Monday Monday So Glad to be!!!!!!!
eileen...dr margo here has thought that maybe you needed some meds help for awhile--too much stress and everything going on in your life--and the meds don't have to be forever! and--with your therapist appts in tandem, you should see wonderful it gf! you have worked so hard to help yourself--do this for you too!hugs
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Hi Carla and all my OFF friends,
I used my lunch hour to go down to the St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Shop and donate some soap, a women's plus size winter coat and some men's XXXL shirts. All garnered from holiday cleaning. The thrift shop put out a request for some soaps to put in the Thanksgiving food baskets. I had so many body washes and stuff in the bathroom closet from gift baskets and such. My skin is sensitive so I have to stick to the one brand I know I'm not allergic to. It was great that I could donate it instead of throwing it away.
Home has been crazy with all the cleaning to do. Why am I such a procrastinator??? I need to list all the tasks I need to do leading up to Weds. and Thurs. I have to take into account oven availability. I decided that Weds. dinner with the grandkids will be "build your own" hamburgers on the grill. We use our grill all year long even when we have to clean the snow off of it first. I bought those little slider hamburger rolls which I thought would be cute for the kids to handle. Would 'ya believe it. None of my grandkids like french fries? I will serve veggies with low fat ranch dressing to dip them in. They love dipping.
Tomorrow I'm going to get my monthly B12 shot. Next week, the car goes in for repairs and an oil change. That will make the car ready for our Christmas traveling.
I'm trying to be patient and wait until after Thanksgiving but I want to watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas music now.
I have so much to be thankful for. My family is healthy, we have a roof over our heads and food on the table.
Jeannie, I'm glad they have a recovery plan for you. You've suffered long enough.
I used my lunch hour to go down to the St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Shop and donate some soap, a women's plus size winter coat and some men's XXXL shirts. All garnered from holiday cleaning. The thrift shop put out a request for some soaps to put in the Thanksgiving food baskets. I had so many body washes and stuff in the bathroom closet from gift baskets and such. My skin is sensitive so I have to stick to the one brand I know I'm not allergic to. It was great that I could donate it instead of throwing it away.
Home has been crazy with all the cleaning to do. Why am I such a procrastinator??? I need to list all the tasks I need to do leading up to Weds. and Thurs. I have to take into account oven availability. I decided that Weds. dinner with the grandkids will be "build your own" hamburgers on the grill. We use our grill all year long even when we have to clean the snow off of it first. I bought those little slider hamburger rolls which I thought would be cute for the kids to handle. Would 'ya believe it. None of my grandkids like french fries? I will serve veggies with low fat ranch dressing to dip them in. They love dipping.
Tomorrow I'm going to get my monthly B12 shot. Next week, the car goes in for repairs and an oil change. That will make the car ready for our Christmas traveling.
I'm trying to be patient and wait until after Thanksgiving but I want to watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas music now.
I have so much to be thankful for. My family is healthy, we have a roof over our heads and food on the table.
Jeannie, I'm glad they have a recovery plan for you. You've suffered long enough.
UPDATE on the work situation.
Evidently she did not have a heart attack. But she is still trying to sue. What a country we live in! Too many people are sue-happy.
Anyway, looking back on it, it was quite suspicious.
The arguement started at 9:05AM, lasting about 3-4minutes before finally had to say SHUT UP, because the words "calm down" were not working. She worked until they went on break at 10:23 AM. She had a cigarette and came back in. Thirty minutes later she was clutching her chest. That was when I called an ambulance. One of her statements was "Someone is paying for my ambulance." What was I supposed to do, leave her on the floor? Geez!
Evidently she did not have a heart attack. But she is still trying to sue. What a country we live in! Too many people are sue-happy.
Anyway, looking back on it, it was quite suspicious.
The arguement started at 9:05AM, lasting about 3-4minutes before finally had to say SHUT UP, because the words "calm down" were not working. She worked until they went on break at 10:23 AM. She had a cigarette and came back in. Thirty minutes later she was clutching her chest. That was when I called an ambulance. One of her statements was "Someone is paying for my ambulance." What was I supposed to do, leave her on the floor? Geez!
Some employers wouldn't even pay for her health insurance because she smoked ... so her suing is really ridiculous. If she had a heart attack, she brought it on by smoking (over time).
No, you weren't supposed to leave her on the floor did the right thing. Some people are just lawsuit-happy. It's like the stupid lawsuit that made all fast-food companies put warnings on coffee cups that the liquid would be hot ... well, it's coffee, for pete sakes! Of course it's going to be hot ... I expect it to be hot. If it's not hot, I want my money back!
No, you weren't supposed to leave her on the floor did the right thing. Some people are just lawsuit-happy. It's like the stupid lawsuit that made all fast-food companies put warnings on coffee cups that the liquid would be hot ... well, it's coffee, for pete sakes! Of course it's going to be hot ... I expect it to be hot. If it's not hot, I want my money back!