Blue funk >tears >nostalgic smiles
My blue bunk this am was caused by missing mom, as most of you knew I am sure. I was dreading getting out the Christmas stuff but it turned out to be a good thing. Kinda long but a nice story anyway.
11 yrs ago we moved into a brand new house. Mom was so proud of us as most moms are of their kids accomplishments. Come that first Christmas, and all those that followed including last yr when she was so weak. She found excuses then just plain invited them over because she wanted to help decorate for Christmas. First yr we didn't have much in way of decorations as wed had a small place but mom always enjoyed digging out what was there then wandering around there and there deciding where to place things (even if I didn't like it and changed it later) putting bits and pieces together. making something pretty out of nothing (she was an expert at that). She loved going out cruising the resale shops to see what we could find then going looking for new stuff and finding places for what we we had just bought changing what we had already done or remaking new things out out more bits and pieces and such.
Mom just plain enjoyed fussing around here with the holiday decorating stuff for a few days. Just loved spending time here enjoying our new house, us any kids we had the upcoming holidays that kind of thing.
I was dreading getting out the stuff this year knowing I was going to miss mom so much. And I did miss her I did cry then I started remembering when she put this together or how much fun we had looking for just the right ribbon for that, or the time she carried something for over an hr, something I didn't care for and wasn't gonna buy but she liked it so much but couldn't afford to buy it for me but wanted if for a certain place in a decoration here in my home and carried it till I finally had to buy it so we could leave the store! I remembered the great care and love she took to make the Nativity just right because that was the most important part of the decorations How wed sit in silence holding hands looking at the lighted tree after everyone was in bed. How many memories this house holds precious memories of my mom and that's just for 11 years! My mind went back to child hood and found so many more memories!
I Miss mom Christmas will be hard but she will be here just like she was here today enjoying the decorations with me!!
It made me think back to how hard it was to deal with the loss of my parents.
I can only tell you that this is probably the first of many time that you will be comforted by the memories of you mother.
You see I have found that there always seems to be some way that my parents come back to touch my life.
I might just feel down and a picture of my Dad or Mother will just fall from a book or turn up in a drawer when I least expect it.
When I have problems and think how on earth did my parents get through this stuff. I have a memory I had long forgotten, or one of my brothers or sisters will remind me of How my parents did something just like it.
You will find that even though your mom is moved on to be with the angels that she will pop into your life when you least expect it or when you need her most. You never really loose them because they seem to keep and eye on you.
I know this sounds like I am a weirdo but I can't explain it because it just happens.
It might be a smell or a person in the store that sends you a memorie of you mom.
God Bless You.
You touched a raw nerve in me and I can truly say I understand from both the perspective of having lost my Mom 8 years ago now, to my most recent loss. . .
That first of everything is hard, the memories come, wanted or not and while time is the great healer, the missing does not ever go away, but the fond memories, those are to be cherished and brought out, that is how we honor those we loved and your post so does that. Your Mom is proud of you still and I know that when my own Mother passed there was lots of things I never got to share with her, such as purchasing and moving into my very own home on my own. On an early spring day, I received a gift, it was close to Mother's day and I was missing her terribly, I was walking Dillinger and thinking how my Mom would have been proud of my buying the home I now had and that I wished she could see it, well, as I walked Dillinger, I noticed a peonies bush (my Mom's favorite flower (and mine and my oldest daughter too)), that day I got to work and in the reception area they always got new flowers on Monday's and there was a beautiful arrangement of peonies and other flowers, that same evening as I walked Dillinger, my neighbor on the other side of my house was cutting flowers off a peonies bush, when it suddenly dawned on me, this was my Mother's way of showing me she sees and is proud of what I have done. . . while my story may bring a tear to your eye, it is meant to comfort and let you know, physically her presence is gone, but her spirit lives within you and if you tap into that spirit, you will always feel and know her to be right there, it will not alleviate the pain, but it might help you to remember that when you think of all the happy times you shared, that is honoring to her spirit. . .
With love and understanding, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Blessings to you and yours this holiday season.