Happy Sunday Everyone!!!!!
It is 1227 and I thought I would start the thread!!!!! Well the 1st Holiday is over and I am waiting patiently for my job to start. I am hoping for Tuesday or Wednesday!!!!! Maybe it is wishful thinking!!!!!
I have a friend over from the Illinois board. I have to take her to the airport at 7am. I am glad it isnt to Tampa. Just here in town.
tomorrow we are having a cookout at my cousins house. One last holiday hurrah!!!!!!
So Talk on 7am comes fast.
Hey Carla! Sounds like you are having fun! *s*
Hello, everyone! I started typing my WHAT ARE WE EATING post and got carried away..after all that writing, I cannot "cut" and paste to THIS thread so Im just repeating some of it here..sorry to those *****ad the other post as well.
I finished baking my fourth tray of brownies for Mom's birthday party tonight. And no, I havent touched ANY goodies except I did taste ONE Empire cookie.
I now know of 35 definitely coming to the party..a possible 10 more that I haven't heard from...they weren't sure yet but I do have enough for everyone. I also expect the other residents that knew Mom to drop in and say Happy Birthday to her and to eat *s*.
When I leave home in the morning, I'll pick up the fruit tray then start setting up the activity room and the musicians will be setting up at 12:30. I have clean tablecloths, cutlery, plates, bone china tea cups and saucers, dessert plates..all bone china. Coffee, tea and hot apple cider..a HUGE whipped cream cake and lots of goodies.
The homemade chocolate bark (white choc & milk choc mixed with crushed oreo cookies, white choc w/ slivered almonds and dried cranberries, white choc w/dark choc drizzle and slivered almonds, milk choc w/walnuts & coconut, milk choc w/ Skor bar bits) is all bagged and the hand-made bookmarks are attached...one for each guest.
Derek is taking care of all the coolers w/ice and cold drinks. Hopefully JB will drive to Mom's NEW residence and bring her to the party w/o spilling the beans but he sprained his ankle Saturday and is limping pretty bad so it may be me or even Derek driving 35 minutes to get Mom.
Photographer will be there for family portraits and I've picked up the wrist corsage I ordered for Mom. I hired two of my young women that I mentor to assist in serving and clean up so that I am free to visit and take care of Mom.
The party is 2-4pm and that's about all Mother can handle, so after we take her home and get her settled again, we are taking all the out-of-town guests (all relatives) out for dinner. The young ladies, who I hired (they both could use the money so I'm helping them out while they help me), will do the clean-up for me...yayy! *s*
Sunday will be difficut but I will do my best to stick to my proper eating. So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Nancy B
Your party for your mother sounds wonderful... absolutely wonderful. I love it when people use the china instead of paper products. I wish I could see the table set with the bone china and all the food. I bet it will be spectacular. what is the centerpiece? Is there a main color too?
You will be so busy with guest you won't have time to eat. I can hardly wait to hear how the party goes......
I'm hooked up to the tube feeding. The pump is set to deliver one huge bag over eight hours. The bag holds three cans and it isn't supposed to ruin. Anyway, the last two nights, I have had problems staying asleep so tonight, I've taken a sleeping pill and am waiting for it to kick in so I can sleep. I am going back to the doctor next week and he is going to make sure that I am gaining weight and that the tube feeing port is okay. It is a little raw around the hole but I think it is okay. I put betadine around it twice a day.
I think I may be getting sleepy so I'll stop. I hate this tube feeding crap.

Jeanie how awful but if it will help you to get well that is great but i know you hate it now. are you having to stay off work or is this only at night? Thinking of you . Hoping to get back to the diamond fields one day soon,..

on 11/28/09 9:23 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL