What Are We Eating- Monday?
Hello, everyone!
Monday! Monday! Another crazy day! I have a few events to attend today:
1. BPW Niagara Christmas Luncheon (Thankfully they chose Swiss Chalet so that I have some control over what I can choose to eat)
2. Visit Mother- take her robe, reading material and some treats
3. LifePath Group-#1 in the evening ( I take along my water bottle or drink Chai Tea there...NO RUM BALLS!!)
I have 4 gifts to wrap for my Sorority Christmas dinner Party on Tuesday evening and I'm preparing 26 party favours (homemade Chocolate bark) for my sorority sisters as well.
I'm still sorting thru Mother's things to either send for charity, bring to her new home or finding a place to store them in case she asks for them again.
Derek is almost ready ...he has three dump trucks and snowplows (and one 4WDR pickup truck and stright plow) running this winter, so when he feels properly prepared, he will help JB and myself to clear out Mom's old room and transfer what needs to be delivered to Mom's new place, big furniture to Dannys place and to our house with his big trucks.
This is my sanity plan for Monday:
B Matrix hot chocolate protein drink
S banana stuffed with LW peanut butter
L chicken and salad
S none likely..I will be out on the road and visiting Mom
D homemade soup for me
S fruit
multiple vitamin
VB1, B6, B12
Vitamin A
vitamin C
vitamin D
vitamin E
Omega oils
calcium citrate
1 fluid pill with potassium
Nancy B & Rufus