What's new Friday?
Good morning, ya'll.
IT'S FRIDAY!! Are all you working folks thrilled? My DIL had a bad week and is ready for a break. She is an aide at a local DoD school with first grade SpEd kids. VERY stressful.
Yesterday I had a chemo treatment in the AM, had just enough time to come home and grab my DH for a 2 hour trip to Greenville for my radiation simulation. Got 3 new marks on my abdoman. I have to go back again today to have THOSE marks tweeked. I will absolutely be starting radiation on the 14th. Hooray!
Depression is not something to be ignored. Annette I hope you can get your meds tweaked correctly.
Hope all the pets get where they need to be safely and happily. We have no pets here in NC. Did have in OR. Sometimes I miss them, but mostly not.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
i was up at 3-couldn't face typing so i went to the recliner where i eventually fell back to sleep....
yesterday, we managed to make a complete chaotic mess out of the house! a good mess in that we got muchos packed and moved to the garage--due to michael's surgery on tuesday , he wants to get as much as possible out there so loading the truck may take less time! i must say that i took many breaks in the work and cuddled with roxie- she is quite unsure of what is happening and follows me like glue...she was a rescue-could it be she and her sister had been abandoned? dunno-doubt it but---
so-in the midst of everything; who calls but my realtor with a showing for saturday afternoon! gotta love her! of course we'll leave for an agent to show-just know that we are packing!!!!!
you all read my good news about brody coming "home"--he has been a problem for melissa and greg since he went back in september-we are thinking it is his aging and the noise and excitement of all the other -newer to the pack-dogs at their house--i don't think it is a personal affront to them--but he has been having issues which i pray are resolved getting back here with only roxie......neither melissa nor i have been talking about these issues online and i know that it has ben quite difficult for her to deal with his aggressions with all of the other things she contends with on a daily basis!( a major house and barn full!!!!) soo-i am all excited and can't wait and michael is on board etc-til suddenly at 10 last nite i said something about the sharks and he says "oh, so just like that brody is coming back" and acted all pissy...well- get over it, bud! he misses the big dufus!!!!
spent about 20 minutes on the phone re his pre surgery registration yesterday-wonderful gal at Toledo Hospital...have never been there so will be all new-and a new gift shop to explore!! sorry-that's me!!!!i think it's from my gramma running the shop in sturgis--passed down in the genes!!!
i have a few Christmas gifts to buy for my grands and then i must wrap-get that stuff ready so that one day next week i can meet up with my ex and his wife to trade--my daughter is giving me her old cell phone since michael got my upgrade...we'll be meeting in sandusky which is halfway between us so it will take a chunk of my time....but worth it....

laureen...i am so right there with you about your son..i think it is part of the addictive nature that we have as mothers, etc...you and i are quite similar in so many ways....and we must be strong and put our feet down...we deserve lives..and the love that you are seeking is so right at this time in your life...i am hoping sirius will be "the one"-sounds like he will be!!!!
sending prayers to all...so many having health issues and spouse or parent or child issues..we gotta stick together OFFers!!!!!
a special prayer for carla as she flies to chicago today and faces what is there for her besides her darling lizzie!!!!
hey-here's a hug too! no calories attached!!!!! i am so grateful for all of you!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Today is going to be a busy one. I've worked a couple of hours so far, and then I have a mammogram scheduled (Oh I can't wait for that - LOL) and I will dispatch this afternoon for my husband while he goes to an orthopedic appointment.
Yesterday I was hungry for the first time since surgery August 19th. Not sure what that was all about. I'm planning to drink a protein shake for breakfast this morning instead of oatmeal. I NEVER want to go back to craving food the way I did preop....NEVER. Hopefully, being sugar-free now, will cure that problem.
Have a great day everyone! Prayers uplifted for all of my wonderful friends here for happiness, good health, and peace.
Re the hunger. . . it does come back for some, it came back for me a lot earlier than I wished and well, some days are better than others with the hunger issue, but I just try to be sure I am feeding hunger and not feelings or boredom and make choices that are not going to cause me too much in the way of putting back the pounds. . .
Best wishes as you continue on this sometimes wacky journey. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Laureen good luck with the dog. We have special places in our hearts for those furry friends. They make us happy even though sometimes they can be a pest. I have four dogs. One was put down on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I know your pain. We also have two labs, a rottweiler who is a big baby and a chiauhua he thinks he rules the pack.
Margo, I am glad you are getting your dog back too. We sometimes need that unconditional love. We have to put it someplace.
Annette, I am glad you went for help. That is the best thing you could have done for yourself. Sometimes we need that little boost from medication. I take antidepressants also. I have for awhile. I think they have helped me. I am pretty mellow now.
Yesterday we finally got the pipes unthawed. Thanks to those who posted suggestions. I was afraid they were going to burst. Don't need that headache now.
Well, everyone have a peaceful day and don't forget to take the time to smile over one thing today. It is good for the soul.
Prayers to all... Stay healthy.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Thanks for your comments, funny when I lived in New York, after my Mom died, I moved into her rent controlled apartment to live out her lease, which was supposed to help towards saving money to buy my own house, long story that, but anyway. . . there was a man who lived on my Mom's floor, he and his wife had a chiauhua, she was 13 years old and made me laugh, because I would come out of my Mom's apartment with Dillinger who was not other dog friendly for the most part and if Boris was coming out with his dog, she would yap, yap and go after my big old boy, it was so funny, as Dillinger would look at her and the expression on his face was like, you are snack size, but what the heck, I am beat. . . I've always said, chiauhaus are little dogs with great big personality presence, then there is the story of when I was a young girl and how a woman was in the basement doing her laundry when a man tried to sneak up and assualt her, they police followed the trail of blood left by the teeth her chiauhau put into his ankle. . .
Have a great day!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good Morning Everyone! A quick stop by from me. I'm sitting in the recliner typing on my new 14 inch HP laptop. Yep, finally made the big step. By the time I settled on what I wanted everyone in the family was tired of hearing about it. Kind of like the pregnancy/birthing process. Very long and drawn out, but I'm so happy with the "baby"! Keyboard is almost full size but has a few keys in different locations. Just will take a bit of time to get used to. So far so good. Couldn't get my "arrow" loose from the upper left corner. Fiddled and fiddled and just when I was about to give in and make a call I discovered the "locK" key for the touch pad. Voila! In short order I was up and going. Love it love it so far. The old relic in the spare bedroom probably won't see much use! Need to back up everything on it especially my genealogy and photos so that when the day comes and it won't do anything I won't lose the important stuff. Anyone know what I need to do that?
Other news, Erin had her first ultrasound yesterday. We don't have a clue as to "what" we're getting around July 4th but we do know there is just one! Yay! Twins have been so much fun but another set? I think one will seem like a piece of cake for them. Hannah and Clara won't even be 2 and 1/2 when the sibling arrives. Erin at 3 loved babies and was even able to help a bit. Hannah loves her baby doll, but oh my gosh! She hauls it around by its leg, bare nekked then puts it acrosse her lap, slaps it on the back, lets out a big fake "burp"and then shoves a bottle in its mouth. Me thinks Erin better keep a very close eye on the big sisters!
Not much else. Working on the rest of my Christmas shopping. Not much left to do. Marti's snow is absolutely beautiful. Still cold here, but clear. I love one good snowfall for a few days and then it can go away and turn to spring as far as I'm concerned.
You all take care.
Karen C