and brrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
Heading up home with my little ones today. For several weeks before mom died she obsessed about decorating cookies for the monthly birthday party for the care center, so we are going to honor her wish once more and go decorate and take out the cookies. and my sister in law is going to work with all the kids on a couple of songs to entertain the oldsters.
Still have those prayers going up from here for all those who need or want them!
Have a good Saturday everyone.
Things have been hectic around here the last few days. Yesterday, though, Ted and I finished up Christmas shopping for the grandkids. In our family, we're doing "Secret Santa" and that's done so this means ... now we can relax! :D
Right now, I'm listening to "The Messiah" (Handel). My grandson's coming over today and I'm thinking of taking him to see Santa at the town's fire hall. That should be fun. Later, his mother will come for her supervised visit with him. Hubby, younger daughter and I are hoping to squeeze in hair cuts today...we'll see.
Healing prayers going out for everyone who needs it.
Hope everyone has a super Saturday!

I woke up early today and it was 19*... brrrr for us.....
My nephew just left for Spokane.... he had a cornea transplant which went well. It was fun having him here while he recouped. Mom and I forgot how much a guy could eat. lol He was well fed, that's for sure.
Today will be spent cleaning house, bedding washed, bathroom cleaned --- I should have Marc do that... lol and finish putting up decorations.
Our apartment complex is having a breakfast this morning. That is always fun to meet new people and get in contact with others who have been indoors during the cold.
I really want to be spending my time in the sewing room getting projects done. I got behind when a few unexpected visits or trips shopping came up. I don't know why so many seamstress wait til the last minute.... sheeshh. Next year will be the year of the UFOs... ( unfinished objects) LOL we use to laugh about how many we have... I do want to get my "stash" of fabrics and projects down.
I would love to be baking today but.... I don't dare have the sugar.
Well, I'm off to shower and get started on my day. Have a Holly Jolly Day.... laugh, love & live to the fullest.
Laureen, I hope you get your new furbaby today. I hope it works out for you. You sure have a busy day ahead of you.
We have a sunny day here and 30 degrees ... warmer than it has been, and the sun will feel good, maybe melt some snow off the streets so it won't be as slick. The drive home last night was much nicer.
Not much going on with me today. I slept til 10 a.m., thought it was Sunday and could really sleep late, then realized it was Saturday and I had to work today at 3:30 p.m., so I got up at 10:30. Wish I didn't have to go to work. Saturdays are usually long and boring because everything comes in so late, so I sit there with nothing to do most of the night. So looking forward to Sunday-Monday when I have off. I have to finish my Christmas shopping (very little to buy, but still ...). I am not in the spirit, other than the lights and decorations. It's hard for me to be in the spirit because Christmas is just another workday for me and now I don't even get double time (yeah, they're cheating us out of that, too). I know, I should be happy I have a job. I am, I just don't enjoy it as much anymore.
Well, enough whining. I should get some more coffee and get off the computer. Have a good day.
How exciting for your room-mate, I remember my first Speakers meetings years ago. I was so nervous and felt that what I had to say was of non-importance as everyone thad done that and been there already. But it is surprising how when people talk about it each and everyone is so different yet so the same. I use to be a circuit speakers here in CA when involve with AA.
Good luck with your new puppy.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
It is cold here and I surely arent used to it. I have my winter jacket, Carl boots, and I am doing the cold pretty good.
I start my job on Monday and I am glad. i sure need my money. this wedding is supposedly going to cost more than I can chew so Ill have to do a lot of fast saving!!!!!
hey laureen...was hoping to see a post about how your meeting went with your new dog!!! i hope it went well and soon you will have him home with you!!!!
was busy most of the day with rick...shopping and making beef stew...he did the laundry for me also. he also surprised me by putting up "OUR" tree in the bedroom!!! so many happy memories from that first Christmas together!!! can you believe this will be our 3rd Christmas together??? time sure has gone by fast!!!! and each day is a good day between us both!! we are both so happy being together!!!! ;-) life is good!!!! well it would be better if he got a job again!!! but we make due...
temps here are better but still cold...no snow for us here either...oh well we will get it soon enough!!!
talked to mom also today and she is doing better...BP is coming down slow but sure...feet are getting better also. she has to call the foot dr monday to make appointment now to get the nails cut.
sort of feeling like a cold coming on for me...i hope not!!! i hate colds!!! taking meds now to ward it off...hope it works!!!
well off to bed...work in the morning for me. 8-230. and then monday its 1-5 then i am off tuesday and wednesday so i will be busy making cookies and frosting them. going to give most of them away. ;-)
my prayers and thoughts for all who are reading this... :-)