What Are We Eating- THURSDAY?
Here in Canada, we have OUR Thanksgiving in October so no turkey for me today..well darn!
I have an 8:30 am dental appointment...I'd rather have a PAP test!!! I'm such a dental weenie!
Today is Mom's 90th birthday..I will visit her in the afternoon and have a birthday dinner with her...she still doesnt know about the surprise party yet....*s*.
I stayed home on Wednesday..with all the moving and transportation of Mother and her things, my legs were so swollen and throbbing...this lymphodema is the pits! But I called Mom several times thru the day to check in on her and she sounds so much better! Less confusion for sure! She had a jacuzzi bath this morning! *s*
Now she has her phone..I explained how to hit on 9 for an outside line and wait for a small "click" to indicate it was ready then dial the regular number...I also had the cable people to come in and install and connect her TV today as well.
A few hours later, I called again and asked her if she remembered how to call out of the building...OMG! what a wonderful surprise, Mom REMEMBERED how and recited my instructions perfectly!
So I called her about four times during the day so she doesnt feel deserted...I'm hoping that each day will be easier for her as she gets used to the new place.
Meanwhile I did her laundry here and made two trays of chocolate bark for the "favours" for her party guests;
1.. white chocolate and milk chocolate mixed with crushed oreo cookies
2. white chocolate with slivered almonds and dried cranberries
Somebody got into it and it WASN'T me! JB LOVES white chocolate (which I don't) and was stealing pieces broken off the edges. Now I have to go for more chocolate and make a NEW tray full. sheesh!
This is my menu for Thursday:
B Matrix hot chocolate protein drink made with low fat skim milk for added protein content
S soup if I can still handle food after dental stuff
L more soup
S unsure
D Birthday dinner with Mom whatever they serve there
S likely another Matrix hot chocolate protein drink
multiple vitamin
VB1, B6, B12
Vitamin A
vitamin C
vitamin D
vitamin E
Omega oils
calcium citrate
1 fluid pill with potassium
Nancy B and Rufus
Well Nancy you are a busy lady. This too shall pass. You are a wonderful daughter.
Well yesterday I made the desert fluff with Cottage cheese and pinapple and jello. My daughter left a note saying : Isn't there suppose to be those little marshmellos in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot..lol
One thing gone wrong for the day. lol
I am going to be eating and fluff with no marshmellos
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

But this holiday is really about thankfulness and my blessings are many. My grandson, River who isn't three yet, came home yesterday after spending two nights in hospital with severe asthma. My daughter reports he is breathing fine now. Her father will be making their turkey meal today.
My son, Tom, has already sent a happy holiday instant message and he will be feasting with his dad. The plan is that I will spend Christmas with both children. Tom will drive here from Bakersfield and we will both drive to my daughters place in Oregon.
Still no new tenant or resolution to the retirement situation. But I continue to organize, condense and generally perform tasks that I didn't have time for before being laid off from work. And I have renewed my library card and submit lists of books that have been recommended in book reviews. The library here is small but they are able to order about 2/3s of them from other branches. I keep the fire stoked at night although it is still in the 70s during the day, unusual for late November here. Have been making stews and chilis and enjoying the Laughing Cow ice cream sandwiches.
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday from this creature of habit. XOXO, CV Linda
OMG TURKEY and the trimmings.... OF COURSE..........as much as I can tolerate
But everything in moderation. I have learned to eat a little bit very slowly and enjoy it more.
I'm doing two turkeys.. both small. One I take the bones out of before cooking, stuff it, then roll it and cook it. I usually put an unusual stuffing in it. This year is bread cubes, seasonings and plums with walnuts. The other is the "traditional" stuffing. I also made SF apple pie and a pumpkin pie.
Ok now I'm starting to drool.... guess I better go get my oatmeal breakfast....