Pic of my big one!
Ha! ... made ya look 
This bowl was really a challenge! ... I almost gave up a couple of times... This is the biggest bowl I have ever made... by far! ... just shy of 16" across!
It is Red Cedar... so now my whole shop is covered in red.... and my house smells like the inside of a cedar chest....
Just wanted to show y'all... it will be awhile before I attempt something like this again... stupid thing kicked my butt!

This bowl was really a challenge! ... I almost gave up a couple of times... This is the biggest bowl I have ever made... by far! ... just shy of 16" across!
It is Red Cedar... so now my whole shop is covered in red.... and my house smells like the inside of a cedar chest....
Just wanted to show y'all... it will be awhile before I attempt something like this again... stupid thing kicked my butt!
On November 29, 2009 at 4:25 AM Pacific Time, butterjoy wrote:
Marc,That is absolutely beautiful! I love wooden bowls and untinsils. I have not been able to figure out how to treat them so they can actually be used without causing bacteria forming in them. Anyhow, Beautiful Job!!
If you already have bacteria in the wood, you will have to sand it down and then wash with warm soap and water. Let it air dry overnight.
Maintaining wood utensils and bowls... the trick is to only use mineral oil... all other oils are food based and will turn rancid eventually.
Hand wash wood.... no dishwasher. Let air dry overnight then wipe with mineral oil every 3 or 4 washings. If the wood is fuzzy, sand a little with a very fine sandpaper or if you want just use one of those green scrubbing pads (the "3M" type) followed by a piece of brown paper bag. This will remove the fuzzies then treat with mineral oil.