A Slight Set Back
You probably remember I was supposed to have my radiation simulation today, and then begin radiation on the 7th. Well, they called yesterday to say the radiation doctor is sick, can't do the simulation until NEXT Thursday, so can't begin radiation until the 14th. GRRRR!!!
After I calmed down, I called the oncology doc to see if we could squeeze 2 more chemo treatments in before the 14th. She said SURE! SO I will have a chemo treatment this afternoon, and another one next Thursday morning. I go for my radiation simulation that same day, but in the afternoon. It'll be a long day!
I got my chemo pills yesterday afternoon. It is xaloda. I have to take 1450 MG twice a day, that is 10 pills (during radiation). It cost me $18 through my military mail order pharmacy. The insurance had to pay $2727.58. HOW DO PEOPLE PAY FOR THEIR CANCER TREATMANTS?
This morning I was in the baking mood, so I baked a BUNCH of stuff. I'll take a couple of trays in to my chemo doc's office. The rest goes into the freezer for our DIL's Christmas party on Sunday. I so love to bake! It is so calming, and I can get lost in it and the rest of the world just goes away.
My weight keeps going up. I'm sure my chemo doc will be thrilled with that today, but I am NOT!! My size 12's still fit, so I haven't gained that much, but I have been grazing all day. Boy those bad habits creep back up so easily!
You constantly amaze me with your whole attitude through all of this. I don't know that I could do what you are with such grace. Terrible what they charge for people to have hope of curing something that scares the bejesus out of folks. . .
You need the extra weight now. . .
Sending you hugs and positive healing thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
i love to bake..isn't it wonderful the feeling one can get...
big hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
You amaze me with your positivity. Lady, "YOU ROCK"!!!
I love to bake also, mostly breads and rolls, etc. and people cannot understand how I can bake and not eat it myself but it is "therapy" for me. I give most of it away and the rest goes in the freezer when company comes.
Good luck on your treatments and hang in there, Dear Lady!!

Please, please don't worry about your weight gain. You will need that extra weight in the long run. A lot of people lose weight during radiation treatments because they are tired and it really zaps their strength. God is watching out for you.
I know it freaks us out when the number on the scales get higher or our clothes get a little tight. For you...you just gotta change that thinking for awhile. After your treatments you can work on your weight but not before...Okay??? You are loved, health now is what you gotta concentrate on...not the weight or the number on the scale.