Oh Its Monday, What is on your plate!!!!!

on 12/6/09 1:06 pm - Bradenton, FL
Well we are now entering our 2nd week into December. It is freezing cold down here in Central Florida, I woke up and at was 48 with a high of 60. Now that is cold for me.....
Not much of nothing going on in my world.
I start my new job on December 14th. So I am excited about that.
I am flying to Chicago on Friday for the weekend to see my daughter for her birthday. It will be fun shopping and hanging out with her.
I think my girl cat is sick she has lost almost 5 pounds and seems very skinny to me. I think I better take her to the vet to see what is wrong with her.
I knowa lot of people have a lot on their minds with health issues and parent issues. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Talk on it is a new week!!!!!
image hosting site

George T.
on 12/6/09 4:54 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning Carla!  Thanks for getting us going.

I am back to work, so I will be up all night.  Back in the routine.

I forgot to tell y'all about my Wow moment on my vacation.  I went to the Casual Male XL outlet store looking for jeans and was told I was in the wrong store.

Gained one pound on the vacation.  Not bad for all the junk I ate.  And I seriously ate a lot of junk.  I know I did not get the proper protein, but that is because I did not have my cheese everyday.  Actually, I am munching cheese right now as I type this.  I did well on my drinking during the vacation, which surprised me. 

Not much going on for me today, just workin'.  See ya later.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

(deactivated member)
on 12/7/09 1:00 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi George.
To me a 1 lb weight gain while on vacation is terrific!  I try to stay in a 3-5 lb range during such weeks but always get angry at myself if i do go up 3 or more.  Something I'm working on for my vacation next year.

CONGRATS on being told you are too small for the store....Feels great doesn't it!
(deactivated member)
on 12/6/09 5:57 pm - Columbus, GA
Good morning one and all....

Today is my one year anniversary at this job. I was supposed to be starting my new job today but they have not hired my replacement yet.... so I will just be patient and keep doing what I am doing until they do.

I was making pens most of the day Saturday... still have a few to make before Christmas. I had to buy a heater for my shop plus leave the door to the house open to get some warmth in there... it was really cold and my finishing wont work when it is that cold. I managed to finish one pretty large order for pens so that will pay for my new heater

Anyhoo, here's what I just finished. Hope she likes them....

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

Everone have a great day today....
Margo M.
on 12/6/09 7:12 pm - Elyria, OH
marc they are gorgeous!!!!

happy anniversary even tho you want to be moved to the next job...it will happen...and i'm glad to see you trying to be patient!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


(deactivated member)
on 12/7/09 4:29 am - Columbus, GA
Thank you sweetie

I am trying to learn patience... I really am! .... just wish I could learn it quicker!!
(deactivated member)
on 12/6/09 9:00 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
WOW these are gorgeous!
Do you have a website to show and sell your products??

(deactivated member)
on 12/7/09 4:32 am - Columbus, GA
Thank you ma'am... appreciate the kind words.

I am more of a "what do you want and I will make it" kind of a guy... I used to make my living woodworking, but it is now a hobby except when I get orders. I sell some stuff at a small gift shop in downtown Columbus, and folks at work order from me.

My web site is www.woodhelp.com

If there is something you would like let me know and if I can do it I will.
Pat R.
on 12/7/09 4:20 am - Sturgis, MI
Marc, you are a wonderful craftsman == they are stunning.  I know we've asked this before, do you have a website????

Do you do the lettering too?

Pat r.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
(deactivated member)
on 12/7/09 4:34 am - Columbus, GA
Thanks for the compliment Pat... I appreciate it.

I do the lettering... sometimes I will send a pen to a guy I know who has a laser engraver... but for simple names on a pen I do it right here.
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