on 12/6/09 5:19 am - Bradenton, FL
Mine is under Carla Slavin-Klein
image hosting site

Margo M.
on 12/5/09 7:49 pm - Elyria, OH
morning all!
i almost didn't make it to bed last nite before  the sleepie****! i can't remember being so tired so quickly!!!! so i was awake at 5 also-have been out on facebook talking with michael's grandson and in emails . 
also visited the rainbow bridge website-did you know there is a registry on an official website??? sent the poem to my granddaughter; she attended callie's passing yesterday (her choice) and it really shook her up. the vet said callie's kidneys had failed-were the size of peas...and she knew it was time...she laid in my arms as we said is hard;however, it was, we need to bury her.

an enjoyable visit with my father in law for a few hours and drove him to my sons' surprise party-and my son WAS surprised!!!!! how we all managed to keep the secret is beyond me!!!!! about 30 of us crowded in the restaurant's bar area (mix up with the staff but we made it work!) and had a wonderful dinner and conversation....we got home about 9:15 pm. i won't officially feel old til tuesday, which is my baby's actual birthday!!!! michael and i shared a "fajita hawaiian" plate-much food and under $20 including coffee for me and pop for him....

miss roxie was on my poo list yesterday-she snuck down the basement stairs to torment phil, the pheasant..she got the cage door open (the cage the birds went to nan's in-i can't get the door open!!!) and he flew- it took almost an hour to find him-huddled in a corner beneath the (fake ) Christmas tree. roxie spent the remainder of the day tied in the kitchen.

today, i think i'm going looking for a cemetery nearby to take a pic for findagrave. it appears to be on private property so not sure if i can get in-and the stone is reported to be already toppled over and difficult to read ...i love a challenge!!!  then i'll get to the business of packing some more! need to really get my act together for our move! (target is now saturday dec 19th to load and sunday to drive and start unloading).

bought myself time yesterday on the grands' Christmas gifts- arranged with my ex and his wife to meet halfway before we move and they'll take the presents home since Christmas will be at their are "too busy" to gtg with us sooooo..i got creative!will finish my gifts this week and wrap so i can put all of that away....

chilly outside -16*--and chili tonite for dinner! yummo!!!!!

hugs and prayers....strength to jacki......

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 12/6/09 1:49 am
Hi Margo, I knew about the Rainbow Bridge website although I haven't used it.  Last year, when we lost Sox I meant to and then I just couldn't I was so sad.  I'm so sorry about Callie.  (((hugs))).  That's cool everyone was able to surprise your son and am glad you were able to work out a good plan for your grands' presents.  :)  You're on Facebook too?  I wonder how many other people are!

on 12/5/09 8:35 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Cindy and all of those that follow or have been here before me.

Sorry about your mom.  It is very sad.  I hope everything works out for the best for your family.  You are in my thoughts.

Sounds like a lot of you have burdens to carry.  I wish you good luck.  Prayers are with all of you.

Boy the holiday season will be here before we know it.  It is creeping up on me. 

Today my inlaws are coming over.  My father in law has some tree's he wants to plant here.  We live on five acres.  There is plenty of room to plant.  They are aslo going to try and cut a tree down.  My husband will chop it up later.  We have a wood burner and use it all winter long.  Still, we don't have enough wood so will have to buy some again this year.

My sons band played out last night at a popular place in downtown Cleveland last night.  I didn't go, because I still have this cold and coughing my brains out.  They play heavy metal.  My husband hates to 

All is good here, I wish the same for all of you.  I know some of you are going through problems and stress.

Take care and try to smile through it all.



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

Laureen S.
on 12/5/09 9:05 pm, edited 12/5/09 9:05 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Cindy, Jacki, Pat, Margo, Mary and the rest of you late risers ;)

I had computer issues yesterday, so I did not make it online until late last night, so I have not yet checked yesterday's postings, but I did speak to a friend on the West Coast last night and heard my dear sister Nettie had a bit of a mishap, I hope you are feeling better Nettie!

Yesterday we got our first snow, it was a mere dusting and mostly just made everyone drive like idiots. . .  I love the snow and hope we get one good snowfall this year, as it seems we hardly get that on the east coast anymore, I know for some of you, where you live you'd love nothing better than to send it on over, I just love the quiet of it all and the smell and the beauty, I am looking through pictures and trying to find the ones I took of Dillinger in the last really big snowfall we had about 4 winters ago, the snow was up to his chest, unlike the rain, he like the snow and looked so black in the midst of it all. . .

Also had my support group yesterday and the topic of discussion was "the gift" in relation to ourselves and what we do to maintain the gift of our WLS, as usual it was a great meeting and I love participating in it and re-experiencing the joy, as well as the confusion that is a part of this sometimes wacky journey we embarked upon.

As for today, my intent is to clean (already doing laundry), cook food for the week ahead and decorate the house for the holiday's, we've decided, my roommate and I that we will have a holiday party on the 31st.

Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. . .  I wish all that are dealing with tough life situations the best possible of outcomes and/or the strength to get through them.  With one another's support we can do it!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/5/09 10:09 pm - Interlochen, MI
Well, it's almost 9:00 here.  Beautiful snow, probably about 5" now, and it's still snowing.  I just took some venison steaks out of the freezer (they're from last year) and I'm defrosting them in the microwave to make stew in the crockpot.  I'll get the steaks cut up and put everything together and just let it go all day.  A nice hot stew for a nice snowy December day!
Still waiting for baby Joshua to be born.  Six more days until his due date.  Can't wait to be a Gram.
Hugs to all.

It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 12/6/09 1:51 am
I need to move to the middle of the country.  That's where all the snow seems to be in December...Hope for a speedy delivery re Joshua.  It's so exciting!

Connie D.
on 12/5/09 10:25 pm
Good morning Cindy and everyone.....

Just a quick fly by today...hope you all have a great Sunday!!

I will be watching and cheering for ther Vikings tonight!!

Prayers and hugs....connie d
on 12/6/09 12:57 am
 I've been reading but not posting much lately.

My nephew is staying with Mom & I for a while.  He had a cornea transplant at the VA hospital in Seattle.  It's been fun having him here.  I'm behind on my Christmas sewing but... it'll get done.
It is amazing what medicine can do now.  To have a cornea transplant as a day surgery... amazing.  He thought it would be a simple easy surgery since he went home the same day.  NOT...  The anesthetic really hit him hard.  He was groggy with the pain meds too.  Silly guy, thought he would be out fishing by now.

Weather has really been cold here.  Can feel it in my bones.  No snow which is good for now.  Do hope we get some again this year.

Today we are celebrating my grandson's 4th birthday.  He is the light of my life right now.  We have a special bond.  Of course I bought him more hot wheels.  Mommy might not like it but I think she is resigned to the fact we play cars ALL the time.  I love classic cars and these little ones are right up my alley.

Not much else going on here.  No Christmas baking.... maybe that is why I feel less holiday spirit.  I turn away from all the magazines featuring cooking on the covers.  AND all the tempting holiday foods on display in the stores......  AAaaaarrrgggghhh   I keep telling myself it is poison to my body.....  sigh, its working so far.  lol

Have a Holly Jolly Day....  be kind to a stranger.....

Margo M.
on 12/6/09 1:12 am - Elyria, OH
me again...michael and i just had a private burial ceremony for our Callie--she's in the thicket with Trinity..

roxie was quite curious as we prepared her to bury.

just had to need to comment....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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