Good Morning Jan and Friends,
I'm in recovery mode here this morning. After the family invasion that started last Wednesday and overflowed until yesterday morning I barely had time to breathe or go to the bathroom. And the bathroom visits were always accompanied by four little feet who would park next to me and wait to say "Bye bye potty" when I finished. The only way for any privacy was to sneak out of the room they were in.
I cooked what I thought was way too much food but it's almost all gone. I made turkey soup on Saturday and we had that with a salad for dinner. Finished most everything else and the rest will go into a pot of soup today!
So. . . a couple of months ago I ran across some adorable lavender "I'm a big sister" shirts in size 3 T. As I knew my daughter and son in law were "trying" I thought I'd pick them up for whenever. They were hanging in the closet. I had told Erin about the purchase and that they'd probably fit by the time they were needed.
Well, after naptime on Thursday they came out wearing their "big sister" shirts. Sleeves were rolled up and they were more like nightshirts. I was the only one who could see them. I said: "Are you just trying them on or are you telling us something?" They both just grinned. Nathan still didn't get it after he saw the shirts. He said he knew one of them was the oldest (the big sister) but couldn't remember which one was born first! We were all a bit surprised even knowing that it was in the works. We'll be blessed with a new grandchild around July 4th.
It's absolutely crazy around here when they arrive. Can't be any worse with one more! She'll have an early ultrasound right before Christmas mainly to confirm how many. We're hoping for one. . .
So Grandma Karen needs to leave her travel calendar clear for July of 2010. Not a problem as it's usually so hot here that we have to stay close to home to keep the garden alive.
I'm going to close and go back and try to catch up on the last week. My condolences to those who have experienced passings of those they love. When I'm sad and holiday times always make me miss my loved ones who are no longer here, I try to think of the Circle of Life and how loved ones move on to make room for new ones here on earth. I like to think that the souls of those who have left are still with us in some form. I can still feel my mom and dad's presence around me. That comforts me.
I'm just about caught up with the towels and sheets. I have some little sewing projects for Christmas that I want to start on. The bonus room upstairs will become the sewing and wrapping room for the next few weeks. So nice to have a place where I can just leave stuff out until I'm finished. Warm thoughts to you all
Karen C