on 11/30/09 12:19 am - NY
I'm with you Connie.  Not feeling very festive at all...I'm cold and not feeling 100% today.

I'm the Grinch in my family...and the economy is not helping.

Keep your chin up and keep smilin that beautiful smile!!

  I'm sending (((HUGS)))) and prayers just for you. 
  I hope things get better.

Connie D.
on 11/30/09 12:57 am
Thank you Marcy...you are a GEM!!!

All we can do is keep hanging in there....just when you think there might be light at the end of the tunnel...BAM..there it goes again!!!

Prayers and love to you and yours too!!!

hugs....connie d

(deactivated member)
on 11/30/09 8:54 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hope things get better for you Connie.

Connie D.
on 11/30/09 8:58 pm
Thank you Ruth...you are so sweet!!

Hugs....connie d
J Brown
on 11/30/09 12:33 am - Omaha, NE
Isn't it fun to meet those in our OFF family. So glad you all had a good time !
I am back to work after 5 wonderful days off. I cooked 5 Turkeys !! Turkey was so cheap this year it seems everyone had one, I had one, my mom did and my daughter. My daughter said I'm sending mine over for you to cook too mom (gee thanks) So I had a large electric roaster with 2 and one in the over( ended up blowing a fuse) Most of the cooking was done Wednesday so I was actually able to enjoy Thanksgiving. Janet, We finally figured out Farkle !! We played all afternoon, even my 8 year old grandson could play , but you have to watch him or he will cheat. My son doesn't have an oven and the pastor had sent over a turkey for him ( he has been out of work for over a year) I told him that and he told me his son had "won" a turkey at school so on Friday I cooked both of them for him, he came over and we made ground turkey salad and I taught him how to cook down the carcas and make soup, I sent so much turkey left overs home with everyone that when the dust had cleared I hardly have anything, only enough for about one turkey chef salad and one casserole, but enough soup for the winter. I was very sad that with out a car I was not able to get in on the Black friday shopping, I actually LOVE the crowds and "hunt".
Have a wonderful week, Margo I hope your first moving load went well..Blessings
karen C.
on 11/30/09 12:41 am - Kennewick, WA
For the first time I cooked our turkey in one of the large oven ready bags like for roasts only turkey size. It was so easy and absolutely delicous and no mess in the pan!

Karen C

J Brown
on 11/30/09 2:27 am - Omaha, NE
Oh I just love the bags, haven't had a dry turkey since..they also seem to cook a lot faster.
Mary M.
on 11/30/09 12:40 am - Minneapolis, MN
Hi everyone!  Hope you all are doing well or better, or as good as you can!

Connie - I'm not much of a holiday decorator, and since Michael doesn't care about the decorations, there have been years we never did any.  We'll see if this year is like that!

The long weekend was welcome, but I spent much of it running back and forth to the hospital.  Michael had a surgery on Tuesday, and though he felt OK, it took them until Sunday to get his blood levels right.  (long story) - but anyway he is home now and doing just fine.  It was an odd week, though.

I did have some fun - my sister came and stayed overnight on Thanksgiving to keep me company.  Her husband and boys didn't mind and I loved it!  We had a great slumber party and stayed up way too late.  

I had six friends I've met through local OH coffee support group over yesterday to do needle felting (which is decorating felted  hats with rovings (pieces of yarn).  It was really fun.  I brought all the leftovers to work today.  Even though they are WLS friendly foods, I didn't need so much of it around the house!

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
on 11/30/09 3:50 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Jan and all my OFF friends,
I'm gearing up for a busy couple of days.  Our new CEO will be holding Employee meetings to introduce himself to everyone.  We have offices in California, Israel, India - New Delhi and Bangalore, Europe, China, Japan and Korea.  I do all the coordinating of the web conferencing so they can do audio and see slides over the internet.  To cover all the time zones we have to have four meetings over Tues. and Weds.  One is very early in the morning.
Tonight is the last Tiger Cub Meeting until next year.  We will have a Christmas campfire next week and a holiday party the week after but that is the whole cub scout pack.  Then we will brea****il the new year.  So we will make little mice sleeping in a matchbox, ornaments for the tree tonight.  The mouses name is Filbert because we use hazelnuts for his head.
I've been sick since Friday, I think I got it from the grandkids.  We had a wonderful time.  Our newest granddaughter as of Sept. has such a personality - always smiling or laughing.
Hubby's birthday is Weds.  I usually go searching all over for the right present for him but not this year.  Simply because the effort isn't returned.  I get nothing on my birthday.  I guess it will be just taking each other out to dinner now.  At least he does give us a treat every now and then.  We will be going to Worcester, MA in Jan. to see Martina McBride and Trace Atkins in concert.
My brother-in-law says grace at our Thanksgiving dinner and he always does such a nice job.  He includes all that are no longer with us, those who have or are serving in the military, etc.  It makes it a remembrance day as well as for giving thanks.
My cold medicine is making my brain revved up but my body is slow and weak.  It's got me a little nervous feeling.  Like I don't know what to do with myself.  I don't like the feeling.
I need to make placecards for a dinner on Sat.  I'm afraid I'll forget.  I want to invite my Mom and sister to breakfast on Sun. morning too.  Friday night we have a committee holiday party.  It will be non-stop until Christmas now.
My heart goes to all of you suffering losses or with loved ones who are sick.

(deactivated member)
on 11/30/09 9:27 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'd love to see Trace Atkins in concert........how cool!  ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!
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