Oh Its Monday, What is on your plate!!!!!

on 12/7/09 1:35 am
 Oh dear, Annette....  what happened?

I looked for a post about the accident and didn't see one....  I must have missed it.  Are you alright?

I hope you are doing ok now.... 


annette R.
on 12/7/09 3:16 am - ithaca, NY
Thanks, I am fine. I smacked into a line of parked cars but have no idea how/why it happened.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 12/7/09 10:53 am - Interlochen, MI
I missed it too Annette.  Hope you start to perk up soon.  Gentle hugs to you.
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 12/6/09 10:07 pm - Medina, OH
Good morning everyone!

It is cold here this morning.  It started to snow a little but nothing to even coat the street.   My father in law helped cut down a tree yesterday and my mother in law and I played rummy most of the afternoon.  I still have my cold and not sure what cold medicine I can take for this horrible cough.  Any suggestions?   I do have tylenol cold and flu but not sure I can take that. 

Last night I didn't sleep well from the coughing.  I wear a bi pap machine with oxygen at night and the mask really drove me nuts last night from the coughing.

Marc your pens are beautiful.  Nice work it must be tedious.  I hope they appreciate the craftsman ship it takes.

Everyone seems to be going through a lot just before the holidays.  I hope everyone gets healthy and your problems lessen.

I have to get into the spirit of Christmas but it is taking me awhile.  Maybe if I put out some decorations it might help. 

Hoping everyone has a great day and your problems leave you alone for a day.


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


karen C.
on 12/6/09 10:16 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Everyone!

Seems like if I don't post and read early I just don't get back to it. It's not quite 6am here in Washington state. Cold wind coming from up North (Cheryl W. are you blowing it our way?) so it's about 15 but with the wind chill feels like about 0!

I slept with my warmed flax bag nestled on my hurting arthritic ankle last night. It still had a bit of warmth to it this morning. I'm going  to have to talk to my PCP about something to take I guess. This cold weather has every joint in my body aching. Suggestions for WLS friendly arthritic meds?

Staying in today. Will finish decorating. It's so windy up here on the hill that we won't do much outside stuff. Put some cute lighted snowflakes in the front windows and decorated my grandma's wash kettle that sits on the porch year round. It was filled with flowers all summer. I have it on a wrought iron tri pod so it sits off the ground. Now I have a holiday wreath on it with lights and poinsettas tucked in the kettle. Bought some stick in the ground "pathway lights" that look like Christmas tree bulbs. Lots of colors. Really cute. Found them at Home Depot. Hopefully we'll get them staked down hard enough that they won't blow away!

Moved furniture around in the living room. Recruited some of the young "muscle" that was here for the Sausage making this weekend to move the sectional couch. It's 3 pieces that hook together so one can't just slide it around. Nice change.

Haven't even started to think about my holiday cards or letter. Last year it ended up being new year's greetings. I figure if I have more time  then so be it. I kind of like to reflect on the year gone by after it is gone. I keep copies of the letters I've been writing for about 20 years. Makes a good "journal" of our family in a condensed version.

I've gone on long enough. Sending warm thoughts and tropical breezes your way. . . . Oh, Maui Karen how I would love to be out on the beach  right now! Carla, I can hardly feel sorry for your 48 degrees.

Debbie S, How are you and George doing? So many passages and illnesses within our little family. Grammylew, you inspire me. Jacki, thinking of you. Jean don't be a stranger. Jeannie M how are you doing?

Looking at my friends list on OH there are so many that I miss. Pat Bell, Louise D, Patty D (all of the Pats!) Remember Windy Pat? What a kick. Mary from Arizona, Jeanni G still kicking up the dust?

Enough. Once I get started you can't shut me up. You all have a good one.

Karen C

Connie D.
on 12/6/09 11:09 pm
Good morning Carla and everyone......

Carla....let us know what the vet has to say about your cat....hope it is something easy to fix. Hope you have a great time celebrating your daughters birthday!!

George.....congrats on your WOW moment...they are still so exciting  That is wonderful that you only gained a pound on vacation...good for you!

