What's new Thursday
(((marti))) morning to you and my OFF family!!!
weather here is COLD!!!!!! went form 54 to 19 fast!!! wind chill last i saw was like 6* BRRRRRRRRR just a touch of snow here but they said more coming today...we have to wait and see....put bandits ohio state sweater on him this morning to go outside and he sure didn't like it but i think he was happy he had it on while out there!!! BRRRRRRRRRR
talked to mom last night and she sounds ALOT better!!! said she told the visiting nurse that she didn't want her anymore...told her to take care of someone else that needed help. sighs.....said that someone will be stopping by saturday for her to sign papers that she doesn't want a nurse anymore. she still didn't call the foot dr for an appointment. i told her she better do it today so she doesn't get that infection back!!! she promised me she would call.
made chicken leg quarters for supper last night. ate some and felt full fast...sat in chair and just didn't feel right. sat for about 1/2 hour and still felt so full...i told rick something wasn't right...i opened a can of coke and took a drink and immediatly started having the foamies and GOD awful pain in the chest!!! walked to the bedroom and that is when the real foamies started up so bad i had to go to the bathroom and keep spitting it out...felt like i didn't know which end it was going to come out so i sat on throne and put waste basket inbetween my legs...yuppers i threw up chicken big time!! guess ihad a stuck piece and after that i was ok. sorry TMI but had to share it. it will be a long time before i try chicken again!!!
got ricks one pillow done and he doesn't know it...LOL tricky working on a gift so he doesn't see it!!!! one more to go yet. can't believe Christmas is almost here!!! seems like just last week it was thanksgiving!!! time is sure going fast!!!
not looking forward to work today at all...i will be there 1-10 and with the football game on tonight it will be dead i am sure...even if it is just the browns playing the steelers. go steelers!!! browns are losers...LOL could have gone to this game but we figured it would be way to cold for me to go and we were right...supposed to have wind chills about -10 so glad we didn't take the tickets that were offered to us.
laureen so happy that you will be (hopefully) getting a new dog!!! how old is this one?
marymargaret we used a blow torch to thaw pipes which IS dangerous!!! but use a hair dryer to thaw those pipes out!! keep cupboard doors open and a trickle of water at night running...also get some pipe wraps to insulate them. they are cheap enough.
margo i can't keep up with you on your packing and all...seems like every load you get done you bring more into the house!!! LOL
mary i hope your hubby gets his dialisis done and he can have his WLS soon.
jackie my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time for you and your family.
CR****s once again but know i AM thinking of you all and prayers and good thoughts to all!!!!
have a good day and keep warm if its cold where you are and if its warm send us some!!!!!!!!! :-)
Hey Judy,
As he was a stray, there is no way to accurately know (at least I don't think so), but they are stating his age to be 3 and looking at his photo, I'd say they are probably close to the mark. He is a beautiful boy and we can't wait to meet him on Saturday, as I stated earlier the hard part will be leaving him behind for another 10 days. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I am giving away 3 very sweet little girls! Hugs kisses and all the makings for decorating Christmas cookies go with them! Not sure if I can separate them at this point so must take all 3. I guess that's why 20s ans 30 are for having kids and 50s are for grand kids!!! I still refuse to admit I am to old for this!
Guess the big blizzard kind of blustered out here in Michigan but its cold! and windy. want to go shopping and out to my weekly lunch with close friend for some adult chatter and shes tied up and the kids are wheezy so we are both stuck to home ! aaahhhh shucks! I suppose I shall survive.
Prayers going out for everyone and hopes that all have a good day.
Just popping in to do a quick check in on everyone.
Freezing cold here as it is with most of you...windchill is -26 ....temp -5...aaarrrrggggg!! I am staying home today!
My cleaning fairy is here working her magic...love that gal!
Prayers to those in need....especially for Jacki and her family.
I have some of you as friends on Facebook...if there are others that would like to be added to my friends please PM me...thanks!!
Love and hugs for all....connie d
Good luck with your quiting smoking, Marti. Sorry you are suffering from the headache.
I've got my antibiotics and my cough syrup with codeine to take care of my chest infection. Doc also found I had a bladder infection too. The antibiotics is supposed to take care of both. I didn't like the cough medicine. It made me have crazy dreams last night and kept me from getting into a deep sleep. I should be well by Christmas at least.
Mary, I hope your husbands dialysis will not become long term.
Margo, How long will Hawaii be put off? Maybe you would be better off keeping everything packed and living minimally in the trailer. I hate moving.
We woke up to no heat this morning which means we almost were out of ho****er too. Hubby does all his own work on the furnace so he was down there changing the filter nozzle on the oil furnace and emptying the pressure backflow in the ho****er system. He thinks he has it fixed. I'm leaving in a few minutes to go home for lunch and make sure it's working.
Take care everyone.
and you are lucky to have a snow plow and TWICE....we live on a quiet street, but in the middle of a hill....I think we are the last street to get plowed out...and then they bury the end of the driveway in 3-4 feet of solid snow....They even closed the University here yesterday for the first time ever....BUT we got our newspaper....a little late, but we got it....my husband is lost without it.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
When I worked at the newspaper in South Dakota, we had blizzards every week in the winter of 1996-97 (for a period of a couple weeks) and the newspaper sent drivers to pick up people that lived in the city to get us into work. But even though we produced a paper, they couldn't deliver it the next day because the trucks couldn't get out to the rural areas. So the papers were bundled in the following day's papers, when the roads were more clear. That happened twice. So technically, we still were a daily paper.