What's New TUESDAY?
Feeling guilty for laying around the past couple of weeks. So, I get the insane notion to get on my rowing machine. I managed 35 wimpy pulls and that's it, no more, not a good idea.
Guess Tom will have to keep doing the housework for a while yet.
My client has the right idea -" housework is for MEN, women are supposed to sit and look pretty."
Hot damn, I better work on the 'pretty' because I haven't much cared about that either.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

My client has the right idea -" housework is for MEN, women are supposed to sit and look pretty."
Hot damn, I better work on the 'pretty' because I haven't much cared about that either.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Hi Nancy and my OFF family:
I'm sure that was a hard task for you to put your mom in that home ... although it sounds like a nice place. I know it was tough on my cousin when she had to put Aunt Bernice in the nursing home ... and Aunt Bernice didn't get into any of the activities at all. She would rather sit in her room and watch TV and have people come in and play cards with her. Her mind was still active when she died, her body had broken down so much, though ... she had colon cancer and she couldn't move from the waist down (that'll be me at that age ... arthritis at all). Still, it sounds like a nice place your mom is in.
Brenda says Kayden's two bottom are poking through ... I'm on the phone with her now. Although now she has company so she had to hang up.
My psychologist wants me on Lexapro, so I got a prescription from my PCP and then he wants to see me in three weeks. So I made an appointment with him then. I know some of you were saying I was depressed earlier this year, and I thought so, too, but she kept saying I wasn't depressed, just mourning my friend's death, or reacting to what was happening at work, etc. I think finally I have just been overloaded with so much that my system can't handle it anymore. All I want to do is sleep ... I really don't want to do much of anything. And then I don't sleep all that well either. My body is in pain most of the time ... I'm sure that's a reaction from the stress, too. Everybody says I should be happy I still have a job, and that's true, but at one time it was a career, something I devoted my life to. I knew I was never going to make a lot of money in journalism, that's not why I got into it. But I gave up more than that ... I gave up holidays with my family, weekends, being close to my family, etc., for my career. I gave up my life, essentially. And everytime, at every stop along the way, I've gotten kicked in the ass ... so often ... but I've always been able to move on and find something better. Even when I was obese, I could find something better. Can't do that now. There isn't anything out there. If there is, I haven't seen it yet. I feel like I'm stranded on an iceberg in the middle of the ocean with no hope of being saved.
Well, back to work today but only for two days, then a looong weekend. Looking forward to going to Chicago for Thanksgiving to be with my family, although not looking forward to the drive, of course ... hurts to drive that long. I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone ... Ed, Margaret, hopefully Gary if he's able to come, Andrea and Matt and their boys, Ben and Sam (haven't seen them since this summer ... I'm sure they've grown again), maybe Margaret's son and daughter-in-law Holly and their little girl Maddie ... such a cute little baby ... the whole crew ... Margaret's mom Rina, my mom of course ... well, my sister will be there, crabby as always.
Well, I guess I should end this. I've droned on long enough. Nancy, I hope your mom settles in OK ... I'm sure this has been hard on her.
Have a good day.
I'm sure that was a hard task for you to put your mom in that home ... although it sounds like a nice place. I know it was tough on my cousin when she had to put Aunt Bernice in the nursing home ... and Aunt Bernice didn't get into any of the activities at all. She would rather sit in her room and watch TV and have people come in and play cards with her. Her mind was still active when she died, her body had broken down so much, though ... she had colon cancer and she couldn't move from the waist down (that'll be me at that age ... arthritis at all). Still, it sounds like a nice place your mom is in.
Brenda says Kayden's two bottom are poking through ... I'm on the phone with her now. Although now she has company so she had to hang up.
My psychologist wants me on Lexapro, so I got a prescription from my PCP and then he wants to see me in three weeks. So I made an appointment with him then. I know some of you were saying I was depressed earlier this year, and I thought so, too, but she kept saying I wasn't depressed, just mourning my friend's death, or reacting to what was happening at work, etc. I think finally I have just been overloaded with so much that my system can't handle it anymore. All I want to do is sleep ... I really don't want to do much of anything. And then I don't sleep all that well either. My body is in pain most of the time ... I'm sure that's a reaction from the stress, too. Everybody says I should be happy I still have a job, and that's true, but at one time it was a career, something I devoted my life to. I knew I was never going to make a lot of money in journalism, that's not why I got into it. But I gave up more than that ... I gave up holidays with my family, weekends, being close to my family, etc., for my career. I gave up my life, essentially. And everytime, at every stop along the way, I've gotten kicked in the ass ... so often ... but I've always been able to move on and find something better. Even when I was obese, I could find something better. Can't do that now. There isn't anything out there. If there is, I haven't seen it yet. I feel like I'm stranded on an iceberg in the middle of the ocean with no hope of being saved.
Well, back to work today but only for two days, then a looong weekend. Looking forward to going to Chicago for Thanksgiving to be with my family, although not looking forward to the drive, of course ... hurts to drive that long. I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone ... Ed, Margaret, hopefully Gary if he's able to come, Andrea and Matt and their boys, Ben and Sam (haven't seen them since this summer ... I'm sure they've grown again), maybe Margaret's son and daughter-in-law Holly and their little girl Maddie ... such a cute little baby ... the whole crew ... Margaret's mom Rina, my mom of course ... well, my sister will be there, crabby as always.
Well, I guess I should end this. I've droned on long enough. Nancy, I hope your mom settles in OK ... I'm sure this has been hard on her.
Have a good day.
I just got home from my trip to K'zoo. My appt was supposed to be 11 a.m. and I finally got into a room at a little after 12 noon. He again apologized for the problem with my foot, and affirmed what the neurologist said about it not getting any better. I told him about the tendon transfer my foot doctor wants to do, and he kind of poo-poo'ed it saying something about me being "older" and more surgery. He's still on the kick of me getting a brace, so I guess I will go that route and see how it goes.....I'm getting it from my foot doctor tho' who is right here in town-- no more trips to Kalamazoo.
Stopped at WalMart in Three Rivers and they didn't have the vegetable broth I need for brining my turkey breast, so I went to Meijer and they had it on sale -- yes, but then I bought some other stuff and ended up spending way too much money at both places.
I had a list of things to do this afternoon, but I'm tired from all the running around and woke up this morning at 5 a.m. with an upset stomach and not feeling real well, so I'm going to read the paper and rest for a while, then maybe I'll have the energy to get those things done.
Brenda, sorry about your DS and DIL, but you're probably right about it being better for Kayden -- he's too young right now for it to have much effect on him.....it's when kids are older that it really hurts them.
Gotta run now .....good thoughts and prayers for all my OFF friends.
Pat r.
Stopped at WalMart in Three Rivers and they didn't have the vegetable broth I need for brining my turkey breast, so I went to Meijer and they had it on sale -- yes, but then I bought some other stuff and ended up spending way too much money at both places.
I had a list of things to do this afternoon, but I'm tired from all the running around and woke up this morning at 5 a.m. with an upset stomach and not feeling real well, so I'm going to read the paper and rest for a while, then maybe I'll have the energy to get those things done.
Brenda, sorry about your DS and DIL, but you're probably right about it being better for Kayden -- he's too young right now for it to have much effect on him.....it's when kids are older that it really hurts them.
Gotta run now .....good thoughts and prayers for all my OFF friends.
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Hi Nancy,
I'm sorry to hear your Mom was confused today but believe me, you are doing the very best you can for her. It's normal for elders to become confused when their environment is changed.
After my dad died in August, we tried to my mom in with us because of her mobility issues. She was just unhappy and made it clear over and over she wished she'd stayed in MD. So we brought her back. She's going to need help but she'll go through the dept of aging to make arrangements for someone to come in for her. I understand the feelings of guilt although our cir****tances are different.
best wishes to you!
