What's New Wednesday?
I'm home early because I have to start today at 11 a.m., so I have to get my butt in bed soon. I just checked for my payroll deposit (yes, I get that early too ... on Wednesday instead of Thursday because of Thanksgiving) ... it was in there for once. I got home at about 12:30 a.m., watched a little TV, had a snack because I didn't have dinner at work tonight and now it's off to bed ... hope I can sleep. I need to get up at 9, have some breakfast, shower, get dressed, stop by Walgreens on the way into work to pick up my new antidepressant, and then off to the salt mines. I already started my one page and will probably get another one when I get in later.
So what are your plans for turkey day? I am headed down Chicago way ... first to pick up my mom in Franklin Park (suburb of Chicago, near O'Hare), then off to my oldest brother's house in Northbrook, another suburb, a little farther north, where the family will gather. Even Gary, who says he's feeling better and got the doctor's OK to drive.
Post away; I'll check back later when I have time.

Happy Hump DAY, everyone!
Today, Mother seems somewhat better..JB and I went back to her old place and brought more stuff to Mom, trying to make her room seem more familiar and "homey". I got her phone set up, her cable TV, took her some familiar blankets and a pink and white crocheted afghan with matching pillow cases that I'd made for her last Christmas and we also brought all her pictures for the wall and the window sill as well...and marked where each hanging picture has to go so she can see them easily...the Maintenance Dept. will hang them Wednesday morning..they won't let us do that.
They had put her at a table for lunch with two other people, one deaf, one blind and both not in the greatest mental condition. So I went to the head nurse and asked (strongly with good reason and concerns that they couldnt deny) that she be given a different table with more "with it" people who will make her interact more and perhaps find some new friends and be able to socialize. I've become such an activist!
I stayed with her til dinner time at 5pm today (Tuesday) and waited after they took her to the dining room..then I peeked in ten minutes later to see how she was...and I saw her seated with three NEW lively ladies and they were all chatting, Mom leaning forward and smiling...that brought such joy to my heart! What a relief! I was able to leave with a smile on my face.
I'm hoping that her confusion will reduce and she gets happier as she gets used to the new place..they certainly are good to her and all the residents seem very happy..many have told me themselves how great it is to be there! Even the staff is happy (okay, I interviewed them too...lol)
From there i headed to my sosority dinner meeting then home by 10:30 pm. Almost hit three deer last night..they sauntered into the road(never in 39 years there have I ever seen a deer on THAT main road!) RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME , so close that I didnt even see their LEGS! I think that I brushed against the third deer's rump...no one was hurt and there were NO deer hairs stuck in my grill when I got home so looks like Santa didnt lose any reindeer...whew!
Wednesday: Now that Mother has her phone set up, I am staying home today. I have too..I'm exhausted and worn thin...lol.....if ONLY!) and I have alot of baking and cooking for Moms borthday Tea on Sunday and I have two tray of chocolate /Oreo cookie bark to make. I will just call her every few hours...but I will go there again on THURSDAY as that day is her actual 90th birthday and I will have dinner with her then. And someday I need to clean out this packrat paradise!
Nancy B
Jan C., I have your number programmed into my phone. We wil probably leave Searcy, Arkansas between 8 and 9 Sunday morning. It is about 3 1/2 hours. Will you be in church Sunday morning? What time can I call you? I may call you Saturday to verify everything any way.
Thanksgiving will be at my son's house. His mother-in-law is still with them with her hospice care. She is getting worse as the days go along, so each holiday she is with Oleta is a blessing. I am making turkey and ham. Mary is making three or four pies. Turnips, baked beans, stuffed mushrooms and deviled eggs. We may end up making the stuffing if my daughter calls and tells us she is not coming (sick kids). Busy, busy, busy. It will be restful to get on the road Friday morning.
Nancy, hopefully this is your mother turning the corner there. It is so nice to read about your concern for her.
Eileen, thanks for starting this today. My payday is next week, so the Thursday holiday didn't help me.
George you can call any time. ...i will be here. I am progressing really well on my new knee. no more pain just a little stiffness yet but getting there. we can decide when you call whethere to meet to have dinner or lunch...have a good trip and be careful. ok?
i got so busy yesterday in packing mode that i really didn't feel i could insert anything of use to the board! Started out in the basement still sorting then switched gears at about 11. Headed to verizon to pick a new phone for Michael and wow am I glad he went- I would have picked a totally different one- one with a dedicated 911 button..anyhow- he is comfortable with the type he picked- unfortunately TODAY is the re-up date so we have to go back to pick it up! Walmart for scrips and some groceries- took Michael in and gosh he is expensive!
