How are we doing?
You are right...the holidays are for sure a challenge to our maintenance. I have gotten sick only a few times since surgery, and one was on a holiday where I just ate too much at one sitting and man was I sick for a few hours. Or occasionally it will just be something I eat all the time, and it makes me sick for awhile. So strange.
The walking is great, isn't it! I am so thankful to be able to walk, and to get up from the floor easily, and to sit in any chair without worrying I'm going to break it.
Good for you getting a designer dress.........a great reward.
Thanks for sharing!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
1. Surgery date & weight/height at surgery: Oct17,2006, 334lbs, 5'7"
2. Current weight and lbs. lost: i keep going up and down so 180-195lbs, lost about 150lbs
3. Main source of protein: chicken,tuna,beef and cheese
4. How much water are you getting in?: depends if i am at home or at work...if at work i drink a ton of home maybe a glass ( i know bad judy!!)
5. Are you keeping up with vitamins/water, etc? i try to remember to take them every day but sometimes just the thought of taking them makes me gag
6. What vitamins & supplements are you taking? B12 sublingual, vit d, post bariatric vit
7. Any medical problems? only being low on some vitamins
8. What kind of exercise are you doing? none at all right now...unless you count my walking at work...about 5 miles
9. What are your current challenges? STRESS!! just eating GOOD foods and staying away from the bad ones!!! wish i never tried the bad foods!!! nothing bothers me anymore unless i eat to much of it
10. How do you feel about the whole WLS experience? i only wish i had it done sooner!!! i would do it all over again if i had to!!! i still tell any one that will stay and listen to my story!!! i show my before photo that i carry in my pocket....and again i wish i never tasted the bad foods and maybe i would be thinner than what i am now! (but i AM happy where i am!!!)
11. What are some of your "wow" moments? seeing the look on someones face that hasn't seen me since i lost this weight!!! saw a friend just after thanksgiving and he didn't know it was me until he recognized my voice!!! LOL his jaw dropped to the floor when he realized it was me!!! fitting in a booth and not having my boobs resting on the table, fitting in a theater seat, riding a horse again (wish i had a horse to ride near me now), going up and down stairs without getting winded, sitting on the floor and not having to crawl to the chair or couch to help me get up, buying clothes from the NORMAL sizes, and best of all having the guts to finally leave and divorce my verbal abusive husband and meeting up with the love of my life!!! ahhhh life IS GOOD!!!!!
thanks karen for doing this again!!! ;-)
I am so glad that you are happy and living your life with someone who loves and respects you and doesn't abuse you. No one should live like that!!
Keep up the great work, and thanks again!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
So Ok, Maui Karen, I don't really want to do this as it requires honesty with "me" and I've never been good with that. But, that being said, I won't lie to you, so here goes:
1. Surgery date: Feb. 16,2005. Starting weight: 377 lbs, Height: 5'3"
2. Current weight: 220 lbs. Lowest weight was 185 (after lower body lift) lbs lost current: 157. so being brutally honest with me here, that means I've gained 35 freeking lbs. Not good!
3. Protein: tuna, eggs, canned chicken, beans, shrimp, meat loaf, stew meat in soups, milk, yogurt, cheese. Occassionally bacon, ham or sausage with breakfast. For those just starting out: for about the first year I didn't get much protein in except shakes. I couldn't stand many things that I used to love. Now I can eat most any but dense things like steak, chicken and pork are best when in soups. If they are "regular" just a small amount fills me up.
4. Water: not enough in the winter. I keep an insulated cup near my bed and drink most of it when I wake up at night. I don't know if it's prescription meds that cause it or not, but I am always very thirsty during the night. "Dry" mouth.
5. I do keep up with my vitamin/supplements in a large weekly pill container. In the morning I move the day's pill sto a little tupperware container that I keep next to the sink. I take 1/2 in the morning and the other half in the evening.
6. Other than my restless legs and thyroid prescriptions I take: Tender Vitamin multi, one a day, B12 sublingual: 2 per day, Calcium crystals in my protein shake: 2 per day, B complex: 1 per day, D3-5: 2 per day, Cal mag tablet: 1 per day. don't think I forgot anything.
7. My overall health is so much better than it was 5 years ago. However, my arthritis is getting worse. This cold weather makes me ache all over. Perhaps a "medical necessity" move to Maui is in order!
8. Exercise: It's cold! I was doing a good daily walk but haven't been lately. I know that walking is free and excellent exercise. It makes a big difference in my mental and physical health. Really need to get back to it.
9.Challenges: I don't dump on anything. I tend to want to "graze". Like someone said WLS was wonderful but it didn't fix my brain! I continue to need to "eat to live" and not "live to eat."
10. Feelings about WLS: Best thing I've ever done. I need to remember that and not be self defeating.
11. Wow moments. Most recently. Spending two weeks in Italy walking everywhere. Sometimes I took the steps even when an elevator was present. The elevators were small, crowded and I don't like waiting. Often I'd be at the top of the steps by the time those who had to wait arrived! Not needing a seat belt extension on planes. Not being squeezed into any seat. Being able to put the snack tray down in front of me on the plane. Being able to fit into any chair or booth in a restaurant. I think all in all tho the biggest wow: I used to feel like everyone was staring at me all of the time. I hated to walk past people in stores or malls. Groups of teenagers especially. I was too paranoid. But probably a lot of the time they were staring. We've all known that disgusted look that people give the obese. I do my best when I see someone who is walking in the shoes I was to look them straight in the eye and greet them with a smile or a pleasant comment. I will never forget how I felt just having to be out in public. I wanted so much to be invisible. I don't feel that way now. My self confidence was given a big boost when I took the step of having weight loss surgery.
MK, I am a work in progress and this was a good reminder that I need to recommit to this journey so that I'll have many years more of good health. I hate being honest with myself!
Thanks for the seasonal wakeup call. I know I need to get back to work part time. I'm spending way too much time cooking. I'm going to start substitute par-educating after the first of the year. No set schedule, I refuse to follow one at this stage of my life. I'd like to work a couple of days a week. When the weather gets nice enough to garden the answer will be an occassional "no thank you!"
Karen C
I so relate to all you said about being out in public at your high weight. I remember going to a job interview when I was over 300 lbs....and I was wearing a big tent muu muu. You could almost see their eyes widen when I walked in......and oh how glad I was that my chair didn't have arms on it! Pitiful.......and now wonderful to look back and remember those feelings and know that I don't have to feel them again.
Since I have known you, you have done so much traveling and just living a lively life, that I KNOW you are comfortable in your skin. WLS is one of the most life changing things that any obese person can do for themselves......and bravo for you!
Maui is a healing place they say! When you get to that place where you will not spend another winter COLD .... you'll be welcomed with open arms.
Your wow moments really inspired me yet again. I think about doing that trip to Italy at over 300 lbs.....and it just doesn't seem possible. Freedom in your body is what you have given yourself. Thanks for always being an inspiration to me and so many others.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
2. Current weight and lbs. lost: 162.5 – 73.5 (total loss 92.5 lbs.)
3. Main source of protein: chicken, turkey, fish, beef, pork, cheese
4. How much water are you getting in?: Most days I am at 64, winter months I cannot tolerate water well, so I drink decaf coffee/teas.
5. Are you keeping up with vitamins/water, etc? I have been very diligent with taking my vitamins.
6. What vitamins & supplements are you taking? Daily chewable vitamins (2x), calcium supplements (2x), every other day vitamin B-1 (100 mg) and sublingual B-12 (5000 mg).
7. Any medical problems? None, matter of fact, I have only had two colds and one minor bug in the last 2+ years.
8. What kind of exercise are you doing? I was going to the gym 3 and 4x a week, but in the last 2+ months I stopped going, as I did not want to take the time away from my dear Dillinger, last week I returned to the gym and oh my god, did I hurt all over (lol), I also am on a bowling league Monday evenings. But in general my activity levels are quite high, the only place I am sedentary these days is at work. I cannot seem to sit still at home, sort of like I developed ADHD
9. What are your current challenges? Hunger, I seem to be hungry a lot more often, plus I crave salty foods, which I have been eating lately in the form of pretzels or reduced fat chips, I know I need to quit it.
10. How do you feel about the whole WLS experience? It’s one of the all time best things I ever did for myself, my life today is one that is thoroughly worth living, I have more energy and the ability to do more than I did when I was in my 20s and my level of health, well it has been wonderful.
11. What are some of your "wow" moments? The early ones were realizing I did not have to lift my butt when putting on a seatbelt, there was the first realization that a regular bath towel wrapped around my body and fell flat down instead of gaping widely, doing a 5K on July 4th 2008, as a walker, but being the first to cross the finish line of my group that was there to do the 5K that day (there were 18 of us from my WLS group, some runners, but more than half were walkers). Trying on clothes and having to go back and get smaller sizes and putting my first pair of size 12 pants on and crying in the dressing room. Then the all time best was not having someone recognize me, who knew me for many years. Being able to sit on children’s chairs and do it easily, being able to crawl in my grandchildren’s doll house and play with them, running after them and not being winded and the most recent one I experienced was when I was in my son’s house, playing hide and seek with the kids, now they are small children so they hide in plain site and I made like they I did not know where they were and climbed up the stairs to the 2nd floor, as I was walking to the other side, where the steps come down into the family room, I had a flashback to when my son first moved into the house and him telling me that those stairs were probably difficult for me, I remembered babysitting my grandson when he was about 5 months old and having to carry him up those stairs and how I had had to hold the banister because it was a real challenge, when I got up to the top of those stairs I was out of breath, well not now, I can run up them and it is a joy. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Your journey is such a great example of how WLS works, and changes a life all for the better. I honestly think that taking our vitamins regularly helps to keep us healthy and to help with weight loss or maintenance.
I wish I had your gumption to go to the gym. Now that I'm on Medicare, gym memberships are I really have no excuse for not signing up....except........well, there is not an excuse!
Your comment about developing ADHD made me laugh. I hear that is some of your posts.......enthusiasm!!
Your WOW moments are outstanding! One of the reasons I first considered having WLS was when my son announced that they were having their first baby. Well, I was NOT going to be a "tutu" who sat on the beach while my grandchildren played in the surf, or snorkeled, or went for hikes. Today I am ON THE FLOOR with them (when I can) and am able to do all the things that need to be done for three little boys without collapsing in exhaustion (well, most of the time).
Thank you for sharing your joy. I feel it too just reading what you have to say.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Hi Pretty Maui Karen:
1. Date of surgery: Lap RNY..Nov. 19,2008 Highest 270
wt at surgery 245
2. Current Wt and lbs lost: 148.7--122 lbs lost 5'7" tall
3.Main source of protein: Fish, steak, beans, lentils, cheese, chicken, shakes (I've cut way down on these)
4.How much water? Probably not enough....maybe 48 oz.
5.Keeping up with vitamins and such? Yes, religiously
6. What type of vitamins/supplements? one multivitamin, B12, Calcium with Vit. D, occcasional prot. shake
7.Any Medical problems? 2 mths after surgery I had kidney stones "blasted", 6 months after surgery I had gall bladder removed. Other than that I do not have any other illnesses unless the "Itis" boys that bother me now and then.
8.What type of exercise? Walking, Walking, Walking. I love it!
9.What current challenges? Just to keep healthy and follow all the rules I was told when I started this adventure!
11.What do I feel about the whole WLS experience? I'd do it again in a heart beat....I feel 20 years younger and have so much more energy and self confidence.
What are some WOW moments? Too numerous to mention but quite a few that every one else has already mentioned.
Thanks Karen.

1. Surgery date & weight/height at surgery: June 29, 2005 ...347/5-31/2"
2. Current weight and lbs. lost: 187 current/160 lbs. lost Lowest was 167 for a total of 180, but I've put some back on ... not happy about that. Some of it is water weight, I know, but some of it isn't.
3. Main source of protein: One protein shake in the morning, cheese, chicken, beef, nuts, turkey, ham, cheese, cheese ... did I say cheese? I love my cheese. So glad I can have cheese.
4. How much water are you getting in?: I drink water all the time. I fill up a glass at home with ice and water and sip, sip, sip. And at work, I take two or three bottles of water with me (I like my water really cold) and sip at that.
5. Are you keeping up with vitamins/water, etc? Yes. I take my vitamins first thing in the morning; some others before I go to work and then calcium when I get home from work.
6. What vitamins & supplements are you taking? Well, the bariatric center discontinued the prenatals, so I switched to taking two OTC multivitamins a day (per Vitalady's advice). I also take 2000 IU Vitamin D, Iron, Vitamin C, 1000 B-12, Fiber Con, stool softener (I have contispation issues because of the iron), Calcium, Magnesium Citrate.
7. Any medical problems? Spinal arthritis, degenerative disc disease in my back (these are holdovers from pre-WLS, but they're not any better ... although I did regain a half inch in height because my spine isn't being as compressed as before). I had a revision of my knee replacement last year at Christmas and it still isn't doing much better. I'm still in some pain if I sit too long with the knee bent or drive for long distances; the leg still swells up, I'm very uncomfortable. I deal w/ith a lot of pain on daily basis. I also have fibromyalgia and have some migraines but not as bad as before because of a good migraine preventive med. Also dealing with depression lately because of issues at work and grieving the loss of a dear friend and my aunt. It has been a tough year on me.
8. What kind of exercise are you doing? Nothing, that's one of my problems. I have a little exercycle that I should use, but it hurts to use it, so I don't do it. I sometimes do some PT on my knee, but not often enough. I really want to get back to swimming, but that costs money and until I'm out of bankruptcy (at the end of the year ... it's close!) I can't afford it.
9. What are your current challenges? Exercise, eating too much crap, snacking, grazing, emotional eating, stress eating. Same old, same old.
10. How do you feel about the whole WLS experience? Best decision I ever made.
11. What are some of your "wow" moments? Looking in the mirror and seeing this strange face staring back at me. Having my aunt telling me I had a skinny butt (I didn't see it, but she was so proud of me). Being able to get up and down off the floor (pre-knee surgery) so easily (can't do that anymore). Walking around the ruins at Tulum (with a cane, but still ...) and not get winded ... and it was hot, too. Before, I would have been miserable. Getting into a size small pant and having my best friend Rox jealous of me (oh, that one was funny!). Making new friends on OFF ... that maybe was the best WOW moment of all.