It's Tuesday, what's new review
Gosh, I can't believe I'm down to 189.8 pounds. It's been twenty-something years that I've been in the 180s. I couldn't be more pleased. Clothes are fitting great as I'm shrinking into the smaller clothes I outgrew along the way. Even my DH has lost 30 pounds from eating healthier. What a wonderful feeling!
Sending prayers and good health wishes for those in need, and hugs to those needing a hug today.
I'd better get to the stats that are waiting for me. Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone!
Can you believe today is December 1st? Where or where has this year gone? So many issues and heartbreaks on here, but we've all lived thru them and we're still here.....praise God for that! So much to be thankful for too.
Congrats Debbie on your wt loss so far.....I wish I were where you are instead of being stuck where I am.
Have stripped the bed and have linens in the washer. Today I hope to get my little tree up and decorate my house. Already have the Christmas CD's out ready to play and get in the mood. My friend Sharon at work knew I was wanting the new Il Divo Christmas CD so she gave it to me yesterday early, so we could play it's just such beautiful music.....they are four tenors that Simon Cowell (from American Idol fame) discovered and brought together and they have beautiful rich voices and hey they ain't bad to look at either....LOL.
Going to pay bills - my usual job on the lst of each month. May run out to the local Christian book store to pick up something for my girl friend who lives in Goshen....she loves to read.
Have a great day everyone -- sending prayers and hugs.
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: are just shrinking away....good job! Won't be too much longer and you will need to update your avatar!!
Laureen....please continue to share your thoughts/memories of Dillinger. He is still part of this board and we love to hear you talk about him.
Nan...God Bless your son and all those brave military people. I think it is wonderful that you are sending enough to your son that he can share. You have a big heart!
Jean...I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers heading your way.
As for me...stil no Christmas decorating done. I will be too busy today to do it that is for sure. I have a meeting in less then an hour. At 1:00 I have an eye exam. I need new contacts and glasses...Merry Christmas to me!
I need to get dressed and on my way as the meeting is out of town. Everyone have a good day. Prayers as always to those in need.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Congratulations on achieving a milestone, I remember when I got to that place in my wls journey where I realized I had not been in well over 20 years, it feels wonderful and I know you've worked hard to get there.
I want to say that the outpouring of support by all of the wonderful people I've met via OH has been absolutely incredible. I thank each of you from the bottom of my aching heart!
I am really trying to get through this, but I realize how so much of my routine was around Dillinger, I really felt lost, for instance, in the mornings I would get up and if Dillinger was not on the pillow next to me, I would go down to where he was and snuggle up and spend time petting him and massaging his hind quarters to keep the blood circulating, as many years ago, I was told that it helped big dogs as they aged and it did seem to, as he never developed the hind leg problems a lot of dogs do. . . please forgive me, if for a time, I reminisce about my boy, but I'm really trying to focus on his life and not the end of it. . . I am raw with the emotions of not having him in my life now and while I truly know he had a long wonderful life, I am bereft without his love, because unlike human love, it was simple and unconditional, well mostly, if I tried to shorten the time I spent cuddling up, he sure enough let me know it (smile) and then there was the time I got a computer in the house, boy did he not like the time I spent on it. . . he would come over and nudge me and whine for me to get off and on the couch so I could be his pillow and give him some loving. . .
Ok, enough. . . I will be going to work and then I will take my gym stuff and go to the gym, something I have not done for a while, . . . so maybe, just maybe I will actually lose the last 10 lbs I want to. . .
Again, I thank you all for letting me know that you care about my pain.
Wishing you all the very best of days and if you are facing struggles, the strength to get through it!
Love, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good morning all. Not much going on today. Maybe more shopping as it is payday. I finally got my house all decorated. So far Linus, my puppy hasn't gone potty on the tree. I think Lucy, our female ShihTzu may be pregnant. We have been trying for 5 years. We thought she may not like boys, but she & Linus finally got together.
Carla if you see this we got all the dogs shaved. Linus looks like a golden lab puppy. He is almost a year old.
Have another pkg to send to my son in Afghanistan. This one is huge. My other sons employer is paying to ship it so we are taking advantage of that. We always try to send enough for him to share.
Well time to get moving. Please everyone, have a great day!!!
BTW, my daughter's Bijion/Maltese is pregnant and due around the time I am in Florida for my other daughter's nursing school graduation, I'm hoping the puppies come while I am down there and while I love all types of dogs, I am partial to the bigger guys, most especially Rotties!
Dillinger and Kara (a shepard we had) made 11 puppies back when I first got him back from the co-worker who fell in love with and had to have him for her husband (how he got his name), Sandi and John were very good dog parents to Dillinger, however, they had not gotten around to fixing him and we were going to breed Kara one time because many people wanted her puppies, she was a beautiful Shiloh Shepard (who my husband kind of forced on me), anyway, before I had the chance to fix Dillinger myself she went into heat, we kept them separated, but one day my ex claimed he fell asleep (so he said) and that was it, 9 weeks later, Kara gave birth to 11 beautiful puppies, by which point Dillinger had been fixed, they all survived and I found loving homes for all of them. . . puppies are wonderful, enjoy!
Thanks again for your kind words.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good morning, ya'll.
Such a wonderful beginning of December. Cool, clear and crisp outside.
I have to go to WalMart to get yet another prescription filled. Stuff I can't get at the base (free), and no time to send to the mail order pharmacy. Still only costs me $3 or $9.
My tiny tree looks lovely, especially when it is dark. I have had Christmas music playing softly in the background. I think my DH is getting tired of it. I turn it off when the grandsons come after school, cause they always have the TV on.
I have a few things to take out to the shed. I pile stuff in the back bedroom, til it starts looking cluttered in there, then take it all to the shed. Not sure why I don't just throw the stuff away. But I may NEED it someday. And NO I am not a hoarder. My DIL and I were talking about that program last evening. She said she would never let me get like that. I love that girl!
I am really gettin into this 'gotta eat to keep my strength up' stuff. I am 12 pounds higher than my lowest weight!!! I am counting on the effects of radiation to bring that weight back down (that starts Monday). Then after the 6 weeks of radiation and 2 more months of chemo, I'll go back to my surgeon and get a fill under fluoro. Unfortunately my doc says she'd like to see me gain another 3 to 8 pounds. I am afraid these new (old) eating patterns are gonna become habits that are hard to break! At least my size 12's still fit!
I hope everyone has a fantabulous day.
You made me laugh out loud. I am no way near a hoarder too. I thought I had cleaned out my fridge (the science experiments at least). My daughter-in-law started going through it Thanksgiving morning to try and make more room for stuff and boy did she find things. I think the earliest date was 2007 on a jar of olives. It was mostly jars that have never been opened. And small cheeses that come in those gift baskets. We had a good laugh as she was tossing them in the garbage.
Thanks for the chuckle memory.