first off she wants me to thankyou all for the prayers and thoughts that you offered to her. THANKYOU!!!!!!
i talked to the nurse this morning and got the info so its right...she said the dr was in to see her and is still giving her iv antibiotics and is also treating her for gout. he seems to think it is gout she has infection of. she is on medication for that also. and if she is better by tomorrow she might be able to go home then or stay one more day. he is so far leaning towrds an extra day just to make sure she can walk by then. her temp is normal and her BP is also down. still no toe nails cutting. guess they are waiting for her feet to be touchable without pain? but she is in good spirits again so that is good!! and ofcourse she is making excuses for my sister not coming to see her....she said remember she is sick too...yeah with kidney dialisis and laziness....i understand that but still.....sighs
so again THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the prayers and well wishes that mean so much to me and mom at this time!!!! (((OFF))) what would i do without all of you??!!! ;-)
So sorry that your Mom got sick and in the midst of what I was going through I missed it, but seeing as you are all in my daily prayers, I got her covered too ;)
Hope all goes well from here on.
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland