What's Happening-SUNDAY?

Nancy B
on 11/21/09 2:00 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, everyone!

Well what a Saturday I had…...I spent seven hours at Mother’s room, going threu her clothes, helping her decide what to discard, what to send to charity and what to take with her to the new facility. I couldn’t believe her clothes! 12 pairs of slacks, all different colours.. Add to that, 25 blouses of various colours, shades and fabrics….more coats than a rattlesnake and some things that have never even been worn…but she wants to take them all! I now have a huge garbage bag full of laundry to do for her and taking that all in on Monday….they will add name tags to every item of clothing…good luck to them!

I went thru cupboards….patterns, woodcarvng (Dad’s stuff) patterns and books, tole painting books, doll books, doll patterns, pieces of half-made raggedy ann’s and andys, several half sewn Pooh Bears, brand new embroidery kits, embroidery pictures partly started, and a good bushel basket of craft paints, brushes and other paraphenalia. Of course none of this was all piled neatly in appropriate piles..nope…a book here..a book there..more books in the kitchen..more in the closets. I sorted and folded…...got her clean clothes bagged for labelling, dirty clothes here to wash, extra stuff in bags for charity, hard cover books to donate to the library, papers for recycling…..another pile for shredding (financial and sensitive information)…drawers emptied…kitchen cleaned…bathroom cleaned…dishes washed…stuff in reasonable piles for moving and Mother can’t remember when she is moving!

She asked me today (seven times) if she was going to like it there and I told her that she lucked out and is moving into THE BEST place around (which is true!). I was so tired….my lymphodemic legs throbbed and I realized that she had the heat on full blast and high! Egad! So I turned down the heat, opened the balcony door. She kept telling that that I MUST be tired..after 15 times, I had to bote my tongue because I was getting so tired and cranky..then I feel guilty. Finally her dinner came, I got her set for bed and went home.

My son Derek made dinner….thank goodness! He worked all day trying to get the electrical system on his pickup truck to work better and tonight he is at the club as a BOUNCER and works til 4 am. I’m thinking we all need a serious vacation! s

Sunday, I have my two LifePath groups, mentoring six young women. 2-4 and 6-8. Then I go home and fill out all the necessary paperwork for the new facility and Mom moves in Monday. I know she forgets and I know she is anxious…must be scary for her to move into a strange new place.

Plans for Mom’s surprise birthday party (Afternoon Tea) are coming along. I have 36 bone china cups and saucers and dessert plates, pretty napkins and serving dishes. No more baking…well maybe I will make a fruit platter too. I’d expected about 12 to attend but the acceptances now add up to a possible 37 guests!!

I think I need MORE tea cups and saucers! And this doesn’t count the other residents of her current retirement home who will likely drop in for tea and cake and to say goodbye to Mom…okay….maybe MORE baking!?

Nancy B

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Margo M.
on 11/21/09 5:35 pm - Elyria, OH
and when is this party???????

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Nancy B
on 11/22/09 1:16 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
lol..Sunday, November 29th  from 2-4 pm!
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Jan C.
on 11/21/09 7:11 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Good morning Nancy....good grief girl is every day like this for you . It seems that way , i am wondering how in the world you could possible have a weight loss problem?? you never seem to have time to eat....the only way  you could gain weight would be to have  a  I.V. line to direct feed you with a I.V. bag filled with 5000 calories of stuff fed to you all the tijme. lol you could be an advertizement for the energizer bunny .
The birthday party you are planning  for your mother sounds lovely. i wish i could be there.I know you will be glad that is over and also the move.Im so glad you got her into the place you wanted.

