What's new Thursday

Marti O.
on 12/9/09 2:50 pm, edited 12/9/09 2:53 pm
Well I haven't been first for a long time.....Thhings are very white in Wisconsin....we had about 17.9 inches of snow yesterday....the good news is the snow stopped and the sun came out....the bad news is that it is now minus 25 below out side [wind chill]....oh well no cloud cover in Wisconsin is not a good thing for temperature.....So we will be having a very White Christmas, my little grandaughter from Dallas is so excited about coming and building a snow man.

I have no idea why I am up this late, just messing ont he computer, trying to write a Christmas letter....not doing so good as I have a terrible headache ...took aspirin and hot shower, helped a little...think I will try bed now.I think it might be that Chantix I am taking for quitting smoking. Talk to you later.

Tell me about your day.
Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



George T.
on 12/9/09 3:12 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning Marti!  Hello to all you other guys and gals too.

Sorry about your headache.  Wish we had 17 inches of snow.  Boy, what that would do down here.  LOL.

It is a GREAT day for me.  Of course that is baseball related.  My Rangers made 3 deals yesterday and have me all excited.  They are making a move. 

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Eileen Briesch
on 12/9/09 4:35 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Marti, George and my OFF family:

I'm just about ready for bed. I got off a little earlier than expected and headed home just as the winds started to pick up. We were laughing at the "Blizzard of 2009" ... not! We didn't get as much snow here as predicted, but as I said, the winds were picking up as I was driving home and it was getting a little dicier driving. Not as bad as last Thursday into Friday morning, though. Just a little trickier than it looked as I looked out the windows at work.

Don't know what that's going to turn into. A lot of schools canceled classes yesterday, figuring we were going to have a mess, and then that didn't materialize. As one of my coworkers said, we had 30" of hype and 3 inches of snow ... or something like that.

Anyway, I had checked my payroll deposit while I was at work, paid a bill there, paid another one just now, not much money left, don't know how I'm going to get Christmas presents, just glad the bankruptcy is almost over. Luckily, I don't have many presents to buy, but I won't be able to buy any until next week, right before I go home for Christmas.

The good news is I don't have to hurry back ... I will have Monday off (the 21st) so I can go to the family get-together on Sunday and drive back on Monday as I planned (I usually have Sunday-Monday off) ... and if the weather doesn't cooperate, I still have Tuesday to drive back because I don't wor****il 8:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Well, I'm tired ... hope the caffeine I had late at night doesn't keep me up.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 12/9/09 7:50 pm - NY
Good Morning Marti and all...

  Just a quick note before I buzz of to work.  Snow stinks..and the wind here is awful.  I haven't even gone outside yet and I'm cold.
  Prayers to all who need them..
  Margo...they have finally decided that my stomach pain is my parathyroid.  Out they come...but now my PCP has found a node on my thyroid..so off I go for an ultra sound.  When they finish I may be the first BIONIC woman in NY...LOL
   Connie..honey you sound better..I'm glad if you are feeling a little better.

   George...love that your baseball team is doing well.  How's the new dog doing?
   Cassie...I'm sorry about the flooding...we get a lot of that here too...we're right beside the Susquehanna River and it is notorious for flooding...bad too.  I would actually prefer snow to that..although right now I'm not liking the snow either.  Flooding for us starts in Jan. if we have a thaw and continues through the summer. We've had some pretty awful ones here...disasters etc.

  Well....off to school.  The little critters will be terrible today after having a day off..and with the wind.  But, I love it..and will be glad to see all the kids again today.

  Have a great day everyone..

  (((((HUGS))))) to all who need them.

on 12/9/09 7:52 pm
Good morning Marti, George and Eileen,

Hoping that everyone is keeping warm.  I've been working on stats since early this morning - lol - heck, it's still early 6:49 a.m. - lol - but I'm getting a great start with work today.  I will definitely be finished early enough to get some things done around here.  I feel like I'm falling behind with house things and I don't like that.  Still need to finish getting out decorations, although the tree is up and looks nice.

Well, I'm rambling - lol - not too much going on here.  Hope all of you are closer to being finished Christmas shopping than I am, but I'm not going to stress over it....it will get done, I'm sure.

Have a great day!



on 12/9/09 8:48 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning, ya'll.