i thought i was heading north to michigan by myself this weekend (read that quiet and get lots done before he sees the trailer) and suddenly in mid-sentence, michael changed his mind! soooooooooo we spent way too much time trying to pack everything into the car and i swear there had better be room for me cuz i'm driving! eileen-it's worse than at july 4th when we thought you were riding with us to nan's! he had more on top to tie but saw the weather forecast and took lots off…I think he forgets this is a car- a crossover but a CAR ! the gas mileage will suck….we’re taking food and some cookware and our basic clothing needs and my cpap and his 5 pillows ,a new ceiling fan (assembled) ,a milk crate of bird and dog food,an electric frypan cuz I am making pancakes one morning and not ready to take my griddle! all the stuff that goes along to keep him fed and all of our meds etc..i snuck in a paperback just in case i get a chance for some quiet!!!! Have been doing laundry and trying to keep the house somewhat cleaned before we go-I hate coming home to a dirty house-and with it being for sale- (NO! Nothing lately!) I feel we should keep it somewhat spiffed… Last nite, Michael was taking the backyard bird feeder down to take along and forgot that it had about 50# of seed in it- when he released the weight of the feeder off the post, it fell and so did he-landed on his bad knee which had finally stopped swelling- soooooo he spent the nite between the recliner and tasks with ice and his knee wrapped and elevated- great! So he won’t get anything done this weekend …and he was in pain….our neighbors had stopped over to talk so it was a bit before we got ice on it initially…after supper, he hard boiled two dozen eggs, made 2 gallons of applesauce to take and made egg salad and tuna salad for the frig up there….also we had to finish getting the top of the car tied and the stuff packed in so all that is left is the cooler and our clothes-and the 4 ****atiels, 3 large parrots, 2 parakeets and roxie the wonder dog…. (if ya sing it out to the twelve days of Christmas it sounds pretty good!!!

last nite was he first time that i shared my "moving date goal' with him and he is not excited about it-specially with the knee!
and, yesterday, at walmart i noticed quite a bit of confusion in michael- dunno if over stressed or what--but noticable....
I had to go into word to type this- sometimes OH gets weird when I make corrections- I lose the rest of the typing-gosh I hate that! So now to copy and paste! Hugs and prayers to all…………..
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good morning, ya'll.
Yesterday was VERY busy day. I had an entire list of things I wanted/needed to get done before radiation. Things like: clean those dang persistant clingy vines out of our chain link fence, wash the car, get some Christmas stuff from the attic, get some RX's filled, get a new water filter for the fridge, check on internet access at T-Mobile, go to Michael's crafts, make phone calls to 3 doctors, and go to the Commissary. Got home and put everything away just in time for GS to stop after school for his snack. So great that he is driving now and we don't have to coordinate picking him up. Then later the DIL came over and I made caramel popcorn and we all watched a movie.
Today is 'make ahead' Wednesday. I plan on doing all I can today to get ready for tomorrow's dinner. Plus my DIL and some of her co-workers want to take me to lunch and a movie. Another busy day.
I hope everyone drives carefully on their holiday travels.
Have a fantabulous day!
I picked up two books by Jodi Picoult in large print. Boy, is that nice. I don't need to use my readers when I read large print books. Getting old ... yikes
Nancy, I went to the Pavilions in Traverse City to visit my Aunt. It's sort of an upscale nursing home. She's 95 and was so happy when I visited her. She loves it there. I'm sure your mom will settle in to her new living situation.
Margo, I know what you're saying about trying to get things in shape before Michael sees the place. Maybe his knee will hurt too much to make the trip. Boy, that doesn't sound too nice, but I know you'll work faster without him 'in the way'. Am I making it worse? I just wanted to say I understand...
Gary can't believe how much time I spend on the computer in the mornings. He always wants to know who I'm talking to right now. It's either my OFF friends or people on the Michigan Forum. He doesn't understand that I have to read all of the posts before I start typing... He's basically computer illiterate. I'm not too much better, but I fumble my way through without swearing :)
Hope everyone has a blessed day.
Mike and I are going to Mass in the morning and then in the afternoon we are workig at our favorite Homeless Shelter for the Thanksgiving meal. If we are not totally exhausted, we are going over to some friends to play cards and have dessert. We eat at the Shelter wih the guests.
The weather is sure miserable here today. Rainy and cold and very nasty. I stopped at the library and picked up a good book to read over the holiday. "An Echo in the Bone", by Diana Gabaldon. It is 820 pages long....good thing I am a fast reader. It is on the Best Sellers list, and it is a rental so I only have a week to read it...I don't know if any of you have read her and The Outlander series....
Jani--- I love Jodi Piccoult....she is my favorite writer....I am listening [in my car] to The Tenth Circle...soooo good. I always have a few books going. I guess it is my muti-tasking addictive personality.
I am not doing well on my detox diet.....only lost 5 pounds.....yuk...pretty much off of it by now...I made a nummy squash soup today. My friend is coming over for dinner tonight, she loves my squash soup.
Have a wonderful Turkey day all of you.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
I think it's time to get my puter in for a tuneup! its driving me nuts.
Busy time for everyone it sounds like. Here also It doesn't skip me i guess. I am not getting my weekend up at traverse city to just stare of the lake. I get that to do that in a couple of weeks if I can find someone crazy enough to care for 7 kids!
I thought about staying home at make thanksgiving here so my teens could go see gramma in the hospital but gramma says they are all excited about my big family gathering. they usually stayed home with just them and gram ma or went to their church thanksgiving. So we are loading both cars with the food and kids and heading off in the am. Coming back to marrow night as we cant afford several hotel rooms for that many!
I keep going into a blue funk thinking about missing mom and so help me I swear I feel a thunk on the head and her saying. Quit grieving and get moving on giving the kids a great holiday, I know she will be there in our memories.
prayers going out for all those who need them or want them.
Safe travels to all and I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.