What Are We Eating-FRIDAY?
Hey everyone!
Thursday was my Mom's 90th birthday! She is starting to settle in, thank goodness! With her pictures all up on the walls and along the windowsill, her tv and phone connected, the room is looking much more "like home" to Mom and she seems much happier. A little bird even told me that Mom not only attended a word game in the activity room but actually participated! That's BIG step for her!
I am so grateful..the staff there, are angels! When STAFF is happy, then you KNOW it's a great place!
I went there today to spend the afternoon with Mom and had supper with her...she had flowers and Belgian chocolates delivered from Argentina, South America from my half-aunt and uncle *s*. I bought her a whole series of good books that she enjoys and a beautiful embroidery project..cardinals on an evergreen limb. Mom said she wants to make it for me.
Today, (Friday), I head back to Burlington to get my meal plan then back home to bake some more and make more chocolate bark since JB and Derek got into the tray of white chocolate w/ dried cranberries and slivered almonds last night....sheesh! Funny..that stuff doesnt even appeal to me at all...dont know why..I find it far too sweet to me...I'm SO glad!
This is my Friday plan:
B Matrix hot chocolate protein drink
S banana stuffed with low fat peanut butter
L likely stopping off at Swiss Chalet or Red Lobster on the way home from Burlington so that means fish/shrimp/chicken
S if any, I will have cheese & multigrain crackers
D LF cottage cheese & unsweetened crushed pineapple
S almonds
multiple vitamin
VB1, B6, B12
Vitamin A
vitamin C
vitamin D
vitamin E
Omega oils
calcium citrate
1 fluid pill with potassium
Nancy B & Rufus :}
Leftovers..... of course... hee hee
We had a wonderful dinner yesterday. HOWEVER, missing was the veggie tray, condiments and NO cranberry sauce.... OMG how do you eat dressing without cranberries? chuckling..
I hope everyone had a safe and fulfilling day yesterday. I'm so grateful for my family.
menu today will be the usual
B oatmeal 1bacon
S fruit cheese
L left overs
S fruit protein bar
D left overs
S ??? hope I don't graze
somehow I need to get my liquids in.... been lax on them lately
Have a Fun Day
Since all the stores said..no pumpkin, there's a shortage this year, I am working on making a Sweet Potato Pie (no added sugar of course) just for the heck of it.