Oh Its Monday, What is on your plate!!!!!
Good morning ya'll.
I was supposed to begin my radiation today, but the doc got sick! Ain't that a kick in the head? So I am squweezing in 2 more chemo treatments before I begin radiation NEXT Monday.
Our daughter flies in Sunday to be with me at Hope House. Her's was supposed to be the 2nd week, now it is the 1st week. I don't want to have bad side effects, but if she flies all the way out here and I'm feeling fit as a fiddle and we can go shoppin' and stuff between radiation, I'll feel quilty.
Today is a trip to the PO, and to WM to pick up a prescription and a ham hock. That's about it! Pretty boring, huh?
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
Karen C
michael has PT this morning-he is back on 9 am's so that will give a better structure to the week! let's see what i can get done while he is gone....
the computer says it's 26* but i think it's colder in the house than when it was 19*
i've started taking down curtains and washing those that need to be washed...i'm going to have to find some panels to put up in our room and my bathroom ..i'm not leaving those blinds...i'm thinking goodwill ...oh darn! an excuse to shop!
after we buried the cat yesterday, a somber mood took over so we really accomplished nothing-til we started fighting again...i swear he lies awake thinking of things to fight about...i'm told it's his dementia'd mind trying to take over..and i try not to get roped into the arguments but it can get to be too much...few minutes later he is in a good mood but i'm stuck in the mode of "wtf just happened?"..........
talked to one gal from my former work-no-not my office mates-they are ignoring the fact i emailed them at home- rude! maria told me that there is a big shake up going on and our boss -the clerk of courts-is moving to another position and wow--wish i were the fly on the wall but glad that i am not employed by him anymore-sure that i would be losing my job! the next CofC may not have the passion about what we were doing in that basement! i think they are all shaking in their oh so smug boots! tho one gal is already collecting her soc sec and the other is retiring early next year anyhow -just leaves kyle with his college degree and no job possibly...i'd better shut up cuz i'm ready to say some unkind things and momma taught me if ya can't say somethin nice.....
well- i guess i'm rambling....
hugs and prayers.......
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Carla, it's 29 here and they're calling for winter storm warnings all week ... possible blizzard on Thursday, so look out (but that's in Michigan ... don't know what Chicago is going to be like).
I'm up early for my EGD, just sitting in here waiting for my ride to show up. She's supposed to be here at 7:30 and it's 7:24, so I have a few minutes to play online. I can see the driveway from the front bedroom, so it's easier to sit in here.
After the EGD, I'll just come home and snooze most of the day ... didn't do much yesterday because I wasn't feeling well. Got no baking done at all ... wanted to but my body wasn't up to it. All I got done was laundry. Took two naps in the recliner and went to bed at 9 (didn't go to sleep til 11 or so but was in bed watching TV).
Well, that's all for now. Hope your cat is OK.
Have a good day.
on 12/6/09 8:59 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm still at the after care facility (had surgery on Weds)! Had expected to go home on Saturday morning the latest. So much for planning. This has truly been the toughest one for me.......really knocked the wind out of my sails and the intital recovery has been hampered with lots of blood loss and a big fat fever Saturday. I felt better yesterday and plan on going home this afternoon after seeing the Dr (I have to call them in a few mins).
I like the initial results I'm seeing but the swelling has started now too so I'm sure it won't be fun for the next couple of weeks.
I have to call the kennel now to let them know we won't be able to pick up Buddy this morning...which means he'll be there till Weds (they are closed on Tues)....my poor baby, I hope he recognizes me!!!
Hope all have a good day.
Thoughts and prayers and hugs going to all who need them
on 12/8/09 12:41 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Thanks for thinking of me and sending hugs...
Have a good day!
on 12/8/09 12:41 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I got home last night....it was an exhausting 2 hr drive and yes it is very HARD to sit. My butt is so numb and swollen it is the weirdest thing I've ever experienced.
I actually have one more round planned in about 2 months and that will be it for a good long time. I might do a small amount of face work (mini mid lift) and that I don't feel is like major surgery....watch this will end up being the worst...LOL
Anyhow, I tire easy but feel better today than yesterday so that is a good thing....
Thanks for thinking of me
Have a good day!
Called my boss and was instructed to complete Incident and Accident reports. My client wasn't in the car when I had the accident but I was going TO work, hence ---> paperwork.
Tom has hovered and keeps pushing me to eat. A bite of food and I feel nauseous. GAG. I swear I can still taste the powder from the air bags so nothing tastes very good.
Saturday night I was still shaky and crying. Tom handed me a glass of wine (4 ounces, I measured) Before WLS I was not much of a drinker and this was my first glass of alcohol since surgery over 3 years ago. OMG it hit fast and HARD!!!!!
Within minutes I staggered into the bathroom, hitting the walls along the way. There I clung to the Porcelain Goddess and was violently ill. Won't try that again. It was worse than eating sugar.
I am going to drink a glass of water and get back in my warm bed.