Hello there... I'm new and curious....and an itsy bit afraid
First off, welcome to one of the best places you could have landed on this site!
You will not get your old life back, you will get a life that is more than you can imagine! At least that has been my experience.
Today, given the experienced surgeons performing this procedure (experience being key) the risks are pretty much no more or less than any other surgical procedure, that being said, there are post-operative things that you need to adhere to for the rest of your life, as I tell people, you must never fall into the "I've lost the weight, now I am normal" mode, because that just is not the case. Vitamins, fluids, eating the right amounts of protein are what will be your new normal, but at a little over 2 years post-op, I can tell you the difference in my life today is incredible and I only wish I did not have that smallminded view, that this was for people *****ally had no other choice, or it was an "easy out". NOT, as I said, I wish I had chosen this route earlier, but I did it and I'm living life in a way that makes me feel like I am in my 30s instead of the 54 I am.
For more about my journey, feel free to read my blog entries on my profile.
I wish you health, as you have choices that will help you achieve it.

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
WELCOME!!!!!!!!! this is the best board that OH has to offer!!!! so much love and support here you will love it!!!!
i had my RNY back in oct of 2006 and my only regret is that i didn't have it done sooner!!! life IS so much better now for me!!!!
hopefully this dr is from a center of excellence...those are the best to go to. :-)
wishing you the best of luck on your journey and hope to see you post more often so we can get to know you and you know us better!!!
I had lap RNY 5 years ago and have lost 180 pounds, kept most of it off, although 10 pounds have found its way back. I had spinal arthritis, degenerative disc disease and arthritic knees ... I still have all of those because arthritis doesn't go away. However, when I was considering having this surgery, my pain doctor said to me, "If you don't lose the weight, you're going to end up in a wheelchair." I decided to choose life instead of the wheelchair. Now, I may still end up in the wheelchair in the end ... but at least I fought it. And that's the best I can do.
I didn't have diabetes going in, but it runs in my family, so I knew I was destined to get it if I didn't do something.
You are worried about the pain and the dangers. Yes, there is pain after surgery, but the doctors manage it well with painkillers post-op. Yes, there are risks with any surgery, but there are so many risks with being obese, and everyone has detailed those for you.
The question is what do you want? Do you choose life? Or a life with obesity? I got my life back with this surgery ... I really believe that. It was the best decision I ever made. You have to make the decision for yourself, not because your doctor wants you to do it, but because you want to.
I wish you wisdom in your decision; it's not an easy one to make.
Ditto what everybody else said! I'm only 5 months out, so can't give a long term perspective but I can tell you with modern pain management my surgery (open RNY) was nothing compared to 2 c-sections. I was on a plane four days later winging my way back from Mexico and babysitting grandkids within 2 weeks. My comorbidities have all but vanished but the best part is that I can breathe!! I can walk 2 miles and feel OK. I can give horsey rides and roll on the floor and I cfan breathe! Life is good for me and will be for you, too.
Welcome and best of luck to you!
These are the tests I've been sent, given, they are in Spanish, but do they sound familiar?
La valoración preoperatoria del paciente para cirugía bariátrica es: 1. Gastroscopía 2. Valoración por Médico Internista 3. Valoración Psicológica por un Médico Psiquiatra 4. Electrocardiograma con Interpretación 5. Rx de Tórax 6. Hemograma Completo 7. Pruebas de Función Renal ( BUN) 8. Glicemia 9. TP y TPT 10. Perfil de lípidos 11. TSGO-TSGP 12. FA-GGT 13. Proteínas totales y fraccionadas 14. Hbs1ac 15. US de abdomen general
I had my sleeve in Oct 06, lost all my excess weight, and found that it is relatively easy to maintain (so far!) My recovery was relatively easy and my only regret is that I did not do it sooner!