Im getting along pretty well i think with my rehab on the knee replacement. My P.T. therapist said he was going to recomend some outpatien****her therapy to help get the knee to bend some more. It is improving daily but the muscles really knot up when you pu**** too hard.  I am doing everything i know of to do but the muscle on top of my leg just wont loosen up ...it rather knots up ..i have used massage, heat, cold, muscle rubs etc etc etc. well you get the picture.. but i really think i am doing pretty well to be 3 weeks out this tuesday. i have graduated to a cane and only use the walker when i go outside to walk because of all the rock pathways we have.and that is just so i have more stability , sure would hate to fall.
i am getting ready today to go shopping for the rest of the Thanksgiving feast. i still love doing the big meals even after wls. and it feels great that i dont have to eat everything in site lol
I was thinking i would love it if it were at least 60 so we could eat out side instead of cramming all the tables inside. we have to have seating for 32 and that isnt counting the tiny ones. I have a long coffee table and have told all of them to bring the babies small chairs if they have them. we have 6 under the age of 4 so that table should be lots of fun lol i think i will sit at that one.
Margo you never have written me and told me how the place up north came about ?
I worked in the green house yesterday for about 4 hours , planting 4 flats of small mints up, I have chocolate, orange, pineapple, and spearment.  I will keep dividing these and making more and more and will sell them this spring at market one day....last spring i had 300 of these and sold all of them in one day at the market and probably could have sold twice that many ....at 3.00 a piece it pays for most of the things i want to buy to put in my yard.my big thing i want this year is at least 2 fairly large sunset Maples.
well ive rambled on and on again. have a great day all. am getting anxous to meet up with George and Mary for dinner on the 29th . i am still debating on the best place to take them for a meal that will give them the feel and spirit of Branson and is unique. I have narrored it down to the place at Branson Landing that is out on the water. and a place on 76 that all the waiters andem  waitress are singers trying to make it big....if you want them to they will sing a song from their c.d....is sort of fun.
talk to you all later. love and hugs...



on 11/22/09 12:20 am
Wow, Jan, you're having a lot of people for Thanksgiving!  I miss having the big dinners and the big family gatherings.  When I was little, all of us lived on Long Island and so my grandma would have 30 or so people on Thanksgiving.  It was wonderful for us kids.  :)  Now we're all over the country.  Still, there will be six of us, my 3, my DH and my MIL and me.

I hope the extra therapy helps loosen up your knee!

Have a wonderful day!

Nancy B
on 11/22/09 1:27 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
loo..let's just say that I do have ALOT of days like this! Especially now that Mother has become to frail and needs far more attention & assistance...Ive often sau that I couldnt understand why I am not like a Twiggy! But I do know that my metabolism is messed up bad.
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(deactivated member)
on 11/21/09 7:53 pm, edited 11/21/09 9:06 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Good Morning.  Man Nancy you are one busy person!!
What is the LifePath group you've mentioned?
How sweet that you are having a birthday party for you mom.  Hope it's wonderful.

I'm happy to report that my house is finally looking and feeling more like a home.  No signs of "we just moved in" inside the house anymore.  YIPPEEE!!!!!!   The outside looks so different now with all the plants in place.  The citrus trees and some plants in the front still have to be put into the ground but about 50 plants that go around the house are all in.  The rest of the planting and the sod will all be done by Tuesday.....wow I cannot wait!

My company arrived at 12:30 AM!  They came in, a quick hug and hello and everyone went to sleep...lol.  

I'm up early to make fresh bread for Sunday breakfast.....it's on it's first rise now. 

Going out today to try and find a new table cloth for the new dinning room set.  I gave Matthew strict orders NO HOT plates on the new table (that's how the last one got all marked and spotted looking)......so last night he asked if I had a nice table cloth for the new table.  

Hope everyone has a great day!
on 11/22/09 12:23 am
Yay, it's really nice when a house begins to look like a home.  It takes me a long time for that to happen, lol.  When I married my DH and moved to NJ, we bought a lovely house but boxes sat around for months!  Glad your company arrived safely.  Enjoy and have a great day!

Nancy B
on 11/22/09 1:38 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Well, Ruth.. I am a Certified MetaPhysical Counsellor and a Certified LifePath Consultant

A LifePath Group is a small group of people, 2-4 at the most per group.  I lead the group and we work on discovering their goals in business, personal life and in their spirtuality (NOT religion).  This means making them accountable..it isnt always easy and sometimes there are tears but they come to group happily and leave refreshed and excited each time. *s*

I give them challenges to work out between meetings and they often email me in between for advise and support or clarification.  I am their Mentor and they seem very appreciatove of my work with them.  I have six young woman...3 per group..so far..and a waiting list in the Spring.

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(deactivated member)
on 11/22/09 9:04 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Sounds like just what I'm looking for.......wish you were located here.

Have a wonderful day!
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