What's new Friday?
Hi Eileen and all...
We got not great news yesterday from Michael's kidney specialist. He is going to need dialysis sooner, rather than later. His wls surgeon wants to postpone his RNY until after successful dialysis. They want him to have the best options for his health. How can we disagree with that? We can't. So he'll re-schedule and go off his liquid diet that he's been on for a few days.
Work is OK - but really busy. I hope I can stay full time for a while. They'll put me back down to 4 days a week as soon as I finish the special project I'm working on. Oh, well. Michael's sales have been so low this year, we are pinching pennies, but luckily we still do OK.
My sister is having surgery Monday on her umbilical hernia - I had the same thing a couple of years ago! I have a friend coming from out of town today until Monday - so will be busy with that.
Take care!
We got not great news yesterday from Michael's kidney specialist. He is going to need dialysis sooner, rather than later. His wls surgeon wants to postpone his RNY until after successful dialysis. They want him to have the best options for his health. How can we disagree with that? We can't. So he'll re-schedule and go off his liquid diet that he's been on for a few days.
Work is OK - but really busy. I hope I can stay full time for a while. They'll put me back down to 4 days a week as soon as I finish the special project I'm working on. Oh, well. Michael's sales have been so low this year, we are pinching pennies, but luckily we still do OK.
My sister is having surgery Monday on her umbilical hernia - I had the same thing a couple of years ago! I have a friend coming from out of town today until Monday - so will be busy with that.
Take care!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
I really should have stayed home this morning. Hind sight is 20/20.
Tom's car is in the shop so he used mine and Rich, my mechanic friend, let me use his.
It has been a rough week but I didn't want to disappoint my client. Turned into the apartment complex and BAM - the next thing I saw was smoke. I hit a parked car and the airbags deployed.
They insisted on transporting me to the hospital since I had no idea what happened.
A long series of testing. My heart is fine, blood is good, I was dehydrated and the head scan showed a massive sinus infection. When the doctor checked my ears he said I also have fluid behind the ears and a double ear infection.
He said this may have been caused by being sick all week, turning the corner threw off my equilibrium and "possibly" I blacked out.
So, my friend's car is totaled and I feel crappy but nothing is broken.
Now I am putting my behind into bed and staying there.
Tom's car is in the shop so he used mine and Rich, my mechanic friend, let me use his.
It has been a rough week but I didn't want to disappoint my client. Turned into the apartment complex and BAM - the next thing I saw was smoke. I hit a parked car and the airbags deployed.
They insisted on transporting me to the hospital since I had no idea what happened.
A long series of testing. My heart is fine, blood is good, I was dehydrated and the head scan showed a massive sinus infection. When the doctor checked my ears he said I also have fluid behind the ears and a double ear infection.
He said this may have been caused by being sick all week, turning the corner threw off my equilibrium and "possibly" I blacked out.
So, my friend's car is totaled and I feel crappy but nothing is broken.
Now I am putting my behind into bed and staying there.