What Are We Eating- Wednesday?
I don't knpw about you, but this week, in particular, seems to be filled with daily partying...BPW Christmas luncheon, sorority dinner party, Board dinner, Advisory Dinner, Local Produce Committee dinner, Provincial BPW Christmas tea, Mom's facility Christmas dinner, LifePath groups' get-together, PLanning Meeting for Soltice Party....OMG! I am hounded by everyone around me- eat this! try that! just a taste? It's Christmas!
I'm about to see the end of the leftover whipped cream cake and brownies and nainamo bars and butter tarts square from Mom's party...whew! This is a deadly season if you don't make a conscious effort to avoid the sugars and carbs and fatty stuff...and yes, when everyone shoves it at you, it's darned hard to avoid.
So, for me, I might decide to taste something..but thats where it stops..a taste, not a plateful of it, a taste....some people find that "just a taste" triggers the uglies and it never ends...best then to avoid that all completely.
My cautionery techniques:
* eat heavy protein before attending the party
* drink alot of water with lemon or lime slices (looks more like a more alcoholic beverage, if that's important to you to appear more "indulgent" to others)
* pick at the healthy stuff: raw veggies, careful with that dip
* chose "safe foods"- like devilled eggs, small bites of chicken/meatballs, shrimp is a great high protein, low fat food to pick at.
Thus, is my plan for Wednesday:
B Matrix hot chocolate protein drink
S banana stufffed with peanut butter
L Christmas luncheon provided by me for a shut-in friend (Swiss Chalet, here I come for take-out!
S Matrix hot chocolate protein drink
D homemade turkey soup
S unsure
multiple vitamin
VB1, B6, B12
Vitamin A
vitamin C
vitamin D
vitamin E
Omega oils
calcium citrate
1 fluid pill with potassium
Nancy B & Rufus
I am trying to watch my protein this week so I get enough.
B- Choc Protein Drink
L- Protein Drink
Dinner - Chili
Snack - String cheese
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

I have no plans this year for Christmas Day....can't get to my daughters for many reasons....I will be glad when this is all over! I didn't attend my work Christmas party Saturday...too depressed and couldn't make myself get there.....sorry to be whining,,,,got cheese????
B-Boost High Protein Drink (Glucose Control)
L-turkey and cheese roll- ups and peas
D-roast beef and baby carrots
S-???????? need a little fruit
Have a nice day....hugs.....connie d
on 12/9/09 5:51 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
B- cereal
L- 1/2 turkey sandwich, 1/2 apple and 1/2 bananna
S- Peanut Butter on a wasa cracker (and I hope a protein shake)
D- Rice and beans (probably some diced salad too)
This is way low on the calorie and protein scale for me. I can't wait till I can get out of bed on my own so I can fix all my own meals.