Today was the first day our trash company collected recycleables.  They gave us one small blue container to put the stuff in.  We could put out an additional container if we needed to.  I did.  My thoughts on this are:  I think recycling is very important. But... We can recycle plastics, aluminum, steel cans (like soup), newspapers, magazines, cardboard, glass. They want us to put all of this together in the one (or 2) small containers.  They pick it all up in the same truck they use for garbage on the 1st pick-up of the week.  What do they do with it all when they get it where it is going?  Is someone or some machine separating it?  Is it really being recycled, or just going to a different 'landfill' as regular garbage?   

Today is my last chemo before my radiation begins.  Chemo at 8:30 AM, then I have to pick up my DH and be in Greenville (2 hours away) by 12:30 for my radiation simulation.  I hope they are right on schedule at chemo this morning!  Sunday I go to G-ville and check into the Hope Lodge.  Our daughter will fly in late that afternoon and our DIL will pick her up and bring her to the Lodge to stay the week with me.

During the 28 days of radiation I still have chemo to take in pill form (Xeloda).  I take 5 pills AM and 5 pills PM every day I get radiation.  Then when I am done with radiation (around Jan. 25th), I will begin 2 more months of chemo through my port, directly into my bloodstream.  Oh happy day!

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Pat R.
on 12/9/09 9:08 pm - Sturgis, MI
Brr is it cold here in Sturgis, MI -- with wind chill -12 below.  The wind is terrible, the good news we only have a tiny bit of snow.

Regarding the recycling -- I was on the committee here in town to get curb side recycling started....when the company picks up your "stuff" it goes to a facility and is sorted.....we visited and found that less than 10% of what is picked up is taken to the landfill.   Recycling is a good thing and will keep our country green. 

Well I have news regarding my "drop foot".   Will be having surgery to transfer two tendons in January.   I will not be able to walk on the foot for at least four weeks and it will be splinted first, then in one of those glamorous boots.  Doc has good feeling that this will work for me and I will be able to have use of my toes and ankle.  Not looking forward to a long surgery and recovery, but if it fixes the foot it will be worth it.

My sympathy to Jacki and her family on the loss of her Mom.

Need to go to the store, but will wait until things calm down outside.

Have a blessed day,
Pat r.


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Done! Your Ticker: 
Laureen S.
on 12/9/09 8:59 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Marti & My OFFr Friends!

Marti it really is wonderful to see you posting more often, I feel so lucky to have met you in Dallas and hope to see you somewhere again soon, you have a very loving presence.  Hope your granddaughter enjoys her snowman making experience and wish I were there making one with her ;)

Sorry to read about the losses that have happened in the last 24 hours and I wish strength and peace to those deeply affected by those losses!

I'm wishing I did not have to go to work today. . .   tonight is our Christmas party and I don't think I will be going, not in a festive mood right now, but who knows perhaps that will change as the day progresses. . .  our office is a satellite office in Wilmington and the party is up in north New Jersey, so it's at least a 2-1/2 hour drive there and then 1-1/2 home, and then there is the fact that I have a 45 minute drive to work. . .  for a food fest and socializing with people I really don't care for, at least none of the ones in my office that I work with that I do like are going. . .  then there is the fact that I dropped my phone last night in the toilet, don't ask, suffice it to say that putting it on the tank is not a good idea. . .  lol. . .  so now I need to get to Best Buy and get me a new phone, luckily I do carry the insurance for such things.    

For those who are not on Facebook and have not read about it, the dog (Sirius), I am considering adopting passed the kids test and so I am going to meet him on Saturday, which will be hard as I know I will want to bring him home, but because I am going to Florida for my youngest daughter's nursing school graduation/pinning ceremony next week, I don't want to bring him home and then leave him for 4 days right off the bat. . .  anyway, I am looking forward to getting to know Sirius and having a new furfaced son!

Wishing those of you feeling ill, or dealing with other life situations, better health and/or strength to get through whatever it is you are experiencing.  I better get on the road. . .

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Connie D.
on 12/10/09 12:10 am
Laureen....could I add you to my friends on Facebook??

Hope things are going a bit better for you. I am still praying for you. I miss the tales of your wonderful Dillinger!!  Sounds like Sirius is a gift from Dillinger...he knows how wonderful you were to him...Sirius needs your love and you need his too.

Love ya....hugs....connie d
Laureen S.
on 12/10/09 12:17 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Aww Connie, you made me misty eyed. . .  I'd welcome you as a friend on Facebook!

Have a wonderful day!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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