I'm sorry to hear your Mom was confused today but believe me, you are doing the very best you can for her. It's normal for elders to become confused when their environment is changed.
After my dad died in August, we tried to my mom in with us because of her mobility issues. She was just unhappy and made it clear over and over she wished she'd stayed in MD. So we brought her back. She's going to need help but she'll go through the dept of aging to make arrangements for someone to come in for her. I understand the feelings of guilt although our cir****tances are different.
best wishes to you!

Aloha beautiful Nancy and all my neglected OFF family!
Nancy..I feel guilty when I've been playing hookey while you are going through so much, and being so loving and giving and busy, busy, busy!! And....still posting on here!! Your TLC to your mother really moved me and brought back some memories of when my mother passed away several years ago. I was on Maui for a visit and my brother called me and said I'd better hurry to Oregon....she was not doing good at all. I packed and was on the next plane, but she died 4 hours before I got there. I was so sad and felt so badly that I'd missed saying good-bye in person to her. I had talked to her on the phone and while crying (me) she said, "Karen, please let me go.....I want to fly away." I think about that often, and somehow it relieves me...like she was ready and didn't need sadness and grieving.....just love.
My life has been rather whirlwind busy lately, too.......too busy for my lazy tendencies. This morning at the hospital I had 13 babies born yesterday to test for hearing!! When I left yesterday there was ONE baby in the nursery and I figured I'd have maybe two or three more born yesterday....Ha! What little darlings though......I love that I get to have them all to myself for awhile and I can snuggle them and talk to them before taking them back to their mamas.
Maui begin to go into high gear just about this time of year. All the snow birds begin arriving from the east and enjoying the sun and the balmy weather. I feel so thankful to live here and to be able to enjoy the beauty that is all around me.
I miss so many of you.....and want to welcome the newcomers. This is such a wonderful place to make friendships and so much more.
Now I'm off to a dinner for a friend's husband who passed on a year ago. They do this a lot here.......and she is a fellow bariatric person so we've become good friends.
I will try and be more "HERE"......I miss you all and try to read each day, but I am so behind. Thank you all for sharing your lives.....it is such a gift!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Nancy..I feel guilty when I've been playing hookey while you are going through so much, and being so loving and giving and busy, busy, busy!! And....still posting on here!! Your TLC to your mother really moved me and brought back some memories of when my mother passed away several years ago. I was on Maui for a visit and my brother called me and said I'd better hurry to Oregon....she was not doing good at all. I packed and was on the next plane, but she died 4 hours before I got there. I was so sad and felt so badly that I'd missed saying good-bye in person to her. I had talked to her on the phone and while crying (me) she said, "Karen, please let me go.....I want to fly away." I think about that often, and somehow it relieves me...like she was ready and didn't need sadness and grieving.....just love.
My life has been rather whirlwind busy lately, too.......too busy for my lazy tendencies. This morning at the hospital I had 13 babies born yesterday to test for hearing!! When I left yesterday there was ONE baby in the nursery and I figured I'd have maybe two or three more born yesterday....Ha! What little darlings though......I love that I get to have them all to myself for awhile and I can snuggle them and talk to them before taking them back to their mamas.
Maui begin to go into high gear just about this time of year. All the snow birds begin arriving from the east and enjoying the sun and the balmy weather. I feel so thankful to live here and to be able to enjoy the beauty that is all around me.
I miss so many of you.....and want to welcome the newcomers. This is such a wonderful place to make friendships and so much more.
Now I'm off to a dinner for a friend's husband who passed on a year ago. They do this a lot here.......and she is a fellow bariatric person so we've become good friends.
I will try and be more "HERE"......I miss you all and try to read each day, but I am so behind. Thank you all for sharing your lives.....it is such a gift!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen