Judy G.
on 12/3/09 11:18 am - Galion, OH

sorry its taking me so long to get back to you on my mom...well last night i called her to see how she was doing. she said she had a CT scan to see if she had any blood clots in her lungs. nope negative!!! woohooo!!!! had her lasik doubled due to lots of fluid build up...peeing ALOT she said. is on oxygen yet. BP was taken while i was on phone with her.....189/79 little high on top but nurse said its ok....yeah after talking to mom i called nurse back to see if what mom told me was correct. most of it was. mom said she had congestive heart failure...nure said nothing is in her chart about it at all!!!! she told me moms lungs were good and she wasn't weezing as much but still needs the oxygen on. and also her vitals are good and she is eating well. i told nurse that if mom refused to go to rehab/therapy they were to call me ASAP so i could make her go. she said she would note it in her chart for the dr to see. :-)

tonight i called mom to see how she was doing...she said her BP is way up...need to call nurse back maybe to said she had the poops really bad and pooped all over the place several times because she just couldn't move fast enough to go potty. they gave her some immodium for that. said she walked some in the hall today also but it hurts her feet yet. they also made her sit in a chair for an hour. said she has some fluid in the bottom of her lungs. i told her she better be sitting up alot or she might get pneumonia and we didn't need her to get that now!! she said she would sit up. she said she is so cold and can't get warm...they brought lots of warm blankets for her but she is still so cold. she said she can't eat good anymore so they are giving her some type of ensure to drink tastes like fruit she said. i asked her what the dr had to say today and she said he said he didn't think she had gout at all and never did....hummmm another question for the nurse i guess. she said she was tired so i let her go so she could rest.

i told them at work today that if i got a call about my mom needing me i was gone ASAP to get to her. they said no problem.

rick has been a rock for me through this all!!! took a shower last night and then laid down in bed and he came in and laid by me and held me in his arms and i feel asleep there...first time in days that i felt at after tonight i am worried yet again. two days ago mom sounded so much better and last night worse and tonight even worse than last night. guess i will call the nurse and see whats up. will post if anything different.

thanks for being here for me!!!

hugs and love

Eileen Briesch
on 12/3/09 12:05 pm - Evansville, IN

Gee, this server is slower than dirt tonight at work (while I'm waiting for stories ... a never-ending chore).

Anyway, Judy, you're going to have to track down nurses and doctors and rely on their information rather than your mom, I think ... you're getting two stories here and I'm not sure which is right. Your mom might tell you how she feels but not really what is true as far as the medical information. And being so far away, you might not always get the right information. I know that was true with my dad ... he was DNR but his primary care doc didn't put it in his file. I found out when I talked to the residents one day at the hospital and was really P.O.'d because I knew my dad's feelings on the matter. He had terminal cancer and kidney disease and didn't want to waste away on machines.

So talk to your mother now about her wishes, too ... I know that's a tough conversation to have, but it's important to set that in writing. I think you're the one to do it ... seems you're the only one in your family that really cares about her.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Pat R.
on 12/3/09 8:04 pm - Sturgis, MI
Judy, I know this is rough on you to be so far away and try to get information on the phone about your Mom.   Please know I am keeping her in my prayers and you too.  Hang in there....

Sending cyber hugs,
Pat r.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
annette R.
on 12/3/09 8:23 pm - ithaca, NY

Maybe you should call the nurse first, then talk to your Mom. Sounds like she is in pain and getting things confused.

Hang in there my Angel. I'm happy to hear that Rick is so supportive.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 12/3/09 9:42 pm, edited 12/3/09 9:42 pm
Judy...I agree with the others here. I would talk with the nurses first...then compare notes with your mother. If she is on a lot of meds and such her thinking could be confused.

I will continue to keep you and your mom in my prayers!!

Rick is a gem...but then so are you!! Glad you have each other!!

Love and hugs sweetie.....connie d
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