Marc....what can I say...you do the most amazing work making those pens...just gorgeous!!  Happy Anniversary at your job....hope they find that replacement soon. I know you are anxious to get started with your new position.

Margo....(((((HUGS))))) and prayers...hang in there girl!

Annette...please take good care of yourself. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Karen C......thanks for the phone call ....you were just what I needed on that dark and dismal day!

As for me...still working on getting one foot in front of the other....

Prayers to all in need...there are so many in need right now.

I hope you can all find some sunshine in your day today!

Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Eileen Briesch
on 12/7/09 12:07 am - Evansville, IN
I'm back from my EGD. Dr. Farr said everything looked good. He's so nice. He asked me what kind of music I wanted to hear. First I said Christmas music, but he didn't have anything ... then I said oldies. So the first song that comes on, I recognized immediately and said "Cecilia." He said, "Boy, you're good."

Anyway, he said my Barrett's looks pretty good and he took some biopsies, stretched my esophagus a bit and hopefully that will help with some of the gagging I've had. A couple of years ago, he said I had a spastic esophagus. Always knew I was kind of a spas anyway!

My throat is a little sore from all this, so I'm drinking some hot coffee (Starbucks Christmas Blend with some SF gingerbread syrup that I found on Netrition ... yummy!). If it's still sore, I'll suck on a cough drop later. But first, coffee ... that's what's really important.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 12/7/09 12:09 am - Shelbyville, MI
Good mid morning Carla and OFF family,
It's crazy busy here at work.
Just finishing up my Adkins shake, then on to some water.
Will have some bean soup for lunch.
Got my eating under control again and back to exercising, it's water aerobics tonight after work.

Got the Christmas tree up Saturday and the grand-kids are decorating it. It's so fun to have the little ones around. When they do move out of our house I will miss them but will also welcome peace and quiet that I'm so used to. It's a whole new life for me with grand-kids and having grown stepdaughters. I do love it!

One of my friends is having RNY tomorrow, her name is Juli, she is doing great so please keep her in your prayers for today and tomorrow.

Hubby and I went to a new church closer to our house, we are "church shopping". Lots of young people with a young pastor. I liked it and Rozi my granddaughter really loved it. This church just may be a good fit for us.
on 12/7/09 1:16 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Carla and all my OFF friends,
Well, I never did get any decorating for my grands done.  We had a wonderful weekend with them.  Too short as always.  We had snow yesterday.  We live on a hilltop next to a valley with a river flowing through it.  Down by the river it's just rain.  Up on the hill we got an inch of snow.  It seems to be staying down in the mid 20's so who would have thought it got up to 65 degrees five days ago.
We decided we are just throwing up a couple of wreaths and that is it.  We have no one that would be coming to see decorations and we are going to go to the grands for Christmas.  So we are keeping it minimal this year.
My sis is having a wine tasting holiday party on Sat. with hors doevres (sp?).  Tonight is the cub scout Christmas Campfire.  That should be fun.  I'm going to have to look for my thermal underwear.
Hubby got hurt in his woodshop.  A board kicked back and hit him hard above the wrist.  Made a cut all the way across the top of his arm and there are two places with nasty bruising developing.  He cut off part of his thumb with the table saw a few years ago so these kinds of accidents are not new so I'm not too surprised anymore.
My Mom and sis came to breakfast yesterday before the grands had to head home.  It was nice.
We got a lot of nice family pics at Aunt Helen's luncheon on Sat.  I'm going to have them enlarged to substitute in some of the frames around the house.
It's so much easier to watch what I eat when I'm at work.  I have to get some exercise at the gym at work in a few minutes.
I hope all works out for those of you with challenges to face.  Here is a warm ((HUG)) from me to you.

Mary M.
on 12/7/09 2:56 am - Minneapolis, MN
Nothing too exciting here.  I took today off, because my good friend was here from San Francisco for the weekend and is leaving later this afternoon.  So... we're hanging out today and visiting.  It was a great weekend to catch up.  He was in a reunion performance yesterday and Michael and I went to it and that was really fun.


"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
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