How are we doing?
Here are the questions......altered from before:
1. Surgery date & weight/height at surgery: July 26, 2006...319/5'11"
2. Current weight and lbs. lost: 156 current/163 lbs. lost
3. Main source of protein: Shakes (with added fruit), yogurt, Eating mostly good protein in chicken, steak w/ mushrooms, chili, shrimp, nuts. I try to have one shake a day, but don't always make it. I do always drink a tiny bottle of the probiotic DanActive.....a nurse friend introduced me to that. Costco best place to buy it......very expensive elsewhere.
4. How much water are you getting in?: Not sure anymore....but I keep a water bottle with me always and sip a lot.
5. Are you keeping up with vitamins/water, etc? Yes, I keep vitamins in a weekly " pill box" and a water bottle right beside my place on the couch so I don't forget.
6. What vitamins & supplements are you taking? One pre-natal plus each day, stool softener... 2 a day, B12 sublinqual (1 a day now because I was having memory problems), Vit. B 1, once a day( change by my nutritionist), Vit. A (5 x week), Vit. D, and one Magnesium daily (helps with regularity). Oh, also calcium....about 2000 mg. daily
7. Any medical problems? I had a panniculectomy on Dec. 3rd last year.. They made a cut from hipbone to hipbone and removed probably five lbs. of skin. My belly is now flat, and I always forget that I don't have to lift it in the shower anymore to wash...Ha! Just had nine vials of blood taken this morning...will find out results on Thurs. Oh, and Kaiser Hawaii has now stopped doing any cosmetic surgery for free.....I just made it for the tummy tuck before they stopped doing them.......Lucky for sure.
8. What kind of exercise are you doing? Still BAD ....I've been doing NO exercise, and I feel guilty! I keep thinking I'll get back to the pool or at least walking on the beach, but so far it's all talk or wishful thinking! (I wish this had changed, but it hasn't. I keep thinking if I exercise I'll lose MORE, and I don't want to.)
9. What are your current challenges? Currently I find times when I am eating pretty good, but still losing weight. I do not know why for some reason I went so low, and seem to have stayed there, but I feel wonderful (most of the time), so cannot complain.
10. How do you feel about the whole WLS experience? I am thrilled to my toes with the results of WLS!! I would do it over again in a heartbeat! I have reached my goal and 19 lbs. pounds below it. That, to me, is a miracle! I thought I would be the ONE that this didn't work for......I had failed so often with dieting.
11. What are some of your "wow" moments? My wow moments are continuing and always blow me away!! Lately I am still amazed when I can slide into a pair of 8 or 10 jeans or pants. In the past I couldn't cross my I do it all the time and the crossed over leg almost touches the ground. I can maneuver behind bookshelves and narrow places with ease. I could go on and on because I'm so thrilled with my new life and body, but I want to hear YOUR STORY!!
Thanks for completing these questions with your own success story. We are each a "book" and I want to read yours and be inspired all over again!!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
1. Surgery date & weight/height at surgery: October 24, 2006
2. Current weight and lbs. lost: lost 110 pounds gained back 38 pounds.
3. Main source of protein: chicken in salad, sometimes scrambled egss, sometimes shakes
4. How much water are you getting in?: definitely not enough, i would like to drink a gallon, but never do...maybe 2-3 bottles of water..
5. Are you keeping up with vitamins/water, etc? I am good with vitamins in stretches of time, I hate taking pills. I am toying with the idea of taking this Mona-Vie, that my daughter in law is taking with lots of nutrients in is a liquid.
6. What vitamins & supplements are you taking? When I take them I take chewable multi-vit, 3 calciums per day, 1 Vit B Complex, 3 -1000 mg Vit D tabs [because I live in Wisconsin and have very low Vit D...Not a problem for Sunshine Karen.] iron tab, Did I mention I hate taking pills.:(
7. Any medical problems? I am so happy for you Karen that you were able to have the panni and for free....I con't have a flat tummy, but probably don't need a panni, I think the exercise I have done has helped that. My only medical problem has been consistently throwing up, can't stand to eat very much at a time, they did an EGD and everything is fine, just a little bit of an ulcer, but my pouch is still tha same size. I even suddenly threw up in my table napkin at PF Chang having [or not having lunch with my girlfriend.....not too great! :(
8. What kind of exercise do you do?This is the only place I am good.I work out 5-6 times a week...and I reaexercise are you doing? lly enjoy it....I have been off last week because of vertigo, but anxious to go back.
10. How do you feel about the whole WLS experience? I also would do it again in a heartbeat....even with my pouch causes me to graze all day.
11. What are some of your "wow" moments? !! Believe it or not I still have those WOW moments even with the weight gain...the VERY BEST THING is I was able to have both of my knees replaced and now I can walk anywhere and in heels. I still see a picture from before and realize how miserable I looked and how I don't now. I was actually in pain most of the time, but not now. I feel younger, I will be 69 in March and I able to work out and most of all stand for hours...That is probably my biggest reward, I used to have to sit down after just a few moments, lean on grocery carts etc....and I now don't need to take any pain pills. I love it when I am able to catch myself when I start to slip [and there is a lot of that in Wisconsin] My CORE strength is so much better.
12. {Addition}My biggest challenge is drinking my wine.....I also started smoking, but now I am on Chantix to stop that and I think that will improve my wine drinking. My problem is that when I eat, the wine numbs my pouch and allows me to eat....and then I just keep on drinking.
Thanks for doing this Karen, I am anxious to read other peoples journey.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
You have so much positive in your story...especially the way you feel about yourself, and the surgery that allows you to walk in HEELS is mind blowing. I don't think I could walk in heels anymore ...... the tiny ones anyway. I'm so used to slippers! (flip flops)
You always seem to me to someone who "glows"....especially when you are feeling well and healthy. Your life is so full of generosity and love. I am happy for you. The wine drinking seems like it has become a problem to you, and I know that you will find a way to deal with that as well..
Vitamins are so essential, and I have to kick myself in the buh-tocks occasionally, too, when I see I haven't taken yesterday's handful. I had blood work done yesterday and will find out how I'm REALLY doing on vitamins on Thurs. when I see my bariatric doc.
Thanks for sharing, Marti.
I will get around to responding to everyone........but right now I have to run. I'll look forward to coming home to all the stories waiting.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen

You are always so sweet and so kind. You always look for the good in people....and as far as the wine is going well...I haven't quit but have definitely at least half of what I was drinking....back to 1-2 glasses a day...which is good for me...I don't crave it....I found I just craved the cigarettes....but I have given those up...and that makes me moderation with tobacco.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
This is a great place to start my come back. With being accountable.
1. Surgery weight and height. 5'9" 260. January 19,2006
2. Current weight. 203. Lowest weight. 165
3. Main source of protein. Whats protein Not getting near enough.
4. How much water. 60-80 ounces a day
5. I take a multiple vitamin a day. A B-complex vit. a day and get a B12 shot monthly
7. O how I would love to have tummy gone bye surgery, but that isn't in the plans right now. I was in the hospital with pancreintitis a couple of months ago. I am going through a lot of stress related ailments right now. I cared for my mother 27/7 from last May until she passed away the end of October. So a lot of grief and stress issues.
8.I don't get much exercise right now. Mostly walking the dogs. Want to check into a gym in the next few weeks.
9. To get back on track and get the weight back off.
10. I am glad I had WLS. Would do it again in a heartbeat.
11. I haven't taken the time to notice wow moments for quite some time. Will have to start again.
Right now I would give my eye teeth to be in Hawaii. We are expecting snow storm tonight and tomorrow. 10-11 inches of snow with 40 mile an hour winds. Suck up some warmth and sun and send it my way. Have a wonderful day.
We had our surgery the same year. I think the reason I have gone so low and stayed there has something to do with my thyroid. Had nine vials of blood taken a couple days ago, and the results are coming in. My thyroid numbers are very low I see see doc on Thurs. and find out.
Me, too, on that "not enough protein." I try to have a Zone bar every day and/or a protein shake because I so often end up eating a bowl of soup and a whole wheat bagel for dinner.....not much protein there!
Thanks for sharing. I look forward to getting to know you.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
1. Surgery date & weight/height at surgery: June 24th, 2005...427/5'9"
2. Current weight and lbs. lost: 310 current/117 lbs. lost, was down to 253 at one time.. gained back 57 pounds.
3. Main source of protein: Tuna, chicken, fish and beef jerkey
4. How much water are you getting in?:No water... I heard that fish have sex in the water so I avoid it all costs...

I do drink a lot of water... I heat it and filter it through coffee grounds...
(I know, I know... this is gonna be one of my real battles)
5. Are you keeping up with vitamins/water, etc? Nope... I do remember my B-12 occasionally.
6. What vitamins & supplements are you taking?None
7. Any medical problems? Knee replacement, torn muscle in my back, gout, and really sore feet from working on a concrete floor all day wearing steel toed boots... although this has improved since I bought a size larger than I normally wear.
8. What kind of exercise are you doing?Nothing consistent... this will improve greatly in January (hopefully) when I change jobs and get a consistent schedule and stop having to walk all day long .... I will pull myself up and get to the gym consistently.
9. What are your current challenges? The food part is going well actually... it's the water and excercise and vitamins that I need to get going again.
10. How do you feel about the whole WLS experience? I sometimes wish I would have kept losing weight instead of stopping at 253... but who knows... I still never fixed the real problem: the brain.
11. What are some of your "wow" moments? It's been a long time since I had anything even vaguely resembling a Wow moment.
This is a good idea sweet wahine... purges the soul a little eh... and it is really hard to deny what you yourself have written.... it's all there.
You really scare me with the lack of vitamins, it is not something to mess with, you can wind up with serious health issues and/or die from not taking them. Please reconsider what you are doing and take them. We are not normal anymore (perhaps you never were (lol)), but now more so. I don't want to see you end of a mess because you did not do what you needed to. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
You MUST get some system going for your vitamins and water. I feel strongly about this because good friend of mine stopped taking her vitamins and drank very little water, and she ended up in the hospital almost dying. I will be very happy the day you come on here and tell us that you have a system to get in ALL your vitamins and to drink at least 64 oz. of water a day. Don't want to read about you going to the hospital!!

Thanks again for all that you contribute to the OFF.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
2. Current weight and lbs. lost: lost about 100#. Depends on the day
3. Main source of protein: chicken , shrimp, & beef, sometimes shakes
4. How much water are you getting in?: definitely not enough,
5. Are you keeping up with vitamins/water, etc? II am good with vitamins, I just can't take calcium.
6. What vitamins & supplements are you taking? B complex,one a day
7. Any medical problems? Last year I had a kidney stone, almost i inch in size. Took 3 procedures to get rid of it. This year pancreatitus. Both times I spent 5 days in the hospitol.
8. What kind of exercise do you do?Shopping, walking & stacking wood. We have an outdoor woodstove.
10. How do you feel about the whole WLS experience? I would do it every day of the week if I had to!!!.
11. What are some of your "wow" moments? Being able to wear a size 6. Not being recognized by people. And sometimes that is a good thing!
12. {Addition}My biggest challenge is drinking my wine.....getting my water in. Plain water still sometimes hurts my pouch. I do drink a lot of coffee & the Doctor said that is ok.
Thanks Karen, I do need to be reminded sometimes how lucky I have been.