What Are We Eating - THURSDAY?
Hello, everyone!
I'm starting to feel "more human" again..the stress has definitiely lifted alot. I'm headed to Burlington again (an hour's drive) for ultrasound and two blood tests...one especially for bariatric patients. I have to FAST twelve hours and naturally my "head hunger" is giving me a hard time but apart from a few sips of water, I am doing well.
This is my plan for Thursday:
B none allowed til after my tests 10am - 1pm
S nothing
L lunch on the way home..something suitable like chicken or seafood or salad
S Matrix hot chocolate protein drink
D turkey and some veggies
S banana stuffed with LF peanut butter
SUPPLEMENTS: (when I get back home)
multiple vitamin
VB1, B6, B12
Vitamin A
vitamin C
vitamin D
vitamin E
Omega oils
calcium citrate
1 fluid pill with potassium
Nancy B & Rufus